Diversity Committee Chairman Rivera's Letter to FCC Chairman Genachowski on Incubator Program Recommendation, 12/14/10
Media Issues Subcommittee Recommendation on Structural Rule Waivers for Creating an Incubator Program, 12/2/10
Diversity Committee Chairman Rivera's Letter to FCC Chairman Genachowski, 10/14/10
Recommendation on Preference for Overcoming Disadvantage, 10/14/10
Recommendation of the Telecom and Broadband Issues Subcommittee (9/21/10), 10/14/10
Recommendations from the March 24, 2010 Meeting
Diversity Committee Chairman Rivera's Letter to FCC Chairman Genachowski, 12/15/09
The Commission's Obligation to Close the Digital Divide, 12/3/09
Funding Acquisitions, 12/3/09
Equal Employment Opportunity Forum & Revisions, 12/3/09
Personal People Meter Taskforce, 12/3/09
Creating a Joint Native Nations/FCC Broadband Taskforce, 12/3/09
Letter From Advisory Committee Chair Henry Rivera to FCC Chairman Genachowski, 10/1/09
Designated Entity Investment Rules, 9/22/09
Crafting a National Broadband Plan, 9/22/09
Renewed Adarand Studies, 9/22/09
Adoption and Implementation of Full File Review, 9/22/09
Eligible Entities, 10/28/08
Application and Regulatory Fees, 10/28/08
S-Class Television Licenses, 10/28/08
Investigation of the Arbitron Portable People Meter, 7/28/08
Diversity Guides, 6/10/08
Procurement Issues, 6/10/08
Diversifying Ownership in Terrestrial Radio, 12/10/07
Designated Entity Rules, 4/25/06
Community Reinvestment Act, 12/10/04
Best of the Best Report, 12/10/04
EEO Rule, 12/10/04
Foreign Ownership, 12/10/04
Merger Review, 12/10/04
Resource Directory, 12/10/04
Designated Entity Rules Draft, 10/4/04
FM Radio Rules, 10/4/04
Distress Sale Policy , 6/14/04
Best Practices Report, 6/14/04
Equal Transactional Opportunity Rule, 6/14/04
Incentive-Based Regulations, 6/14/04
Spectrum and Access to Capital (zip), 6/14/04
Supplier Diversity Program, 6/14/04
Tax Incentive Program, 6/14/04