TCD - Lifeline/Link-Up Outreach

Lifeline/Link-Up Outreach
Detailed Information

07-09-2015 $3,500,000 Consent Decree with TerraCom, Inc., and YourTel America, Inc.   to Resolve Privacy and Lifeline Investigations
11-17-2005 $75,000 Consent Decree with CenturyTel, Inc.   regarding failure to publicize the availability of Lifeline and Link-Up universal service discounts in a manner reasonably designed to reach low-income residents on tribal lands
03-02-2005 Admonished Verizon Communications, Inc.   for failure to publicize the availability of Lifeline and Link-up universal service discounts in a manner reasonably designed to reach low-income residents on tribal lands.
11-22-2004 $250,000 Consent Decree with Qwest Corporation   regarding failing to publicize the availability of Lifeline and Link-up universal service discounts in a manner reasonably designed to reach low-income residents on tribal lands
10-15-2004 $20,000 forfeiture imposed against Pend Oreille Telephone Company   for failing to publicize the availability of Lifeline and Link-up universal service discounts in a manner reasonably designed to reach low-income residents on tribal lands
05-24-2004 $25,000 forfeiture proposed against Pend Oreille Telephone Company   for apparently failing to advertise Lifeline and Link-up services to low-income residents on a tribal land the company serves and for failing to comply with an Enforcement Bureau directive

last reviewed/updated on Tue Jul 28 14:08:27 EDT 2015