State 9-1-1 Deployment Plans

The Wireless Telecommunications and Public Safety Act of 1999 mandates that the Federal Communications Commission "shall encourage and support efforts by States to deploy comprehensive end-to-end emergency communications infrastructure and programs, based on coordinated statewide plans, including seamless, ubiquitous, reliable wireless telecommunications networks and enhanced wireless 9-1-1 service."

This site is the gateway to resources that the Commission provides to foster the development of coordinated statewide plans.

Points of Contact

As State emergency communications plans are developed for the deployment of comprehensive end-to-end 9-1-1 programs, carriers and other affected parties will need to work closely with the designated state government entity. Section 3(b) of the 9-1-1 Act specifically calls upon the Governor of each State to designate such entity:

The Commission shall encourage each State to develop and implement coordinated statewide deployment plans, through an entity designated by the governor, and to include representatives of the foregoing organizations and entities in development and implementation of such plans.

The FCC has requested each State Governor to inform us of the State's point of contact for emergency communications. These designated points of contact will be posted as the FCC receives this information.

Internet Resources

The Commission also plans to pursue an ongoing dialog with States and other stakeholders who have a role in contributing to the States' emergency communication plans and will provide an information clearinghouse. As part of this effort, resources related to 9-1-1 programs are listed below to assist stakeholders.