Media Ownership 2006 Archive
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Panelist Biographies
Stanley M. Besen is a Vice President at Charles River Associates, Washington, DC. He has published widely on telecommunications economics and policy and been a consultant to many telecommunications companies. Dr. Besen has served as a Brookings Economic Policy Fellow, Office of Telecommunications Policy, Executive Office of the President (1971-72); Co-Director, Network Inquiry Special Staff, Federal Communications Commission (1978-80); Coeditor, RAND Journal of Economics (1985-88); Senior Economist, RAND Corporation (1980-92); and a member of Office of Technology Assessment Advisory Panels on Communications Systems for an Information Age (1986-88) and Intellectual Property Rights in an Age of Electronics and Information (1984-85). He currently serves as a member of the Editorial Boards of Economics of Innovation and New Technology and Information Economics and Policy. Dr. Besen has taught at Rice University, Columbia University, and the Georgetown University Law Center, and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University (1964). Dr. Besen is the author of Misregulating Television: Network Dominance and the FCC, University of Chicago Press, 1984 (with T.G. Krattenmaker, A.R. Metzger, and J.R. Woodbury); "Regulation of Broadcast Station Ownership: Evidence and Theory," in E.M. Noam (ed.), Video Media Competition: Regulation, Economics, and Technology, Columbia University Press, 1985 (with L.L. Johnson); and "Vertical and Horizontal Ownership in Cable TV: Time Warner-Turner (1996)," in J. E. Kwoka and L.J. White, The Antitrust Revolution, Scott, Foresman, 1998 (with E.J. Murdoch, D.P. O’Brien, S.C. Salop, and J.R. Woodbury).
Dr. Cooper is Director of Research at the Consumer Federation of America and President of Citizens Research, an independent consulting firm. Dr. Cooper holds a Ph.D. from Yale University and is a former Yale University and Fulbright Fellow. He has published numerous articles in trade and scholarly journals including recent major law review articles on digital society issues ("Inequality in Digital Society," Cardozo Law Review, forthcoming; "Antitrust as Consumer Protection in the New Economy: Lessons From the Microsoft Case," Hasting Law Journal, April 2001; and "Open Access to the Broadband Internet," University of Colorado Las Review, Fall 2000). He is the author of two books – The Transformation of Egypt (Johns Hopkins, 1982) and Equity and Energy (Westview, 1983). At the Consumer Federation of America he has responsibility for energy, telecommunications, and economic policy analysis. He is a frequent guest lecturer at academic institutions and speaker at industry and trade association conferences. As a consultant, Dr. Cooper has provided expert testimony in over 250 cases on behalf of People’s Counsels, Attorneys General, and citizen interveners before state public utility commissions in over three dozen jurisdictions. Dr. Cooper has also testified on regulatory, antitrust, consumer protection and other public policy issues dealing with the Internet/e-commerce, health care, energy and telecommunications before Congress, the federal agencies and in the courts.
Douglas Gomery is a Professor of Media Economics and History at the University of Maryland, and author of eleven books, two of which earned national book awards. WHO OWNS THE MEDIA? (with Benjamin Compaine) recently won the Association in Education in Journalism and Mass Communication’s Picard prize for best media economics book of the year 2000, while SHARED PLEASURES won Lincoln Center’s best television and film book of 1992. Gomery’s numerous articles have appeared in journals around the world, and for five years he was author of the column "The Economics of Television" for the AMERICAN JOURNALISM REVIEW.
W. Robert Majure has been at the Antitrust Division for seven years. He is currently the assistant chief of the Economic Regulatory Section. In that role, Dr. Majure has supervised the economic analysis in the Division's investigations into LMAs between television stations, mergers between cable systems, mergers between cable systems and content providers, as well as investigations into non-merger related allegations of antitrust violations in these industries.
Philip M. Napoli is an Assistant Professor of Communications & Media Management in the Graduate School of Business Administration at Fordham University in New York City. Professor Napoli*s research focuses on media institutions and media policy. He is the author of the books Foundations of Communications Policy: Principles and Process in the Regulation of Electronic Media (Hampton Press, 2001) and Audience Economics: Media Institutions and the Audience Marketplace (Columbia University Press, forthcoming). His research has been published in journals such as Telecommunications Policy, the Policy Studies Journal, the Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, and the Journal of Communication. His research has received funding from the National Association of Broadcasters, the National Association of Television Programming Executives, and the Benton Foundation. Professor Napoli received his undergraduate degree from the University of California at Berkeley, his Master*s degree from Boston University, and his Ph.D. from Northwestern University.
Bruce M. Owen is president of Economists Incorporated, a Washington, D.C. consulting firm specializing in antitrust and regulatory issues. He was graduated with a B.A. in economics from Williams College in 1965; later he earned a Ph.D. from and taught economics at Stanford University. Mr. Owen was the chief economist of the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice during the Carter Administration, and of the White House Office of Telecommunications Policy during the Nixon Administration. In 1972 he founded the annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC). Mr. Owen is the author or coauthor of numerous articles and several books, including Television Economics, 1974, Economics and Freedom of Expression, 1975, The Regulation Game, 1978, and The Political Economy of Deregulation, 1983. He is coauthor with Steven Wildman of Video Economics, published by Harvard University Press in 1992, with M. W. Frankena of Electric Utility Mergers: Principles of Antitrust Analysis, Praeger, 1994, and with several others of Economics of a Disaster: The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Praeger, 1995. For the last decade Mr. Owen has taught law and economics as a visiting professor at Stanford-in-Washington, an internship program for Stanford undergraduates. His consulting clients have included the television broadcast networks, several Hollywood studios, and cable television interests as well as telecommunications and Internet firms. He has testified as an expert witness in a number of antitrust cases. His most recent book, The Internet Challenge to Television, was published by Harvard University Press in March 1999.
Joel Waldfogel is a Professor of Business and Public Policy at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a faculty research fellow of the National Bureau of Economic Research. Prior to arriving at Wharton in 1997, he was on the faculty of the Yale University Economics Department (1990-1997). His research interests span law and economics and industrial organization. Within law and economics, he has conducted research on criminal sentencing, labor markets for ex-offenders, civil litigation, and the measurement of discrimination. Within industrial economics, he has conducted empirical studies of price advertising, media markets and minorities, and the operation of differentiated product markets. He received an A.B. in economics from Brandeis University in 1984 and a Ph.D. in economics at Stanford University in 1990. |
last reviewed/updated on 12/29/06 |