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                            CONCURRING STATEMENT OF

                         COMMISSIONER MICHAEL J. COPPS

   Re: Contel of the South, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Mid-States, et al. v. Operator
   Communications, Inc., File No. EB-05-MD-007

   While I agree with the Commission's decision in this case and believe that
   the parties are entitled to a decision, I concur in this Order to point
   out that the period of uncompensated payphone calls at issue occurred over
   10 years ago, and the Defendant has subsequently sold the majority of its
   corporate assets and no longer provides telecommunications services. Thus,
   the practical impact of today's decision appears to be somewhat limited. I
   therefore must question whether the damages awarded to the Complainants at
   this late date constitute merely a Pyrrhic victory.

   (Continued from previous page)


   Federal Communications Commission FCC 07-227


   Federal Communications Commission FCC 07-227