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                                Before the
                Federal Communications Commission
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                 )
                                )    File No. EB-04-TC-101 
NBC Telemundo License Co.        )    Facility No. 47904
Licensee of WRC-TV               )    NAL/Acct. No.  200532170010
Washington D.C.                  )    FRN:  0009825456


Adopted:  February 21, 2006                                    
Released: February 22, 2006

By the Chief, Enforcement Bureau:

     1.   In this Order, we adopt the attached Consent Decree 
entered into between the Enforcement Bureau and NBC Telemundo 
License Co. (``NBC'').  The Consent Decree terminates an 
investigation initiated by the Enforcement Bureau regarding 
whether NBC violated section 713 of the Communications Act of 
1934, as amended (the ``Act''),1 and section 79.2(b)(1)(i) of the 
Commission's rules2 by failing to make accessible to persons with 
hearing disabilities emergency information that it provided 
aurally in its programming for WRC-TV during a 
thunderstorm/tornado watch in Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area 
on May 25, 2004.

     2.   The Enforcement Bureau and NBC have negotiated the 
terms of a Consent Decree that would resolve this matter and 
terminate the investigation.  A copy of the Consent Decree is 
attached hereto and incorporated by reference.

     3.   After reviewing the terms of the Consent Decree, we 
find that the public interest would be served by adopting the 
Consent Decree and terminating the investigation.  In the absence 
of material new evidence relating to this matter, we conclude 
that our investigation raises no substantial or material 
questions of fact as to whether NBC possess the basic 
qualifications, including character qualifications, to remain a 
Commission licensee.

     4.   Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 4(i) of 
the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,3 and the authority 
delegated by sections 0.111 and 0.311 of the Commission's rules,4 
that the attached Consent Decree IS ADOPTED.
     5.   IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the above-captioned 
investigation into the matters described herein is terminated. 

     6.   IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that copies of this order shall 
be sent by regular first class mail and certified mail - return 
receipt requested, to F. William LeBeau, Assistant Secretary and 
Regulatory Counsel, NBC Telemundo License Co., 1299 Pennsylvania 
Avenue, .N.W., Washington, D.C. 2004.


                         Kris Anne Monteith
                         Chief, Enforcement Bureau
                         Before the
                Federal Communications Commission
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                 )
                                )    File No. EB-04-TC-101
NBC Telemundo License Co.        )    Facility ID No. 47904
Licensee of WRC-TV               )    NAL/Acct. No. 200532170010
Washington, D.C.                 )    FRN: 0009825456

                         CONSENT DECREE


     1.     The Enforcement Bureau (``Bureau'') of the Federal 
Communications Commission (the ``FCC'' or ``Commission'') and NBC 
Telemundo License Co. (``NBC''), by their authorized 
representatives, hereby enter into this Consent Decree for the 
purpose of terminating the Bureau's investigation (the 
``Investigation'') regarding whether NBC complied with section 
713 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the ``Act''), 
and section 79.2(b)(1)(i) of the Commission's rules,5 as it 
relates to the duty to make accessible to persons with hearing 
disabilities emergency information that it provided aurally in 
its programming for WRC-TV during a thunderstorm/tornado watch in 
the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area on May 25, 2004. 


     2.     On May 25, 2004, there was a severe 
thunderstorm/tornado watch in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan 
area.  The Commission received a consumer complaint against WRC-
TV alleging that the station failed to make information on the 
thunderstorm/tornado watch accessible to persons with hearing 
disabilities.  The complaint alleged that this failure resulted 
in confusion regarding the severity and location of the emergency 
including what viewers should do to remain safe.   The Bureau 
subsequently launched an investigation into NBC's broadcasts 
carried on WRC-TV on that date.  After investigation, the Bureau 
issued a Notice of Apparent Liability (``NAL'') finding that NBC 
committed two apparent violations of section 713 of the Act and 
the Commission's emergency visual access rules. 6  The NAL 
proposed a forfeiture of $16,000.


    3.     For the Purposes of this Consent Decree, the following 
definitions shall apply:

       (a)     ``Act'' means the Communications Act of 1934, as 

          (b)  ``Bureau'' means the Enforcement Bureau of the 
          Federal Communications Commission; 

       (c)     ``Complaint'' means the Complaint filed by Cheryl 
          Heppner, Executive Director, Northern Virginia Resource 
          Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons on May 28, 

          (d)  ``Effective Date'' means the date on which the 
          Bureau releases the Adopting Order;

          (e)  The ``FCC'' or the ``Commission'' means the 
          Federal Communications Commission;

       (f)     ``Investigation'' means the investigation of the 
          Station and the allegations contained in the Complaint 
          which resulted in the issuance of a Notice of Apparent 
          Liability, NBC Telemundo License Co., DA 05-1512 (EB, 
          rel. May 25, 2005).

          (g)  ``NBC'' or the ``Company'' means NBC Telemundo 
          License Co.,  and any affiliate, d/b/a, predecessor-in-
          interest, parent companies and any direct or indirect 
          subsidiaries of such parent companies, or other 
          affiliated companies or businesses, and their 
          successors and assigns;

       (h)     ``Order'' or ``Adopting Order'' means an Order of 
          the Bureau adopting the terms and conditions of this 
          Consent Decree without change, addition, or 
          modification, and formally terminating the above-
          captioned Investigation;

          (i)  ``Parties'' means NBC and the Bureau;

       (j)         ``Rules'' means the Commission's regulations 
          set forth in Title 47 of the Code of Federal 
          Regulations; and 

       (k)     ``Station'' or ``WRC'' means NBC's owned station 
          assigned to Washington, D.C.


     4.     NBC agrees that the Bureau has jurisdiction over it 
and the subject matter contained in this Consent Decree and the 
authority to enter into and adopt this Consent Decree. 

     5.     The Parties agree and acknowledge that this Consent 
Decree shall constitute a final settlement between them 
concerning the Investigation.  In express reliance on the 
covenants and representations contained herein, and to avoid the 
potential expenditure of additional public resources, the Bureau 
agrees to terminate the Investigation.  In consideration for the 
termination of this Investigation and in accordance with the 
terms of this Consent Decree, NBC agrees to the terms, 
conditions, and procedures contained herein.

     6.     The Parties agree that this Consent Decree does not 
constitute either an adjudication on the merits or a factual or 
legal finding regarding any compliance or noncompliance by NBC 
with the requirements of the Act and the Rules.  The Parties 
agree that this Consent Decree is for settlement purposes only 
and that by agreeing to this Consent Decree, NBC does not admit 
or deny any non-compliance or violation of the Act or Commission 
rules in connection with the matters that are the subject of this 
Consent Decree.

     7.    The parties agree that the provisions of this Consent 
Decree shall be subject to final approval by the Bureau by 
incorporation of such provisions by reference in an Order.

     8.     The parties agree that this Consent Decree shall 
become effective on the Effective Date and shall have the same 
force and effect as any other order of the Commission.  Any 
violation of the terms of this Consent Decree shall constitute a 
separate violation of a Commission order, entitling the 
Commission to exercise any rights and remedies attendant to the 
enforcement of a Commission order.

     9.     The Bureau agrees that it shall terminate the 
Investigation.  The Bureau agrees that, in the absence of new 
material evidence, it shall not on its own motion or in response 
to third-party objection, initiate any inquiries, investigations, 
forfeiture proceedings, hearings, or other sanctions or actions 
against NBC or the Station based in whole or in part on the 
Investigation or on any complaints alleging violations of section 
79.2 relating to the coverage NBC provided of the 
thunderstorm/tornado watch on May 25, 2004.  The Bureau agrees 
that, in the absence of new material evidence, it will not 
initiate or recommend to the Commission any new proceeding, 
formal or informal, regarding the matters that were the subject 
of the Investigation.  The Bureau further agrees that, in the 
absence of  material new evidence, it will not use the facts 
developed in this Investigation prior to the Effective Date to 
initiate on its own motion, or recommend to the Commission, any 
proceeding, informal or formal, or take any action on its own 
motion against NBC with respect to its basic qualifications to be 
or remain a Commission licensee.

     10.     In consideration for the termination of the 
Investigation, the Station will implement within 30 days of the 
Effective Date and maintain the following Compliance Plan, which 
will be overseen by the Station's News Director:
          (a) The Station either will commence captioning or 
          contact its captioning service promptly before or 
          contemporaneously with any broadcast coverage of a 
          pending or imminent emergency that endangers the 
          Station's principal coverage area and will make its 
          best reasonable efforts to ensure that coverage of the 
          emergency is captioned as soon as possible;
          (b) The Station will maintain visible postings on 
          television sets in the Station's newsroom that remind 
          employees to contact the Station's captioning service 
          during emergency events and include the phone number 
          for that service;
          (c) The Station will maintain a labeled speed-dial 
          button on telephones in the Station's newsroom with a 
          direct connection to the Station's captioning service;
          (d) As circumstances warrant, the Station will provide 
          special weather text graphics to hearing impaired 
          viewers with shelter-at-home tips during coverage of 
          tornado, severe thunderstorm, flash flooding or other 
          weather emergencies; 
          (e) The Station will adopt an emergency visual 
          presentation policy requiring that all emergency 
          information broadcast outside a regularly scheduled WRC 
          newscast be accompanied by captioning if emergency 
          information is conveyed via the Station's audio.  When 
          circumstances warrant, such information will also 
          include a clear text graphic or text crawl (e.g., 
          weather-related emergencies, security evacuation 
          details).  Emergency information will include any 
          information relating to an imminent or ongoing 
          emergency affecting the Washington, D.C. television 
          market and that is intended to protect life, health, or 
          (f) The Station will distribute, at least every six 
          months, the Station's emergency visual      
          presentation policy to all employees; and
          (g) The Station will incorporate the Station's 
          emergency visual presentation policy into               
          the Station's annual news employee training session. 
     11.     In consideration for the termination of the 
Investigation, and in accordance with the terms of this Consent 
Decree, NBC will make a voluntary contribution to the United 
States Treasury without further protest or recourse to a trial de 
novo in the amount of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) within 30 
calendar days after the Effective Date.  NBC must make this 
payment by check or similar instrument, payable to the order of 
the Federal Communications Commission.  The payment must include 
the Acct. No. and FRN referenced above.   Payment by check or 
money order may be mailed to Forfeiture Collection Section, 
Finance Branch, Federal Communications Commission, P.O. Box 
73482, Chicago, Illinois, 60673-7482.  Payment by overnight mail 
may be sent to Bank One/LB 73482, 525 West Monroe, 8th Floor 
Mailroom, Chicago, Illinois 60661.  Payment by wire transfer may 
be made to ABA Number 071000013, receiving bank Bank One, and 
account number 1165259. 
     12.     NBC's decision to enter into this Consent Decree is 
expressly contingent upon the Bureau's issuance of an Order that 
is consistent with this Consent Decree, and which adopts the 
Consent Decree without change, addition or modification.
     13.     NBC waives any and all rights it may have to seek 
administrative or judicial reconsideration, review, appeal or 
stay, or to otherwise challenge or contest the validity of this 
Consent Decree and the Order, provided the Bureau issues an Order 
adopting the Consent Decree without change, addition or 

     14.     If any Party (or the United States on behalf of the 
FCC) brings a judicial action to enforce the terms of the Order, 
neither NBC nor the FCC shall contest the continuing validity of 
the Consent Decree or Order.  NBC and the Commission further 
agree that they will waive any statutory right to a trial de novo 
with respect to any matter upon which the Order is based 
(provided in each case that the Order is limited to adopting the 
Consent Decree without change, addition, or modification), and 
that they will consent to a judgment incorporating the terms of 
this Consent Decree.  

      15.     In the event that this Consent Decree is rendered 
invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, this Consent 
Decree shall become null and void and may not be used in any 
manner in any legal proceeding.

     16.      The Parties agree that if any provision of this 
Consent Decree conflicts with any subsequent rule or order 
adopted by the Commission (except an order specifically intended 
to revise the terms of this Consent Decree to which NBC does not 
consent), that provision will be superceded by such Commission 
rule or order.

     17.     By this Consent Decree, NBC does not waive or alter 
its right to assert and seek protection from disclosure of any 
privileged or otherwise confidential and protected documents and 
information, or to seek appropriate safeguards of confidentiality 
for any competitively sensitive or proprietary information.

     18.  The Parties agree that the requirements of this Consent 
Decree shall expire twenty-four (24) months from the Effective 

     19.   This Consent Decree may be signed in counterparts 
and/or by telecopy and, when so executed, the counterparts, taken 
together, will constitute a legally binding and enforceable 
instrument whether executed by telecopy or by original 

For the Enforcement Bureau         For NBC Telemundo License Co. 

By:______________________________  By:  
   Kris Anne Monteith                   

   Date                                 Date


147 U.S.C. § 613.
247 C.F.R. § 79.2(b)(1)(i).
347 U.S.C. § 154(i).
447 C.R.R. §§ 0.111, 0.311. 
547 U.S.C. § 713; 47 C.F.R. § 79.2(b)(i).
647 C.F.R. § 79.2(b)(i).