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Before the
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554
In the Matter of )
Dan Blancho ) File No.: EB-FIELDNER-17-00025162                                                                                                   
Owner of an Emergency Position )
Indicating Radio Beacon )
Norfolk, Virginia )
Released: October 12, 2017
By the Regional Director, Region One, Enforcement Bureau:
1. This is a Notice of Violation (Notice) issued pursuant to Section 1.89 of the 
Commission’s rules (Rules)
to Dan Blancho, owner of an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
(“EPIRB”) in Norfolk, Virginia. Pursuant to Section 1.89(a) of the Rules, issuance of this Notice does 
not preclude the Enforcement Bureau from further action if warranted, including issuing a Notice of 
Apparent Liability for Forfeiture for the violation(s) noted herein.
2. The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) Columbia Field Office received a 
telephone call from the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Hampton Roads, Virginia, requesting assistance in 
locating interference to safety and distress frequency 406 MHz.  On September 7, 2017, an agent of the 
Enforcement Bureau’s Columbia Office used direction finding techniques to locate an active EPIRB 
operating on both 121.5 MHz and 406.025 MHz in Chesapeake, Virginia, and observed violations of the 
following rules:
a. 47 CFR § 80.1061(f): “To enhance protection of life and property it is mandatory 
that each 406.0 - 406.1 MHz EPIRB be registered with NOAA before installation 
and that information be kept up-to-date… Vessel owners shall advise NOAA in 
writing upon change of vessel or EPIRB ownership, transfer of EPIRB to another 
vessel, or any other change in registration information.” On September 7, 2017, 
the 406 MHz EPIRB with NOAA Registration ID Code: 2DD42D80BF81FE0
was not registered to Mr. Dan Blancho or his vessel.
47 CFR § 1.89.
47 CFR § 1.89(a).  
b. 47 CFR § 80.1161: “EPIRB transmissions must be used only under emergency 
conditions…” (emphasis added).  Also on September 7, 2017, the agent found 
the EPIRB was activated in the absence of any actual emergency situation and 
located on your submerged vessel, “Salty Reels” (VA Registration 5157 BZ) 
while docked at the Atlantic Yacht Basin in Chesapeake, Virginia.
3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
Section 1.89 of the Rules, we seek additional information concerning the violations and any remedial 
actions taken. Therefore, Dan Blancho must submit a written statement concerning this matter within 
twenty (20) days of release of this Notice.  The response (i) must fully explain each violation, including 
all relevant surrounding facts and circumstances, (ii) must contain a statement of the specific action(s) 
taken to correct each violation and preclude recurrence, and (iii) must include a time line for completion 
of any pending corrective action(s).  The response must be complete in itself and must not be abbreviated 
by reference to other communications or answers to other notices.
4. All replies and documentation sent in response to this Notice should be marked with the 
File No. and NOV No. specified above, and mailed to the following address:
Federal Communications Commission
Columbia Regional Office 
9200 Farm House Lane
Columbia, Maryland 21046
5. This Notice shall be sent to Dan Blancho at his address of record.
6. The Privacy Act of 1974
requires that we advise you that the Commission will use all 
relevant material information before it, including any information disclosed in your reply, to determine 
what, if any, enforcement action is required to ensure compliance.  
David C. Dombrowski
Regional Director
Region One
Enforcement Bureau
47 U.S.C. § 308(b).
47 CFR § 1.89(c).
5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(3).