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Recorded listing of releases and texts 202/4182222.  S*#f\  PCr&P#` `  hh,Wpp ` `  hh,Wpp $f Released:  $f May 26, 1998  Su *  WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU  SM * TO HOLD A ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION ON JUNE 1, 1998  S% *.  TO ADDRESS YEAR 2000 COMPUTER DATE CHANGE ISSUES  S * AFFECTING PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS l lVThe Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) will hold a round table discussion of the Year 2000 date change problem and its potential impact on public safety communications on Monday, June 1, 1998, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., in the Commission Meeting Room (Room 856), 1919 M Street, NW, Washington, DC. The public is invited to attend. WTB is conducting this round table discussion to raise awareness of the Year 2000 date change problem (also known as the "Y2K" or "millennium bug" problem) to share ideas, and to assess efforts by public safety entities to meet the Year 2000 challenge. The Public Safety Round Table will bring together participants from various sectors of the public safety communications community, including representatives from manufacturers, consulting firms, associations and licensees. It is designed to focus the attention of the public safety community on this issue and encourage the actions necessary to avoid disruptions or failures in public safety services as a consequence of the millennial date change. At the round table, contingency planning will be discussed, and the Commission will solicit suggestions from participants regarding other actions that government and industry should take to address the Year 2000 date change problem.  The audio portion of this round table discussion will be carried live on the Internet. Internet users may listen to the realtime audio feed of the round table by accessing the FCC Internet Audio Broadcast Home Page. Stepbystep instructions on how to listen to the audio broadcast, as well as information regarding the equipment and software needed, are available on the FCC Internet Audio  S*Broadcast Home Page. The URL for this home page is: .  Those interested in learning more about the FCC's Y2K working group activities can visit the FCC Year 2000 Web site at . Questions about the June 1 Public Safety Roundtable on the Year 2000 Problem should be directed to John Clark, Deputy Chief of the Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at (202) 4187370 or via email at jclark@fcc.gov. Yԩ FCC lV  S%'*News Media contact: Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 4180654 or via email at  X(#(#` ` mmccarri@fcc.gov.