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In the Matter of Sonshine Family Television, Inc, and Sinclair Broadcast
Group, Inc., Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture
Growing abuses of the public trust in recent years are shaking Americans'
confidence in the press. When pundits are paid to promote a corporate or
government agenda while the public is never told, all commenters and
journalists become suspect. The repeated revelations of advertisers paying
their way onto news programming without disclosure undercut the
credibility of all journalists. When budget cuts in newsrooms lead
broadcasters to substitute advertisements disguised by slick public
relations firms as news instead of paying for their own work, viewers and
listener wonder what they can believe. When newsrooms are too strapped or
sloppy to perform their due diligence and provide disclosure
announcements, as required by law, it leads to a crisis of confidence.
So we now face a crisis in American journalism. That is why today's action
by the Commission is so important. It sends a clear message that the
public has a right to know who is trying to persuade them so they can make
up their own minds about what is presented to them.
While some will try to turn this into a First Amendment issue, sponsorship
identification in no way requires anyone to limit anything they
communicate. On the contrary, it requires more speech, not less. The only
reason it can be construed as limiting expression is because broadcasters
and cable operators are too embarrassed to reveal who paid to produce or
espouse material they are pretending is their own product. In fact,
established ethical guidelines, which are routinely ignored, call for just
such disclosure. The reticence to disclose, or to otherwise refrain from
using material paid for by a sponsor, is not a restraint upon free
Today, with the release of this Notice of Apparent Liability for
Forfeiture, the Commission again puts broadcasters and cable operators on
notice that the public deserves a clear statement on whether or not the
programming they are watching is sponsored by a government or corporate
This Forfeiture Notice reinforces the rule that the Commission's
disclosure obligations do not only apply to broadcasters. Rather, the
Commission is serious about applying the rules to everyone up and down the
chain of production and distribution. Today, the Commission places
broadcasters, producers and distributors on notice. Each and every
individual has a duty to report the real source of any programming on
television or radio. Employers and employees must ensure the audience
knows where the programming they are watching originated or who paid for
it. The argument that the overall presentation of the material obviates
the need to provide sponsorship identification announcements is
unavailing. Under our clear rules, any consideration must be revealed to
the audience.
Failure to disclose Armstrong Williams was paid by the Department of
Education to promote an agenda on the air by itself violates Federal law.
On top of that, without making a positive or negative judgment of the
content aired, we find that in the instant case a licensee could not, in
good faith, consider the material to be "anything but political." The
Commission has already concluded that electoral issues are presumptively
controversial and of public importance. In fact, we both struggle to find
an issue more important to many parents than their child's education. We
feel it is not too much of a stretch for programmers to understand what is
a political issue and what is not. Broadcasters should strive to present
independent and honest broadcasting, and should ethically desire to be
forthcoming and open about where its programming is coming from.
The integrity of the press is of paramount importance to any democracy. As
the Commission has clearly warned, audience members must be able to tell
where the program they are watching ends and the paid advertisement
begins. Today's Forfeiture Notice reaffirms the affirmative legal
obligation of broadcasters to alert the public to any payola punditry and
places the industry on notice that the Commission will act to ensure the
public is protected from special interest groups who attempt to trick the
While this action is overdue, we are pleased the Commission takes this
issue seriously. This Forfeiture Notice demonstrates how important it is
for broadcast stations to clearly announce any sponsors furnishing
material or services, particularly for use in connection with the
broadcast of political material or discussion of a controversial issue of
public importance. Accordingly, we speak in a unanimous voice.
See Letters from Enforcement Bureau, FCC, to Graham Williams Group and
Ketchum, Inc., File No. EB-05-IH-0031 (July 23, 2007).
Section 507 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, codified at 47
U.S.C. S: 508. See Letter from Enforcement Bureau, FCC, to Graham Williams
Group, Inc., File No. EB-05-IH-0031 (July 23, 2007)("[T]he record
established that Williams and GWG [the Graham Williams Group] received
more than nominal consideration from DoED [Department of Education] to
include particular material in programming supplied to and intended for
transmission by broadcast stations and that the material was, in fact,
aired by various broadcast stations. In these circumstances, Williams and
GWG were obligated under Section 507 to disclose to the licensees
reviewing the programming that the NCLB-related broadcast material was
sponsored by DoED. The record also established that such disclosure was
not provided by either Williams or GWG. We conclude that WGB and Williams
violated Section 507 of the Communications Act.").
Forfeiture Notice at footnote 45.
Federal Communications Commission FCC 07-152