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                           Before the
                     Washington, D.C.  20554

In the Matter of                )
Cavalier Telephone, LLC,        )
     Complainant,               )
          v.                    )  File No. EB-02-MD-005
Virginia Electric and Power Company     )
d/b/a Virginia Power,           )
     Respondent.                   )


     Adopted:  December 4, 2002              Released:  December 
5, 2002

By the Chief, Market Disputes Resolution Division, Enforcement 

1.   On December 3, 2002, the Market Disputes Resolution Division 
  of the Enforcement Bureau released an Order in the above-
  captioned proceeding.  This Erratum amends the Order as 
     The Signature Block should read, ``Alexander P. Starr, 
Chief, Market Disputes Resolution Division, Enforcement Bureau.''

                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  

                              Radhika V. Karmarkar
                              Deputy Chief, Market Disputes 
Resolution Division
                              Enforcement Bureau