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DTV V-Chip Enforcement Actions
10/14/2010 VisionTek Products, LLC ORDER & CONSENT DECREE
07/30/2009 Pinnacle Systems, Inc. ORDER & CONSENT DECREE
07/10/2008 Funai Corporation, Inc. ORDER & CONSENT DECREE
04/11/2008 SANYO TV International Corporation d/b/a SANYO Manufacturing Company and SANYO Fisher Company, a division of SANYO North America Corporation ORDER & CONSENT DECREE
04/11/2008 LG Electronics Inc. and LG Electronics USA, Inc. ORDER & CONSENT DECREE
04/10/2008 Westinghouse Digital Electronics, LLC ORDER & CONSENT DECREE
04/10/2008 Vizio, Inc ORDER & CONSENT DECREE
04/10/2008 Philips Consumer Electronics North America ORDER & CONSENT DECREE
04/10/2008 Panasonic Corporation of North America ORDER & CONSENT DECREE
04/10/2008 Audiovox Corporation ORDER & CONSENT DECREE
04/10/2008 Proview Technology, Inc., Proview Technology (Shenzhen), Ltd., Subsidiaries of Proview International Holdings, Ltd. NAL
04/10/2008 Polaroid Corporation NAL
11/01/2007 Funai Corporation, Inc. NAL

last reviewed/updated on Mon Jul 16 13:41:03 EDT 2012

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