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                         Before the
                   Washington, D.C.  20554

In the Matter of                        )    
                              )    File No. EB-99-OR-231
Miracle Assembly of God            )    
P. O. Box 1307                     )
Buras, Louisiana 70041-1307             )       
                              )    NAL Acct. No 915OR0005
Licensee of Station KAGY(AM)       )

                       CONSENT DECREE

1.   The  Enforcement Bureau  of the  Federal Communications 
   Commission and Miracle Assembly of God  hereby enter into 
   this Consent  Decree  for the  purpose  of terminating  a 
   forfeiture  proceeding  arising  from   an  investigation 
   related to Miracle Assembly  of God's failure  to enclose 
   an antenna tower which  has radio frequency  potential at 
   its base with an effective locked fence or enclosure.


2.   Agents from  the Commission's New Orleans  Field Office 
   conducted an inspection  of Station  KAGY(AM) on  June 8, 
   1999. KAGY(AM) had a  series fed, insulated  antenna that 
   had radio  frequency potential  at its  base. The  agents 
   observed that the fence enclosing the antenna of KAGY(AM) 
   had fallen down and was no  longer effectively preventing 
   access to the base of the antenna.  Four other violations 
   of Commission Rules were observed. During the inspection, 
   the licensee's representative admitted that  he was aware 
   that the  fence  had  fallen,  but  had  failed  to  make 

3.   In June  1999, the  New Orleans  Field Office  issued a 
   Notice  of   Violation  to   Miracle   Assembly  of   God 
   (``Miracle'') detailing  the violations.  Miracle replied 
   and satisfactorily resolved two of the violations. 

4.   On  September 30,  1999, the  Commission's New  Orleans 
   Field Office issued  a Notice  of Apparent  Liability for 
   Forfeiture (``NAL'')  to  Miracle  finding it  apparently 
   liable for a  forfeiture in the  amount of  $7,000.1  The 
   NAL stated  that Miracle  had failed  to have  KAGY(AM)'s 
   antenna enclosed with an effective locked  fence or other 
   enclosure from  at least  May  20, 1999  through June  8, 
   1999, despite  its  representative's  knowledge that  the 
   fence had fallen  down. The NAL  stated that  Miracle had 
   apparently violated  Section  73.49  of the  Commission's 
   Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 73.49.

5.   On October  25, 1999,  Miracle submitted a  response to 
   the NAL  and requested  that the  Commission forgive  the 
   forfeiture or greatly  reduce it.  Pastor Max  Latham, on 
   behalf of Miracle,  stated that the  whole fence  had not 
   fallen down  but only  a  portion of  it  had rusted  and 
   fallen.  He stated that he  had put a new  chain and lock 
   on the  gate, and  had not  been aware  that the  antenna 
   presented a potentially lethal situation.  He stated that 
   the station is located in a very remote  area and that he 
   had no experience with antennas.   Miracle further stated 
   that KAGY(AM) had operated  at a $2,874 loss  in 1999 and 
   had been  for  sale  for a  lengthy  period  of time  for 
   $12,500 and  that it  had  just found  a buyer.   Miracle 
   further stated that the  station had generated  no income 
   other than small donations  and that those  had decreased 
   as families moved out of the area. 


6.   For the purposes of  this Consent Decree, the following 
   definitions shall apply:

     (a)  The     ``Commission''    means     the    Federal 
        Communications Commission.
     (b)  The ``Bureau'' means the Enforcement Bureau of the 
     (c)  The  ``Order'' means  the Bureau's  order adopting 
        this Consent Decree.
     (d)  ``Enforcement Proceeding'' means the investigation 
        of alleged rule violations of Miracle culminating in 
        the Notice of Apparent Liability.
     (e)  The ``Act'' means the  Communications Act of 1934, 
        as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 151 et seq.
     (f)  ``Miracle''   means  Miracle   Assembly  of   God, 
        licensee   of   radio   station   KAGY(AM),   Buras, 
     (g)  ``Notice  of  Apparent Liability''  means  Miracle 
        Assembly of God,  NAL/Acct. No.  915OR0005 (released 
        September 30, 1999).


7.   Miracle acknowledges and agrees that the Commission has 
   jurisdiction over the matters referenced  in this Consent 
   Decree and  that the  Bureau has  the authority  to enter 
   into and adopt this Consent Decree.  

8.   Miracle  agrees not  to contest  the statements  in the 
   Notice  of  Apparent  Liability   that  Miracle  violated 
   Section 73.49  of the  Commission's Rules  requiring that 
   antennas having radio frequency potential at  the base be 
   enclosed  with  an  effectively  locked  fence  or  other 
   enclosure, provided that these findings shall not be used 
   by the  Bureau against  Miracle in  any other  current or 
   future proceedings before the Bureau, except as set forth 
   in paragraph 14 of this Consent Decree.

9.   Miracle and  the Bureau agree that  this Consent Decree 
   does not constitute an adjudication of the merits, or any 
   finding on  the  facts or  law  regarding any  violations 
   committed by  Miracle  arising  out  of  the  Enforcement 
   Proceeding, and  that it  is not  to be  construed as  an 
   admission of the violation by Miracle.

10.  Miracle  shall make  a  voluntary  contribution to  the 
   United States Treasury  in the amount  of $500  within 30 
   calendar days  after  the  Order  adopting  this  Consent 
   Decree is no longer subject to reconsideration, appeal or 
   review in accordance  with the  Act and  the Commission's 

11.  Miracle and the Bureau  acknowledge and agree that this 
   Consent  Decree  shall  constitute   a  final  settlement 
   between them. 

12.  In   express   reliance    upon   the   covenants   and 
   representations contained  herein, the  Bureau agrees  to 
   terminate the Enforcement Proceeding at such  time as the 
   Bureau adopts this Consent Decree.

13.  Miracle waives any  and all rights it may  have to seek 
   administrative  or   judicial  reconsideration,   review, 
   appeal or stay, or to otherwise  challenge or contest the 
   validity of this  Consent Decree  and the  Order adopting 
   this  Consent  Decree,  provided  the  Order  adopts  the 
   Consent Decree without modification.

14.  In the event that Miracle is found by the Commission or 
   its delegated authority  to have  engaged in  conduct the 
   same or similar to that described in  paragraph 2 of this 
   Consent Decree,  Miracle and  the Bureau  agree that  the 
   apparent misconduct described in paragraph 2  may be used 
   by the Bureau  only to  fashion an  appropriate sanction, 
   provided that Miracle shall not be  precluded or estopped 
   from litigating de novo any and all of the issues arising 
   from the facts  and allegations presented  in the  NAL as 
   necessary to  defend,  in any  forum,  its interest  from 
   challenge by any  person or  entity not  a party  to this 
   Consent Decree.

15.  Miracle and the Bureau  agree that the effectiveness of 
   this Consent Decree is expressly contingent upon issuance 
   of the  Order,  provided  the  Order adopts  the  Consent 
   Decree without modification.  

16.  Miracle and  the Bureau  agree that,  in the  event any 
   court of  competent  jurisdiction  renders  this  Consent 
   Decree invalid, the Consent Decree shall  become null and 
   void and  may not  be used  in  any manner  in any  legal 

17.  Miracle and  the Bureau agree that,  if the Commission, 
   or the United States on behalf  of the Commission, brings 
   a judicial  action  to enforce  the  terms  of the  Order 
   adopting this  Consent Decree,  neither  Miracle nor  the 
   Commission will  contest  the  validity  of  the  Consent 
   Decree or  Order, and  Miracle will  waive any  statutory 
   right to a trial de novo with respect  to the matter upon 
   which the Order is based, and shall consent to a judgment 
   incorporating the terms of this Consent Decree.   

18.  Miracle  agrees to  waive any  claims it  may otherwise 
   have under the  Equal Access to  Justice Act, 5  U.S.C. § 
   504 and 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1501 et seq.

19.  Miracle agrees that any violation of the Consent Decree 
   or the Order adopting this Consent Decree will constitute 
   a separate violation of a Commission order, entitling the 
   Commission to exercise any rights  and remedies attendant 
   to the enforcement of a Commission order.

20.  Any  provision of  this Consent  Decree affected  by or 
   inconsistent with any subsequent rule or order adopted by 
   the Commission will be superseded by such Commission rule 
   or order.

21.   This Consent Decree may be signed in counterparts.


By: _____________________                    
David H. Solomon                        Max Latham, Pastor
Chief, Enforcement Bureau                    Miracle 
Assembly of God
Date:                                   Date:



     1   Notice of  Apparent Liability  for Forfeiture,  NAL 
Acct. No.  915OR0005 (Compliance  & Information  Bureau, New 
Orleans Office, released September 30, 1999).