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                           Before the
                Federal Communications Commission
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                  )
Flambo Broadcasting, Inc.         )     Control No. 9109221
                                 )     NAL/Acct. No. 418ed0016
Former licensee of                )
Station KFMH-FM,1 Muscatine, IA   )
Facility ID # 13666               )

                      MEMORANDUM OPINION & ORDER

Adopted:  July 26, 2000                 Released:   July 27, 2000

By the Enforcement Bureau:

In this Memorandum Opinion & Order, we rescind a Notice of 
Apparent Liability for a monetary forfeiture issued to Flambo 
Broadcasting, Inc., former licensee of Station KFMH-FM, 
Muscatine, Iowa, for the broadcast of indecent material on the 
morning of August 30, 1991.  Flambo Broadcasting, Inc. (KFMH-FM), 
9 FCC Rcd 1681 (MMB 1994) (``NAL'').

The Mass Media Bureau issued the NAL on April 1, 1994, and the 
licensee filed a response on April 25, 1994.  A significant 
amount of time has elapsed since the issuance of the NAL and 
since the 1991 broadcast of the material at issue.  Moreover, 
Station KFMH-FM has been assigned and is no longer licensed to 
Flambo Broadcasting, Inc.  Under these circumstances, we have 
determined not to issue a forfeiture order.  See Americom Las 
Vegas Ltd. Partnership (KFBI(FM)), FCC 00-267, released July 26, 
2000.  However, our decision today in no way condones the 
broadcast of the material at issue.

ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the above-referenced NAL issued 
to Flambo Broadcasting, Inc. is hereby RESCINDED and the pending 
response to the NAL is DISMISSED AS MOOT.


                    David H. Solomon
                    Chief, Enforcement Bureau

1 The station's call letters have since changed to KBEA-FM and 
the station is currently licensed to Connoisseur Communications 
of Quad Cities, L.P.