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Circ 1974). y:  dddy  Figure 1  Figure 1 yHH,@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy 1  1 X# 2p# NEWS ĺڭ  #X P7XP# X  Report No. ET 9810 ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY ACTION November 16, 1998 FCC RELEASES DIGITAL TELEVISION CONSUMER BULLETIN The FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology today issued a Digital Television (DTV) Consumer Information Bulletin to provide consumers with more information on what promises to be one of the most significant developments in television technology since the advent of color television in the 1950's. The Consumer Bulletin will provide consumers with information on the new DTV technology, its upcoming deployment, developments such as improvements in the compatibility between digital programming and the equipment used by broadcasters and cable operators, and the capabilities and features that are expected to be available in the new DTV sets. This bulletin, and updated information on DTV, is available on the FCC web site at . Щ FCC  News Media Contact: David Fiske (202) 4180513 #Xx6X@QX@#  #X P7XP#,X4` <hDp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: