Color is determined from the hexidecimal (RGB) red-green-blue value entered by the user. . The default value is white "FFFFFF". Users should expect the map color to differ from the standard color when the opacity is less than 1.0. This is because the background map color shows through and changes the apparent overlay color. Some experimentation may be necessary to find a satisfactory result.
Opacity refers to how transparent the overlay is. 0.0 is transparent: the map will center on the selected county but will not be highlighted. An opacity near 1.0 will be solid: no surface details will be visible. The default value is 0.25.
When selecting a county, a drop down box will appear with additional options. You may get a text output of the KML file, or do radius searches in the FCC's AM, FM, and TV Queries. You also have the option of searching for Antenna Structure Registrations (registered towers) in the area.
Boundary data was extracted from 2010 U.S. Census data.
A sample use of this utility would be to illustrate whether a broadcast station covers a specific county. Color the county, then select the specific station service area from the
AM Query,
FM Query, or
TV Query,
Related: U.S. Community Boundary Overlays for Google Earth (KML)