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                                   Before the

                       Federal Communications Commission

                             Washington, D.C. 20554

      ) File No. EB-05-SE-116  

   In the Matter of )

   ) File No. EB-05-SE-116


   Dobson Cellular Systems, Inc. ) NAL/Acct. No. 200632100010

   ) FRN # 0001699719


   American Cellular Corporation ) NAL/Acct. No. 200632100011

   ) FRN # 0003767324


   Subsidiaries of Dobson Communications Corp. )


   Adopted: April 16, 2007   Released: April  25, 2007

   By the Commission:

    1. In this Order, we adopt the attached Consent Decree entered into
       between the Commission and Dobson Cellular Systems, Inc. and American
       Cellular Corporation (collectively, "Dobson"). The Consent Decree
       terminates an investigation initiated by the Enforcement Bureau
       regarding Dobson's compliance with the Enhanced 911 ("E911") Phase I
       and Phase II requirements set forth in Section 20.18(d) and (f) of the
       Commission's Rules ("Rules"). The Consent Decree also terminates a
       Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture ("NAL") issued to Dobson
       for apparent violation of the E911 Phase I and Phase II requirements
       set forth in Section 20.18(d) and (f).

    2. The Commission and Dobson have negotiated the terms of a Consent
       Decree that would resolve this matter and terminate the investigation
       and NAL. A copy of the Consent Decree is attached hereto and
       incorporated by reference.

    3. After reviewing the terms of the Consent Decree, we find that the
       public interest would be served by adopting the Consent Decree and
       terminating the investigation and the NAL. We also conclude that, in
       the absence of material new information not previously disclosed to
       the Commission, the matters raised in the investigation and the NAL do
       not raise any substantial and material questions of fact regarding
       Dobson's qualifications to be a Commission licensee.

    4. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Sections 4(i) and 503(b) of
       the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, that the attached Consent
       Decree IS ADOPTED.

    5. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the above-captioned matters ARE TERMINATED.

    6. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Dobson shall make its voluntary
       contribution to the United States Treasury, as specified in the
       Consent Decree, by credit card through the Commission's Debt and
       Credit Management Center at (202) 418-1995, or by mailing a check or
       similar instrument, payable to the order of the Federal Communications
       Commission, to the Federal Communications Commission, P.O. Box 358340,
       Pittsburgh, PA 15251-8340.  Payment by overnight mail may be sent to
       Mellon Bank/LB 358340, 500 Ross Street, Room 1540670, Pittsburgh, PA
       15251. Payment by wire transfer may be made to ABA Number 043000261,
       receiving bank Mellon Bank, and account number 911-6106.

    7. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order and Consent Decree
       shall be sent by first class mail and certified mail, return receipt
       requested, to Ronald L. Ripley, Senior Vice President and General
       Counsel, Dobson Cellular Systems, Inc. and American Cellular
       Corporation, 14201 Wireless Way, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73134, and to
       Lawrence J. Movshin, Esq. and Kenneth D. Patrich, Esq., Wilkinson
       Barker Knauer LLP, 2300 N Street, N.W., Suite 700, Washington DC


   Marlene H. Dortch


                                 CONSENT DECREE

   The Federal Communications Commission ("Commission" or "FCC") and Dobson
   Cellular Systems, Inc., and American Cellular Corporation (collectively
   "Dobson") hereby enter into this Consent Decree regarding possible
   violations of Section 20.18 of the Commission's Rules ("E911 Rules")
   regarding Dobson's provision of Enhanced 911 ("E911) service.


    1. On April 14, 2005, the FCC Enforcement Bureau ("Bureau") received an
       informal complaint from the 911 State Administrator, Michigan State
       Police, on behalf of 14 Michigan Public Safety Answering Points
       regarding Dobson's compliance with the E911 Rules. On May 4, 2005, the
       Bureau sent a Letter of Inquiry ("LOI") to Dobson addressing the
       informal complaint as well as other markets across the country. Dobson
       submitted responses on May 24, 2005 and June 23, 2005, and submitted
       an update on August 25, 2005.

    2. On April 18, 2006, the Commission released a Notice of Apparent
       Liability for Forfeiture against Dobson in the amount of Seven Hundred
       Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000) for apparent violations of Section
       20.18 in markets in Michigan and other states.


    3. For the purposes of this Consent Decree, the following definitions
       shall apply:

   (a) "Act" means the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.
   SS151 et seq.

   (b) "Adopting Order" means an order of the Commission adopting the terms
   and conditions of this Consent Decree;

   (c) "Bureau" means the Enforcement Bureau of the Federal Communications

   (d) "Commission" or "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission;

   (e) "Dobson" means Dobson Cellular Systems, Inc., and American Cellular
   Corporation, their affiliates and any successors and assigns;

   (f) "Effective Date" means the date the Adopting Order is released by the

   (g) "Enforcement Proceeding" means the investigation of alleged violations
   of Section 20.18 by Dobson undertaken by the Bureau and culminating in the
   Notice of Apparent Liability.

   (h) "Notice of Apparent Liability" or "NAL" means Dobson Cellular Systems,
   Inc. and American Cellular Corporation, 21 FCC Rcd 4684 (2006);

   (i) "Parties" means Dobson and the Commission; and

   (j) "Rules" means the Commission's Rules found in Title 47 of the Code of
   Federal Regulations.


    4. The Parties agree that the provisions of this Consent Decree shall be
       subject to final approval by the Commission by incorporation of such
       provisions by reference in the Adopting Order.

    6. The Parties agree that this Consent Decree shall become binding on the
       Parties on the Effective Date. Upon release, the Adopting Order and
       this Consent Decree shall have the same force and effect as any other
       final order of the Commission and any violation of the terms or
       conditions of this Consent Decree shall constitute a violation of a
       Commission order.

    7. Dobson acknowledges that the Commission has jurisdiction over the
       matters contained in this Consent Decree and the authority to enter
       into and adopt this Consent Decree.

    8. The Parties waive any rights they may have to seek administrative or
       judicial reconsideration, review, appeal or stay, or to otherwise
       challenge or contest the validity of this Consent Decree and the
       Adopting Order, provided that the Adopting Order adopts the Consent
       Decree without change, addition, modification or deletion.

    9. The Parties agree that this Consent Decree does not constitute either
       an adjudication on the merits or a factual or legal finding or
       determination of any compliance or noncompliance with the Act or the
       Rules. The Parties further agree that this Consent Decree is for
       settlement purposes only and that by agreeing to this Consent Decree,
       Dobson does not admit or deny any liability for violating the Rules in
       connection with the matters that are the subject of this Consent

   10. In express reliance on the covenants and representations in this
       Consent Decree and to avoid further expenditure of scarce public
       resources, the Commission agrees to terminate the Enforcement
       Proceeding and cancel the Notice of Apparent Liability at such time as
       both Parties sign this Consent Decree and the Commission adopts this
       Consent Decree.

   11. Dobson has implemented certain administrative and management oversight
       changes (including creation and use of a computer database for
       tracking E911 Phase I and II implementations) as more fully described
       in the Compliance Plan attached hereto. Dobson will continue to track
       E911 implementations to facilitate timely E911 deployments. Dobson
       reserves the right to modify the attached Compliance Plan as necessary
       to better ensure continuing compliance with the Commission's Rules.
       Dobson contemporaneously will notify, in writing, the Chief,
       Enforcement Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, Washington,
       D.C., of any modification to the Compliance Plan. The Commission,
       through the Chief, Enforcement Bureau, may disapprove, in writing, any
       such modification within 15 calendar days of receipt of Dobson's
       notification where it finds that the modification is inconsistent with
       the terms of this Consent Decree or the Commission's rules or

   12. The Parties agree that Dobson's obligations under this Consent Decree
       will remain in effect for twenty-four (24) months from the Effective

   13. The Parties acknowledge and agree that this Consent Decree shall
       constitute a final and binding settlement between Dobson and the
       Commission regarding the possible violations of Section 20.18 of the
       Rules within the scope of the Enforcement Proceeding. In consideration
       for termination by the Commission of the Enforcement Proceeding and
       cancellation of the Notice of Apparent Liability and in accordance
       with the terms of this Consent Decree, Dobson agrees to the terms set
       forth in this Consent Decree.

   14. The Commission agrees that it will not institute, on its own motion,
       any new proceeding, formal or informal, or take any action on its own
       motion, including imposing any forfeiture or other sanction, against
       Dobson for possible violations of Section 20.18 of the Rules through
       the Effective Date. Nothing in this Consent Decree shall prevent the
       Commission from instituting investigations or enforcement proceedings
       against Dobson in the event of any other alleged misconduct that
       violates this Consent Decree or that violates any provision of the Act
       or the Rules.

   15. The Parties agree that any provision of this Consent Decree that
       conflicts with any subsequent rule, order of general applicability or
       other decision of general applicability adopted by the Commission will
       be superseded by such Commission rule, order or other decision.

   16. Dobson agrees that it will make a voluntary contribution to the United
       States Treasury in the amount of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars
       ($700,000) within 30 calendar days after the Effective Date of the
       Adopting Order. Payment must be made by check or similar instrument,
       payable to the order of the Federal Communications Commission. The
       payment must include the NAL/Acct. Nos. and FRN Nos. referenced above.
       Payment by check or money order may be mailed to Federal
       Communications Commission, P.O. Box 358340, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-8340.
       Payment by overnight mail may be sent to Mellon Bank /LB 358340, 500
       Ross Street, Room 1540670, Pittsburgh, PA 15251. Payment by wire
       transfer may be made to ABA Number 043000261, receiving bank Mellon
       Bank, and account number 911-6106. The payment should reference the
       NAL/Acct. and FRN Nos. referenced above.

   17. If either Party (or the United States on behalf of the Commission)
       brings a judicial action to enforce the terms of the Adopting Order,
       neither Dobson nor the Commission shall contest the continuing
       validity of the Consent Decree or Adopting Order. The Parties agree to
       comply with, defend and support the validity of this Consent Decree
       and the Adopting Order in any proceeding seeking to nullify, void, or
       otherwise modify the Consent Decree or the Adopting Order.

   18. The Parties agree that in the event that any court of competent
       jurisdiction renders this Consent Decree invalid, this Consent Decree
       shall become null and void and may not be used in any manner in any
       legal proceeding.

   19. Dobson waives any rights it may have under any provision of the Equal
       Access to Justice Act, 5 U.S.C. S 504 and 47 C.F.R. S 1.1501 et seq.,
       relating to the matters addressed in this Consent Decree.

   20. This Consent Decree cannot be modified without the advance written
       consent of both Parties except as indicated in paragraph 11.

   21. This Consent Decree may be signed in counterparts.

   For the Commission:


   Marlene H. Dortch




   For Dobson Cellular Systems, Inc., and

   American Cellular Corporation:


   Ronald L. Ripley

   Senior Vice President and General Counsel



                                COMPLIANCE PLAN

        Summary of Dobson  Cellular Systems, Inc., and American Cellular
       Corporation (collectively "Dobson") Administrative and Management
                               Oversight Changes

   As part of its effort to ensure compliance with the Communications Act of
   1934, as amended, and the FCC's rules and regulations, Dobson has
   developed, and will continue to implement and oversee, the following
   administrative and management oversight changes to its implementation of

   1.  Dobson retained a contractor, RaddComm Consulting Services
   ("RaddComm"), to assist with E911 implementation. Through RaddComm, Dobson
   uses a computer database known as the Main Project Tracker to track the
   status of all ongoing E911 deployment projects.

   2. Dobson's Senior Vice President and Chief Technical Officer (who reports
   to the Chief Executive Officer) oversees E911 implementation. He hosts a
   weekly senior engineering management meeting to discuss
   engineering-related compliance issues. As part of that meeting, he
   receives an oral report on E911 processes and projects from the Vice
   President of Networks and the Vice President of Engineering. Any
   difficulties in meeting upcoming E911 deadlines are brought to the
   attention of the Senior Vice President and Chief Technical Officer as part
   of this regular meeting. In addition, the Senior Vice President and Chief
   Technical Officer weekly receives and reviews a written report regarding
   E911 progress, prepared in the form of an update to the most recent
   quarterly report filed with the Commission.

   3. Dobson's Vice President of Engineering (who reports to the Senior Vice
   President and Chief Technical Officer) is integrated into Dobson's E911
   implementation processes and participates in weekly E911 Deployment
   conference calls held with RaddComm to maintain compliance with E911
   deployment goals. He also participates in a separate bi-weekly "punch
   list" meeting with RaddComm and other Dobson employees and contractors to
   address E911 deployment issues.

   47 C.F.R. S 20.18(d) and (f).

   Dobson Cellular Systems, Inc. and American Cellular Corporation, 21 FCC
   Rcd 4684 (2006).

   47 U.S.C. SS 154(i) and 503(b).

   47 C.F.R. SS 20.18(d), (f).

   Dobson Cellular Systems, Inc. and American Cellular Corporation, 21 FCC
   Rcd 4684 (2006).

   47 C.F.R. S 1.1914.

                  Federal Communications Commission FCC 07-54


                  Federal Communications Commission FCC 07-54