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Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147 
Before the 
Federal Communications Commission 
Washington, DC 20554 
In the Matter of 
NobelTel, LLC  
File No.:  EB-TCD-12-00000412 
NAL/Acct. No.:  201232170011 
FRN:  0018234609 
Adopted:  October 27, 2016 Released:  October 28, 2016 
By the Commission:  Chairman Wheeler issuing a statement; Commissioners Pai and O’Rielly dissenting 
and issuing separate statements. 
1. We dismiss in part and deny in part the Petition for Reconsideration filed by NobelTel,
LLC (NobelTel) seeking reconsideration of a Forfeiture Order issued by the Commission.  In the 
Forfeiture Order, the Commission imposed a forfeiture of $5,000,000 against NobelTel for deceptively 
marketing its prepaid telephone calling cards through misleading, confusing, and inadequate disclosures 
of its rates and charges that made it impossible for consumers to calculate the actual cost of a call.  
2. Upon review of the Petition for Reconsideration1 and the entire record,2 we find no basis
for reconsideration.  A petition for reconsideration may be dismissed if, for example, it relies on facts or 
arguments that have been fully considered and rejected by the Commission within the same proceeding, 
or facts or arguments previously known but not timely raised.3  NobelTel’s Petition fails to present new 
facts, arguments, or changed circumstances that were previously unknown to it that would warrant 
reconsideration, and we do not find that reconsideration is otherwise required in the public interest.  Thus, 
as explained below, we dismiss NobelTel’s arguments to the extent they were previously raised and 
rejected by the Commission in the Forfeiture Order or untimely raised in its Petition, and deny NobelTel’s 
other arguments on their merits for failing to demonstrate a material error or omission.  Accordingly, we 
dismiss in part and deny in part NobelTel’s Petition. 
1 NobelTel, LLC, Petition for Reconsideration (Nov. 20, 2015) (on file in EB-TCD-12-00000412) (Petition). 
2 The Forfeiture Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture include more complete discussions of the 
facts and history of this case and are incorporated herein by reference.  NobelTel, LLC, Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC 
Rcd 11779 (2015) (Forfeiture Order); NobelTel, LLC, Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, 27 FCC Rcd 
11760 (2012) (NobelTel NAL). 
3 47 CFR § 1.106(p) (providing that petitions for reconsideration of a Commission action that “[r]ely on arguments 
that have been fully considered and rejected by the Commission within the same proceeding” may be dismissed 
because they “plainly do not warrant consideration by the Commission”); see also 47 CFR § 1.106(c); EZ 
Sacramento, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 15 FCC Rcd 18257, 18257, para. 2 (EB 2000).  A Petition for 
Reconsideration may be granted when the Commission determines that consideration of the facts or arguments 
raised by the petitioner is in the public interest.  47 CFR § 1.106(c)(2).  However, unless a petitioner either 
demonstrates a material error or omission in the underlying order or raises additional facts not known or not existing 
until after the petitioner’s last opportunity to present such matters, a petition for reconsideration may be dismissed.  
See 47 CFR § 1.106(c). 
 Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147   
A. The Forfeiture Order Satisfied Due Process Requirements 
3. In its Petition, NobelTel reprises arguments it previously raised with the Commission in 
response to the Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (NobelTel NAL)4 that the Commission did not 
provide fair notice regarding what disclosures are required from prepaid calling card providers in their 
marketing materials.5  NobelTel once again claims that the absence of specific consumer complaints about 
its advertising practices demonstrates that it did not know that its actions violated the law.6  NobelTel also 
argues that the standard established by the Commission in the NOS NAL (and applied to it in the NobelTel 
NAL) – that advertising denoting applicable rates associated with telecommunications services violates 
Section 201(b) where it does not include clear and conspicuous disclosures that allow consumers to 
calculate the cost of a call – did not provide notice to NobelTel of what marketing activities were 
prohibited.7  NobelTel contends that because Commission NALs “can be settled or modified,” they “are 
not final law” and lack any precedential value.8  In addition, NobelTel argues that the NobelTel NAL and 
Forfeiture Order represent “discriminatory enforcement” of the deceptive marketing rules because other 
prepaid calling card providers used similar marketing disclosures without being penalized by the 
1. Consumer Complaints   
4. Nearly all of these arguments (excepting the claim of discriminatory enforcement) were 
already made by NobelTel,10 and then considered by the Commission and rejected in the Forfeiture Order.  
4 See NobelTel USA, LLC, Response to Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, at 7-12 (Nov. 19, 2012) (on file 
in EB-TCD-12-00000412) (NAL Response). 
5 Petition at i, 4-10. 
6 Id. at 2-4, 8; NAL Response at 11-12. 
7 Petition at 8-9 (citing NOS Commc’ns Inc., Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, 16 FCC Rcd 8133 (2001) 
(NOS NAL)).   
8 Id. at 8. 
9 Id. at 9-10.  The dissenters raise the same or similar arguments that they raised in response to the Forfeiture Order.  
Those arguments were addressed in the Forfeiture Order, as supplemented by this item.  In addition, we note that 
there is no merit to the claim that it was “arbitrary” for the Commission to have “settled on 125 cards and 5 million 
dollars” in each of the four forfeiture orders addressed, collectively, in the dissent.  Even if the four relevant 
companies were of different sizes and sold different cards in different numbers, the Commission assessed the 
specific record before it in each case, and in each case reasonably inferred that the company committed at least 125 
violations; the Commission then calculated a forfeiture amount equivalent to a base forfeiture applied to 125 
violations.  See, e.g., Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11784, para. 13 & n.43.  Far from being arbitrary, this was a 
lawful exercise of the Commission’s discretion that was grounded in the specific record before it in each case. 
10 NAL Response at 7-12, 16-19.  We also underscore that NobelTel’s reliance on Fox and General Electric is 
misplaced.  See FCC v. Fox Television Stations, Inc., 132 S.Ct. 2307 (2012) (Fox); Gen. Elec. Co. v. EPA, 53 F.3d 
1324, 1328 (D.C. Cir. 1995) (General Electric).  While both discuss due process, we find that the facts of each case 
are distinguishable.  In General Electric, the conduct at issue was highly technical in nature, involving specific 
guidelines for the disposal of toxic materials – something that required explicit instructions.  See General Electric, 
53 F.3d at 1326.  Moreover, the applicable standard was changed, causing confusion.  See id.  Fox is likewise 
distinguishable.  In that case, the court found that broadcasters did not have fair notice of what was required because 
of a change of policy and interpretation.  Specifically, under a prior policy and precedent, a fleeting expletive or 
brief shot of nudity was not considered a violation, but under a newer interpretation, such content would be 
considered a violation.  See Fox, 30 FCC Rcd at 2318-19.  In the present case there is no complex rubric of technical 
requirements or a change in policy.  Instead, based on that past precedent, the Commission determined that 
NobelTel had fair notice that when advertising rates, it was prohibited from misleading customers about applicable 
rates and was required to provide disclosures sufficient to allow consumers to calculate the total cost of a call.  See 
Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11782-83, para. 11. 
Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147 
As we stated in the Forfeiture Order, “the Commission does not need to base its forfeiture orders on 
complaints.”11  The Communications Act of 1934, as amended (Act), empowers the Commission to 
“investigate and impose forfeitures on common carriers even in the complete absence of consumer 
complaints.”12  NobelTel therefore cannot escape liability because the Commission did not cite to specific 
consumers complaints about its deceptive marketing practices.  Consequently, we find NobelTel’s 
arguments on this issue do not warrant reconsideration of the Forfeiture Order.13 
2. Precedential Value of the NOS NAL
5. We similarly find no reason to reconsider NobelTel’s repetitive challenge to the
precedential value of the NOS NAL.  The relevant legal issue here is not the “precedential weight” of the 
NOS NAL, but rather whether it provided fair notice to NobelTel.  As we explained at length in the 
Forfeiture Order, the Commission clearly set forth the advertising requirements associated with 
telecommunications services in the NOS NAL – including the importance of not misleading consumers 
about the applicable rates for telecommunications services by ensuring that service providers include 
“clear and conspicuous disclosure on how to calculate the total cost of a call.”14  The mere fact that the 
Commission subsequently resolved the NOS NAL through settlement “does not undermine the value of 
[it] in providing fair notice.”15  Due process requires fair notice and the Commission previously 
determined that the finding in the NOS NAL, coupled with the language of Section 201(b), “provides a 
person of ordinary intelligence with fair notice of the conduct that is required” from calling card 
providers.16  Indeed, the Commission already applied this standard to find five other carriers apparently 
liable for similar deceptive marketing practices related to prepaid calling cards over a year prior to the 
NobelTel NAL’s release.17  Although the standard established by the Commission in the NOS NAL 
already provided fair notice to NobelTel that its deceptive marketing practices violated the Act, these 
NALs provided further notice that the Commission would find carriers liable for misleading, confusing, 
and inadequate disclosures regarding their prepaid calling card rates and charges.  We therefore find that 
11 Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11781, para. 6 (citing STi Telecom Inc. (formerly Epana Networks, Inc.), 
Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd 11742 (2015) (STi)). 
12 Preferred Long Distance, Inc., Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd 13711, 13717, para. 14 (2015).   
13 47 CFR § 1.106(p) (providing that petitions for reconsideration of a Commission action that “[r]ely on arguments 
that have been fully considered and rejected by the Commission within the same proceeding” may be dismissed 
because they “plainly do not warrant consideration by the Commission”).   
14 Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11782-83, para. 11 (citing NOS NAL, 16 FCC Rcd at 8137-38, para. 9). 
15 Lyca Tel, LLC, Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd 11792, 11795, para. 9 (2015).  See also Preferred Long Distance, 
30 FCC Rcd at 13718, para. 16 & n.53 (finding that an NAL, with other Commission decisions, “provided the 
requisite fair notice”).  
16 Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11783, para. 11 (internal quotations omitted).  We also underscore that NALs, 
Forfeiture Orders, and rulemakings are not the only ways in which the Commission can put regulatees on notice of 
their obligations.  See, e.g., Star Wireless, LLC v. FCC, 522 F.3d 469, 474 (D.C. Cir. 2008) (noting that an official 
interpretation issued by the Commission’s staff on delegated authority, such as a public notice or letter, has the same 
force and effect as other actions of the Commission). 
17 NobelTel NAL, 27 FCC Rcd at 11763, para. 6 (citing STi Telecom Inc. (formerly Epana Networks, Inc.), Notice 
of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, 26 FCC Rcd 12808 (2011), aff’d, Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd 11742 (2015); 
Locus Telecommunications, Inc., Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, 26 FCC Rcd 12818 (2011), aff’d, 
Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd 11805 (2015); Lyca Tel, LLC, Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, 26 FCC 
Rcd 12827 (2011), aff’d, Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd 11792 (2015); Touch-Tel USA, LLC, Notice of Apparent 
Liability for Forfeiture, 26 FCC Rcd 12836 (2011), aff’d, Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd 11730 (2015); Simple 
Network, Inc., Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, 30 FCC Rcd 11765 (2011), aff’d, Forfeiture Order, 30 
FCC Rcd 11730 (2015)). 
Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147 
NobelTel’s arguments on this issue (which have already been fully vetted and rejected in the Forfeiture 
Order18) do not warrant further consideration.19 
3. Claim of Discriminatory Enforcement
6. The only nuance the Petition adds to NobelTel’s otherwise repetitive due process claims
is its argument that the NobelTel NAL and Forfeiture Order “ha[ve] and will lead to discriminatory 
enforcement.”20  NobelTel states that its marketing disclosures that the Commission found violated the 
law “are not unique”21 and that “other well-known prepaid calling card providers” use “very similar 
qualifications” on their rates and charges.22  NobelTel suggests that the Forfeiture Order and similar 
penalties issued against five other carriers for deceptive marketing of prepaid calling cards represent a 
“random selection of targets” that is “arbitrary and discriminatory” in violation of its due process rights.23  
7. NobelTel’s argument is untimely.  NobelTel’s discriminatory enforcement claim fails to
“rais[e] additional facts not known or not existing until after the petitioner’s last opportunity to present 
such matters.”24  NobelTel was aware that the Commission determined that its marketing practices and the 
similar practices of other carriers violated the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (Act), after the 
NobelTel NAL’s release in 2012.  But NobelTel presents its “discriminatory enforcement” argument for 
the first time in its Petition – over three years later. 
8. In addition to its untimeliness, NobelTel’s discriminatory enforcement claim ignores our
authority under the Act and relevant Commission precedent.  Section 403 of the Act provides the 
Commission with “full authority and power at any time to institute an inquiry, on its own motion, . . . 
relating to the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Act.”25  The Commission has broad discretion 
to initiate investigations “so long as the matter is within the agency’s jurisdiction.”26  The Supreme Court 
has repeatedly recognized that “an agency’s decision not to prosecute or enforce, whether through civil or 
criminal process, is a decision generally committed to an agency’s absolute discretion.”27  Such 
considerable discretion is necessary because “[a]n agency generally cannot act against each technical 
violation of the statute it is charged with enforcing.  The agency is far better equipped . . . to deal with the 
many variables involved in the proper ordering of its priorities.”28  The Commission therefore holds 
“prosecutorial discretion in choosing to initiate investigations, and the absence of action against any or 
18 Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11781, 11782-83, paras. 6, 11 (citing STi). 
19 47 CFR § 1.106(p)(3) (petitions for reconsideration “plainly do not warrant consideration by the Commission” 
where such petitions “[r]ely on arguments that have been fully considered and rejected by the Commission within 
the same proceeding”). 
20 Petition at 9-10. 
21 Id. at 10. 
22 Id. (citing Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11803 (Commissioner O’Rielly, dissenting)). 
23 Id. 
24 Supra para. 2. 
25 47 U.S.C. § 403. 
26 Viacom Inc., ESPN Inc., Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd 797, 804, para. 18 (2015) (Viacom/ESPN).  See Spanish 
Broad. Sys. Holding Co., Inc., Forfeiture Order, 27 FCC Rcd 11956, 11959, para. 8 & n.30 (EB 2012) (Section 403 
provides broad discretion as to the type of misconduct the Commission may investigate and subject to enforcement 
27 Heckler v. Chaney, 470 U.S. 821, 831 (1985) (citing United States v. Batchelder, 442 U.S. 114 (1979); United 
States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974); Vaca v. Sipes, 386 U.S. 171 (1967); Confiscation Cases, 7 Wall. 454 (1869)). 
28 Id. 
Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147 
all potentially liable entities does not preclude it from enforcing against a specific violator.”29  The 
Commission remains in the best position to “weigh the benefits of pursuing an adjudication against the 
costs to the agency and the likelihood of success” and its decision to pursue enforcement action against an 
egregious violator like NobelTel falls fully within its broad prosecutorial discretion.30  Consequently, we 
find that the Commission’s investigation of NobelTel for deceptive marketing of prepaid calling cards did 
not violate due process requirements.31    
B. The Commission Provided Sufficient Specificity as to NobelTel’s Violations and 
Support for the Forfeiture Amount 
9. In its Petition, NobelTel repeats arguments it previously raised with the Commission in
its NAL Response32 that the Commission failed to provide sufficient information under Section 503(b)(4) 
of the Act regarding the “action and facts” supporting its findings that it engaged in deceptive 
marketing.33  NobelTel again suggests that the Commission must identify specific complaints or 
consumers harmed by its prepaid calling card marketing practices in order to assess a forfeiture.34  
NobelTel indicates that, without such evidence, the Commission requires it “to defend each and every 
card sale . . . . [and] prove the negative – that no customers were deceived by the calling card they 
purchased.”35  NobelTel also challenges the Commission’s forfeiture calculation methodology.36   
1. The Commission Provided Sufficient Specificity as to NobelTel’s Violations
10. We considered NobelTel’s Section 503(b)(4) claim in the Forfeiture Order and rejected
it.  Not only did we determine that the Commission provided “sufficient specificity” regarding NobelTel’s 
violations under Section 503(b)(4), we reminded NobelTel that “the Commission does not need to base its 
forfeiture orders on complaints or a showing of actual consumer harm.”37  Both the NobelTel NAL and 
the Forfeiture Order identified: (1) the specific provision of the Act that NobelTel violated (Section 
201(b)); (2) the nature of NobelTel’s conduct that violated the Act (deceptive marketing of prepaid 
29 Viacom/ESPN, 30 FCC Rcd at 804, para. 17 (citations omitted) (emphasis added); Radio One Licenses, LLC, 
Forfeiture Order, 19 FCC Rcd 23922, 23932, para. 24 (2004) (“The Commission is a regulatory agency with broad 
prosecutorial discretion in enforcement proceedings.”) (Radio One). 
30 Radio One, 19 FCC Rcd at 23932, para. 24 (citing N.Y. State Dept. of Law v. FCC, 984 F.2d 1209, 1213 (D.C. 
Cir. 1993)). 
31 47 CFR § 1.106(b), (p) (Petitions for Reconsideration that fail to rely on new facts or changed circumstances may 
be dismissed). 
32 See NAL Response at 12-19. 
33 Petition at 11-13.  We note that the requirements of Section 503(b)(4) only extend to the NAL issued in a 
proceeding.  See 47 U.S.C. § 503(b)(4) (requiring the “notice” to provide information regarding the specific 
provision(s) of the law violated, what conduct violated the law, and when such violative conduct occurred).  The 
NobelTel NAL set forth the details of NobelTel’s apparent violations in 2012 and the company had the opportunity 
to raise any Section 503(b)(4) claim in its NAL Response, but failed to do so.  NobelTel’s Section 503(b)(4) claim 
therefore fails to “rais[e] additional facts not known or not existing until after the petitioner’s last opportunity to 
present such matters,” and can be dismissed under Section 1.106 of the Commission’s rules.  Supra para. 2. 
However, as NobelTel argues that the Forfeiture Order also contained insufficient information, we deny these claims 
on their merits below. 
34 See Petition at 11; NAL Response at 16-19. 
35 Petition at 12. 
36 Id. at i, 13-15. 
37 Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11781, para. 6 (citing STi, 30 FCC Rcd at 11748-50, 11753-54, 11756, paras. 12-
15, 25, 32). 
Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147 
calling cards); and (3) the time period during which such conduct occurred (the year preceding the 
NobelTel NAL’s release).38   
11. NobelTel’s mistakenly asserts that it must prove a negative in order to contest our
violation findings.  The applicable standard is whether, after advertising certain rates associated with its 
prepaid calling cards, the information provided on each prepaid calling card sold and the associated 
marketing posters contained sufficient information to allow customers to calculate the cost of a call.39  Far 
from proving a negative, NobelTel needed only to show that, when advertising rates, its prepaid calling 
card disclosures provided enough countervailing rate information to allow a consumer to calculate the 
cost of a call.  We found the disclosures failed to meet this standard.40  We therefore dismiss NobelTel’s 
repetitive Section 503(b)(4) claims.41 
2. The Commission Provided Sufficient Support for the Forfeiture Amount
12. We also reject NobelTel’s argument that the Commission adopted “shifting rationales”
for the fines by applying “two inconsistent bases for calculating the forfeiture.”42  The Commission issued 
the forfeiture in this case in accordance with Section 503(b) of the Act,43 Section 1.80 of the 
Commission’s rules (Rules),44 and the Commission’s Forfeiture Policy Statement.45  When we assess 
forfeitures, Section 503(b)(2)(E) requires that we take into account the “nature, circumstances, extent, and 
gravity of the violation and, with respect to the violator, the degree of culpability, any history of prior 
offenses, ability to pay, and such other matters as justice may require.”46  In this case, the Commission 
38 See NobelTel NAL, 27 FCC Rcd at 11767-68, para. 17; Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11784, para. 14.  See 
also Travelcomm Indus., Inc., Forfeiture Order, 26 FCC Rcd 6476, 6481, para. 12 (2011) (rejecting Section 
503(b)(4) notice claim where NAL “described in detail the evidence upon which the proposed forfeiture was 
39 See Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11781-82, paras. 7-10; NobelTel NAL, 27 FCC Rcd at 11763-66, paras. 7-
13; NOS NAL, 16 FCC Rcd at 8138, para. 9.   
40 See Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11782, para. 10 (“NobelTel’s disclosures omitted key facts that consumers 
need in order to understand the rate structure and calculate the cost of a call.”); NobelTel NAL, 27 FCC Rcd at 
11765, para. 10 (“NobelTel’s disclosures do not provide the information necessary for a consumer to determine 
what fees apply, the amounts of those fees, and when and how they will affect the number of calling minutes 
41 47 CFR § 1.106(p)(3).  We also affirm our finding that Section 503(b)(4) presents a flexible standard that “does 
not require exact dates in every context.”  STi, 30 FCC Rcd at 11749, para. 15 (citing E. Carolina Broad. Co., 
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 6 FCC Rcd 6154, 6155-56, para. 12 (1991); WROV Broadcasters, Inc., 
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 6 FCC Rcd 1421, 1422, para. 12 (1991)).  We reiterate that when a carrier 
engages in an unjust or unreasonable “practice” under Section 201(b), we interpret the language of Section 
503(b)(4)—“the date on which such conduct occurred”—to refer to the time period during which the unlawful 
“practice” giving rise to the violation occurred.  Id. at 11749-50, para. 15.  See also Gross v. FBL Fin. Servs., Inc., 
557 U.S. 167, 175 (2009) (“Statutory construction must begin with the language employed by Congress and the 
assumption that the ordinary meaning of that language accurately expresses the legislative purpose.”) (citations 
omitted).  Thus, an NAL satisfies Section 503(b)(4)’s date requirement if it specifies the applicable time period 
within which the carrier engaged in the apparent unlawful practice or conduct.  STi, 30 FCC Rcd at 11750, para. 15. 
42 Petition at i, 13-15. 
43 47 U.S.C. § 503(b). 
44 47 CFR § 1.80. 
45 The Commission’s Forfeiture Policy Statement and Amendment of Section 1.80 of the Rules to Incorporate the 
Forfeiture Guidelines, Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 17087 (1997) (Forfeiture Policy Statement), recons. denied, 
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 15 FCC Rcd 303 (1999).  
46 47 U.S.C. § 503(b)(2)(E). 
 Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147   
considered each of these factors and determined that a $5,000,000 forfeiture took into account “the extent 
and gravity of NobelTel’s egregious conduct, as well as its culpability.”47  The Commission further 
determined that the forfeiture must be significant enough to “protect the interests of consumers and serve 
as an adequate deterrent,” while recognizing “NobelTel’s failure to adequately provide material 
information about its rates to thousands of consumers who purchased the Company’s prepaid cards.”48  
The Commission also based the $5,000,000 forfeiture on the penalties proposed against five other carriers 
over a year before the NobelTel NAL for similar deceptive marketing of prepaid calling cards.49  Also 
pursuant to such considerations, the Commission exercised its discretion in setting the forfeiture amount 
at the equivalent of only 125 violations, rather than applying the base forfeiture amount to every one of 
the hundreds of NobelTel cards sold each day.50  Having considered such factors in both the NAL and 
Forfeiture Order, we find the forfeiture assessment proper and see no reason to reconsider it here.      
13. NobelTel also argues that if Section 503(b)(4) can be satisfied by identifying a time 
period rather than each specific date its calling cards were sold, then the Commission cannot then 
calculate the forfeiture on a “per-card-sold basis.”51  However, NobelTel offers no legal support for this 
proposition and we find nothing to suggest that identifying the relevant time period during which 
violations took place in accordance with Section 503(b)(4) precludes us from assessing a forfeiture for 
each calling card sold.  NobelTel claims that the “Commission . . . argues that practices are not discrete 
events . . . .”52  This is incorrect.  As we previously stated: 
[T]he very nature of an unlawful ‘practice’ under Section 201(b) is that it may include 
activities that are repeated over time and is not merely a discrete event on a single day.  
The violations charged in this case included the unlawful practices of making deceptive 
misrepresentations and failing to disclose material information about rates, charges, and 
practices at the point of sale for each calling card sold.53   
Likewise, in the present case, the violations involved inadequate advertising disclosures in connection 
with transactions that occurred with multiple consumers in multiple locations on multiple days; the 
violations were not a discrete event.54  Accordingly, the Commission made clear that each card sold 
involved the same deceptive marketing practice (misleading cost disclosures that presented insufficient 
information to calculate the cost of a call) that violated the Act.55  Thus, the Commission found that 
NobelTel’s deceptive marketing of each prepaid calling card to consumers constituted a separate violation 
of Section 201(b) and properly calculated the forfeiture while accounting for the violations’ 
egregiousness, NobelTel’s culpability, and the need to ensure that deceptive marketing forfeitures “are 
47 NobelTel NAL, 27 FCC Rcd at 11768, para. 17.  See Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11783, para. 13 (noting 
forfeiture amount was based on Section 503 factors). 
48 NobelTel NAL, 27 FCC Rcd at 11768, para. 17. 
49 Id. 
50 Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11784, para. 13 & n.43; NAL, 27 FCC Rcd at 11768, para. 17 & n.66. 
51 Petition at 14. 
52 Id. 
53 STi, 30 FCC Rcd at 11748-49, para. 14 (citations omitted) (emphasis original). 
54 NobelTel concedes that it “sold approximately  pre-paid calling cards in 2011.”  Letter from Robert J. 
Aamoth and Barbara A. Miller, Esq., Counsel to NobelTel, LLC, to Kimberly A. Wild, Assistant Division Chief, 
Telecommunications Consumers Division, FCC Enforcement Bureau, at 13 (Feb. 3, 2012) (on file in EB-TCD-12-
55 See NobelTel NAL, 27 FCC Rcd at 11767, para. 16; Forfeiture Order, 30 FCC Rcd at 11784-85, para. 13 (citing 
NOS NAL, 16 FCC Rcd at 8141, para. 19).    
Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147 
not considered merely an affordable cost of doing business.”56  NobelTel advances no argument or new 
fact that warrants reconsideration of these findings.   
14. Based on the record before us and in light of the applicable statutory factors, we affirm
our conclusion that NobelTel willfully and repeatedly violated Section 201(b) of the Act by deceptively 
marketing its prepaid telephone calling cards, making it impossible for consumers to calculate the cost of 
a call.57  We further affirm our decision not to cancel or reduce the $5,000,000 forfeiture.  
15. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 405 of the Act and Section
1.106 of the Rules, the Petition for Reconsideration filed by NobelTel, LLC, is hereby DISMISSED IN 
PART AND, in remaining part, DENIED.58 
16. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 503(b) of the Act and Section
1.80 of the Rules, NobelTel, LLC IS LIABLE FOR A MONETARY FORFEITURE of five million 
dollars ($5,000,000) for willfully and repeatedly violating Section 201(b) of the Act.59 
17. Payment of the forfeiture shall be made in the manner provided for in Section 1.80 of the
Rules within thirty (30) calendar days after the release date of this Memorandum Opinion and Order.60  If 
the forfeiture is not paid within the period specified, the case may be referred to the U.S. Department of 
Justice for enforcement of the forfeiture pursuant to Section 504(a) of the Act.61   
18. Payment of the forfeiture must be made by check or similar instrument, wire transfer, or
credit card, and must include the NAL/Account Number and FRN referenced above.  NobelTel, LLC 
shall send electronic notification of payment to Lisa Williford at on the date said 
payment is made.  Regardless of the form of payment, a completed FCC Form 159 (Remittance Advice) 
must be submitted.62  When completing the FCC Form 159, enter the Account Number in block number 
23A (call sign/other ID) and enter the letters “FORF” in block number 24A (payment type code).  Below 
are additional instructions that should be followed based on the form of payment selected:   
? Payment by check or money order must be made payable to the order of the Federal 
Communications Commission.  Such payments (along with the completed Form 159) must be 
mailed to Federal Communications Commission, P.O. Box 979088, St. Louis, MO 63197-
9000, or sent via overnight mail to U.S. Bank – Government Lockbox #979088, SL-MO-C2-
GL, 1005 Convention Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63101.  
56 NobelTel NAL, 27 FCC Rcd at 11767-68, para. 17. 
57 47 U.S.C. § 201(b). 
58 47 U.S.C. § 405; 47 CFR § 1.106. 
59 47 U.S.C. §§ 201(b), 503(b); 47 CFR § 1.80. 
60 47 CFR § 1.80. 
61 47 U.S.C. § 504(a). 
62 An FCC Form 159 and detailed instructions for completing the form may be obtained at 
 Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147   
? Payment by wire transfer must be made to ABA Number 021030004, receiving bank 
TREAS/NYC, and Account Number 27000001.  To complete the wire transfer and ensure 
appropriate crediting of the wired funds, a completed Form 159 must be faxed to U.S. Bank 
at (314) 418-4232 on the same business day the wire transfer is initiated.  
? Payment by credit card must be made by providing the required credit card information on 
FCC Form 159 and signing and dating the Form 159 to authorize the credit card payment.  
The completed Form 159 must then be mailed to Federal Communications Commission, P.O. 
Box 979088, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000, or sent via overnight mail to U.S. Bank – 
Government Lockbox #979088, SL-MO-C2-GL, 1005 Convention Plaza, St. Louis, MO 
19. Any request for making full payment over time under an installment plan should be sent 
to:  Chief Financial Officer—Financial Operations, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th 
Street, SW, Room 1-A625, Washington, DC 20554.63  Questions regarding payment procedures should be 
directed to the Financial Operations Group Help Desk by phone, 1-877-480-3201, or by e-mail,  
20. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Memorandum Opinion and Order shall 
be sent by first class mail and certified mail, return receipt requested, to NobelTel, LLC, Attention: 
Richard Mahfouz, Chief Executive Officer, and Colleen Guffey, Chairman/Senior Officer, 5973 Avenida 
Encinas, Suite 202, Carlsbad, CA, 92008; and to Corporation Service Company, DC Agent for Service of 
Process, 1100 New York Avenue NW, W Tower, #500, Washington, DC, 20005; and to Steven A. 
Augustino, Esq., and Dawn R. Damschen, Esq., Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, 3050 K Street NW, Suite 
400, Washington, DC, 20007. 
Marlene H. Dortch 
63 See 47 CFR § 1.1914. 
 Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147 
Re:     Lyca Tel, LLC, File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000403 
 Touch-Tel USA, LLC, File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000409 
 NobelTel, LLC, File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000412 
Locus Telecommunications, Inc., File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000452 
The FCC has a statutory mandate to protect consumers who rely our nation’s networks, and 
meeting this responsibility is one of the Commission’s top priorities.  A key component of our consumer 
protection strategy has been smarter, tougher enforcement of our rules.  In recent years, our Enforcement 
Bureau has ramped up its efforts to ensure companies follow the rules and consumers get what they pay 
for.  We’ve taken actions and levied fines to crack down on a series of anti-consumer practices, from 
cramming to Wi-Fi blocking to failure to protect consumer data.  
Today, the Commission votes on a series of petitions to hold companies accountable for 
deceptively marketing prepaid calling cards.   
In October 2015, the Commission fined six companies that falsely advertised that their low-cost 
prepaid calling cards could allow consumers far more calling minutes than were in fact being sold.  In 
each case, the company marketed its cards in a way that promised hundreds or thousands of minutes of 
calling time for only a few dollars.  However, unless used in a single call, various fees and surcharges 
would diminish the minutes available and consumers would only receive a fraction of the promised 
minutes.  The marketing materials for the prepaid cards deceived consumers by failing to clearly or 
conspicuously disclose or explain the fees and surcharges that applied to the calling cards.  Many of the 
disclosures were also vague, offering only potential charges and ranges of fees.  Some disclosures even 
said that the charges, fees, or minutes could be changed without notice. 
The 2015 Forfeiture Orders all underscored the common sense notion that a company must 
provide sufficient information to consumers so that they can reasonably determine the actual cost of a 
Today, the Commission considers four petitions for reconsideration.  They largely rely on 
arguments that have already been considered and rejected by the Commission.  To the extent that the 
companies raised new arguments at this late stage, they were without merit. 
Since the Commission issued the forfeiture orders, the companies have failed to pay them as 
ordered, and the FCC has referred these matters to the U.S. Department of Justice, which has begun to file 
the appropriate proceedings in federal court.  Resolution of these petitions today will aid the expeditious 
prosecution of these cases by the Justice Department and facilitate collection efforts in federal court, 
promoting judicial efficiency.   
Today’s actions send two key messages to two key audiences.  To consumers, rest assured that 
the FCC has got your back.  To companies who would defraud consumers, please know that the FCC will 
hold you accountable and that if we levy fines, we will see that they are collected. 
 Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147 
Re:     Lyca Tel, LLC, File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000403 
 Touch-Tel USA, LLC, File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000409 
 NobelTel, LLC, File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000412 
Locus Telecommunications, Inc., File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000452 
I agree with the Commission that the four companies at issue here used blatantly misleading and 
deceptive marketing materials to sell prepaid calling cards.  This behavior should not be tolerated, 
especially when it involves preying upon vulnerable populations, such as immigrants. 
Unfortunately, the Commission’s ability to lawfully impose forfeitures upon these companies has 
been fatally compromised by its inadequate and incomplete investigation into their conduct.  That’s why I 
dissented from the Forfeiture Orders imposed upon these companies last year, and that’s why I must 
dissent from these Orders denying their petitions for reconsideration. 
Section 503(b)(4) of the Communications Act requires Notices of Apparent Liability to set forth, 
among other things, “the nature of the act or omission charged against such person and the facts upon 
which such charge is based” as well as “the date on which such conduct occurred.”1  In each of the cases 
here, the Commission has found that “a separate violation of section 201(b) occurred each time a 
consumer purchased” a misleading and deceptive prepaid calling card. 
That raises a number of questions pertaining to each purported violation (i.e., each purchase of a 
prepaid calling card).  On which dates did the purchases of prepaid calling cards take place?  Who 
purchased them?  Where did these sales take place?  And which type of card was purchased? 
The four underlying Notices of Apparent Liability did not answer any of these questions with 
respect to even a single purchase of a prepaid calling card.  The four Forfeiture Orders did not answer any 
of these questions.  And the four Orders we are voting on today still do not answer any of these questions.  
Why is this information missing?  Because the Enforcement Bureau didn’t bother to ask for it.  To say the 
least, this is a problem. 
To use an analogy, it’s as if a prosecutor decided to charge a suspect with robbing a whole bunch 
of people, and then at trial, failed to identify any of the victims, when they were robbed, where they were 
robbed, or what was stolen.  Regardless of the defendant’s guilt, there is no way that anyone could be 
convicted of robbery with such a lack of specific evidence. 
As a result of the obvious deficiencies in the investigation, I do not believe that the Commission 
has complied with section 503(b)(4) of the Act or fundamental aspects of due process. 
To be sure, the Commission has claimed that it was not required to include any of this specific 
information, including particular dates, in the Notices of Apparent Liability.  Instead, it contends that the 
companies were engaging in an unlawful “practice” that included activities repeated over time.  
Therefore, for example, the Commission argues that it was sufficient that the Notices of Apparent 
Liability “refer[red] to the time period during which the unlawful practice giving rise to the violation 
Had the Commission found that these four companies had each committed a single continuing 
violation of section 201(b) in the form of an unlawful practice, then I could perhaps understand the 
argument that the facts set forth in the Notices of Apparent Liability were sufficiently specific.  However, 
1 See 47 U.S.C. § 503(b)(4). 
2 Locus Telecommunications, Inc. Order at para. 9 (emphasis in original). 
 Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147   
the Commission makes no such finding—probably because each company’s liability then would have 
been capped at $1.575 million.3  Instead, the Commission has concluded that each company committed a 
separate violation of section 201(b) each time that a consumer purchased a misleading and deceptive 
prepaid calling card.  At the same time, it’s failed to specify the basic facts underlying even a single sale.  
This is not legally permissible. 
When it comes to enforcement, I have many times expressed the concern that the Commission is 
more interested in seeking headlines than respecting the rule of law.  These four Orders represent just the 
latest examples of this problem.  Here, the Commission appropriately identified four companies engaging 
in deeply problematic conduct.  But because its investigation of these companies was deeply flawed, I do 
not believe that it has lawfully imposed forfeitures on them.  These Orders will certainly generate some 
good press for the Commission, but I’m skeptical that a court will ever require these companies to pay 
these penalties.
3 See 47 C.F.R. § 1.80(b)(2).   
 Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147 
Re:     Lyca Tel, LLC, File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000403 
 Touch-Tel USA, LLC, File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000409 
 NobelTel, LLC, File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000412 
Locus Telecommunications, Inc., File No.: EB-TCD-12-00000452 
Since the Commission has done absolutely nothing to bolster the Forfeiture Orders, nothing in 
these latest orders on reconsideration persuades me that these companies should be subjected to 
unjustifiably large fines for conduct that is not covered by the Act, was not deceptive in any event, and 
did not actually harm a single consumer.  I dissent on each. 
Fundamentally, I continue to object to the notion that the Commission has authority under section 
201(b) to regulate “deceptive marketing”.  In the underlying Forfeiture Orders, the Commission claimed 
that deceptive marketing is an unjust and unreasonable practice.  However, as a former Commissioner 
noted, “if ‘practices’ includes advertising, then it is hard to imagine what it does not include.”1  Under this 
formulation, the Commission’s interpretation of section 201 is so boundless that such roving authority, if 
further embraced, will become the provision that swallows the rest of the Act.  And, in the hands of an 
Enforcement Bureau eager to expand the Commission’s reach, it’s beyond dangerous. 
Because the Commission does not have rules on deceptive marketing and refuses to adopt any to 
everyone’s detriment, in my opinion, it continues to point to the 2001 NOS Communications Notice of 
Apparent Liability (NOS NAL).  I remain opposed to using adjudications to adopt new policy positions 
because there is no notice and no opportunity for all potentially impacted companies to provide comment.  
An NAL is not even a final decision of the Commission.  Indeed, when I first joined the Commission I 
was urged to support NALs even if I had concerns about the preliminary positions advanced in them, 
because I was told that parties would have a full and fair opportunity to rebut them in their responses, and 
the Commission would render a final decision on the merits at the forfeiture stage.  Now the Commission 
is trying to have it both ways.  If NALs do not represent the Commission’s final determinations, then they 
cannot and do not provide notice of how the Commission might act in a future case.  That is particularly 
true where the Commission never issues a forfeiture order, but instead settles with the party, as was the 
case with NOS. 
Even if one believes that an NAL does provide some degree of notice, which I don’t concede, the 
facts underlying the NOS NAL are so dissimilar that it could not have provided notice to these prepaid 
calling card providers that their markedly different advertisements would be considered problematic.  In 
the NOS NAL, the companies used a pricing methodology that “appear[ed] to be unique to these 
companies” and was so “complicated” and “confusing” that, even though the companies provided verbal 
and written instructions on how to calculate the rates, almost 900 consumers filed complaints.2  In 
contrast, these providers, who used standard advertisements and disclosures, would have had no basis to 
suspect that their marketing materials would be treated like those in the NOS NAL. 
To start, the disclosures at issue here are neither “complicated” nor “confusing”.  They alert 
buyers to the fact that a specific set of fees could or would apply.  In some cases, the cards indicated that 
there would be a fee of “up to” a certain amount or that a “maximum” specified fee would apply.  In other 
instances, the cards noted that rates could be higher, for example, when calling wireless numbers.  I fail to 
see how a card could be considered deceptive when all categories of charges are spelled out with enough 
1 Business Discount Plan, Forfeiture Order, 15 FCC Rcd 14461, 14475 (2000) (dissenting statement of 
Commissioner Furchtgott-Roth) 
2 NOS Communications, Inc., Notice of Apparent Liability, 16 FCC Rcd 8133, 8134, 8136, 8137 (2001). 
 Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-147   
detail to enable a consumer to decide whether the card, overall, is a good deal.  A reasonable amount of 
imprecision should be considered acceptable when the companies do not control and cannot foresee 
exactly how consumers will choose to use the cards.  That’s not deceptive – it’s necessary for reasonable 
and flexible consumer usage.  And it is certainly distinctive from the NOS NAL where the companies 
provided customers with a specific formula that they falsely claimed would enable customers to easily 
calculate the exact charges. 
Moreover, these practices are far from being “unique” compared to those of other calling card 
providers, as advertisements and disclosures at issue here appear to be commonplace elsewhere.  A quick 
search of other well-known prepaid calling card providers turned up disclosures with very similar 
qualifications.  In fact, the qualification that rates and/or terms and conditions are subject to change is 
commonly used in both the voice and broadband context by wireline, cable, wireless and other providers.  
In addition, posters with disclosures in smaller print on the bottom seem to be the norm.  If the NOS NAL 
articulated a clear standard that provided companies with fair notice of the conduct required, as the 
Commission continues to allege, then why doesn’t anybody seem to know it?  As I said before, selective 
application of penalties when nobody appeared to be on notice is abusive. 
Finally, not a single consumer filed a complaint.  If the advertisements were so unclear, you 
wouldn’t know it from the deafening silence of the public.  In fact, these cases demonstrate the complete 
absence of consumer harm.  The Commission responds that it is empowered by the Act to initiate 
enforcement on its own motion.  However, in an area as completely subjective as deceptive advertising, a 
vital factor must be whether anyone in the real world was actually deceived.  Seeing a null set should be 
telling to my colleagues and the general public. 
Even though I would not have pursued enforcement actions against these companies in these 
instances, I would be remiss if I did not comment on the arbitrary approach the Commission used to 
calculate their fines, and which it refuses to reconsider.  Because there were no instances of actual 
consumer complaints, the Commission had to find a way to approximate the supposed harm to 
consumers.  It did so by guessing how many cards might have been sold during the relevant timeframe 
and then assumed that all of those supposed sales involved deceptive marketing.  Using its discretion, 
however, the Commission has limited the fine in each item to 125 cards or 5 million dollars.  I'm 
supposed to believe that the Commission took into account the unique facts, circumstances, and 
egregiousness of each case but miraculously settled on 125 cards and 5 million dollars in each item?  It is 
simply not credible that four companies of different sizes that sold different cards in different numbers 
would end up with the exact same fines.  Once again, the fines seem to be calculated to achieve a 
preordained result and headline, with no basis in fact or law. 
As I said at the Forfeiture Order stage, some might dismiss these actions as an effort to clean up 
the backlog of items concerning an industry that is fading away.  However, providers of all types should 
be troubled by the Commission’s expansive reading of the statute, coupled with assertions that companies 
that were trying to follow the rules, followed standard industry practices, and never had any complaints 
lodged against them can nonetheless be fined millions of dollars.