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                            CONCURRING STATEMENT OF

                         COMMISSIONER MICHAEL J. COPPS

   Re: Premio, Inc., File No. EB-06-IH-0853

   The E-Rate program is an essential part of our national effort to ensure
   that all Americans can benefit from the information superhighway in the
   Digital Age. This is particularly true for those living in economically
   disadvantaged areas who otherwise would be left on the wrong side of the
   Digital Divide were it not for the success of the E-Rate program. There
   are many dedicated people in the Schools and Libraries Division, at the
   FCC and Justice Department, and elsewhere who are deserving of our praise
   for bringing the Internet to our schools and libraries and for ensuring
   that waste, fraud and abuse are removed from the program. Premio, Inc.'s
   conviction and today's 1-year debarment from the program are further
   evidence of their efforts. While there were mitigating circumstances in
   this case, I believe that activities of the kind that the company engaged
   in may very well merit a longer debarment period given the importance of
   the E-Rate program and the severity of the company's actions. I therefore
   concur in this Order.

   (...continued from previous page)


   Federal Communications Commission FCC 06-177


   Federal Communications Commission FCC 06-177