EB - Equipment Marketing Violations

The Enforcement Bureau's Spectrum Enforcement Division handles complaints relating to the importation and marketing of radio frequency devices in violation of the equipment authorization and technical requirements set forth in Parts 2 and 15 of the Rules.

Complaints alleging violations of the equipment marketing requirements should be sent to Federal Communications Commission, Enforcement Bureau, Spectrum Enforcement Division, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20554.

Complaints should include as much of the following information as possible: (1) a detailed description of the equipment, including the model number and FCC ID number, if any; (2) the name, address and website of the company manufacturing or marketing the equipment; (3) a detailed statement as to the alleged violation, including the provisions of the Communications Act, Commission rule or order believed to have been violated; and (4) any documentation supporting the alleged violation.

last reviewed/updated on Tue Nov 27 13:23:39 EST 2018