Parties wishing to file complaints alleging violation of the Commission's rule regarding broadcast of licensee-conducted contests, should send them to the Federal Communications Commission, Enforcement Bureau, Investigations and Hearings Division, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554.

Complaints should include the call sign and community of license of the station, a full description of the contest in question, including the dates and terms of the contest, and the basis of the complainant's belief that the contest was conducted by the station and not by a programmer or advertiser. In addition, where possible, a complainant should include any material it may have received regarding the rules of the contest and a copy of any correspondence between the complainant and the station regarding the contest.

For more information on the Commission's rules regarding licensee-conducted contests, please click here.

last reviewed/updated on Fri Oct 10 17:33:04 EDT 2014