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                           Before the
                Federal Communications Commission
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matters of                )
AT&T Corp. v. CT                 )    File No. EB-01-MDIC-0005
Communications, Inc. and CTC     )
Exchange Services;               )
                                )    File No. EB-01-MDIC-0006
AT&T Corp. v. Consolidated       )
Communications Networks, Inc.;   )
                                )    File No. EB-01-MDIC-0007
AT&T Corp. v. CTC Telecom,       )
Inc.;                            )    File No. EB-01-MDIC-0010
AT&T Corp. v. Intermedia         )
Communications, Inc.;            )    File No. EB-01-MDIC-0013
AT&T Corp. v. Winstar            )
Communications, Inc., et al.;    )
                                )    File No. EB-01-MDIC-0014
AT&T Corp. v. XIT 
Telecommunications & 
Technology, Inc.


        Adopted:  February 26, 2002     Released:   February  27, 


By the Chief, Market Disputes Resolution Division, Enforcement 

On January 12, 2001, pursuant to section 1.716 of the Commission 
rules,1 AT&T Corp. (``AT&T'') filed informal complaints against 
each of the defendants in the above-captioned matters.  Between 
March 14, 2001 and March 19, 2001, each of the defendants filed a 
report pursuant to section 1.717 of the Commission's rules2 
denying the allegations in AT&T's informal complaints.  Pursuant 
to section 1.718 of the Commission's rules,3 AT&T was required to 
convert these informal complaints into formal complaints between 
September 14, 2001 and September 24, 2001 to ensure that the 
formal complaints related back to the January 12, 2001 filing 
date of the informal complaints.  On September 14, 2001, October 
4, 2001, October 18, 2001, November 2, 2001, November 15, 2001, 
November 30, 2001, December 18, 2001, January 9, 2002, January 
29, 2002, and February 15, 2002, the Market Disputes Resolution 
Division (``MDRD'') granted AT&T's consent motions for additional 
time to convert the informal complaints under rule 1.718, 
allowing AT&T until March 1, 2002, to file the formal complaints 
against the defendants.4  MDRD granted these motions because the 
parties were actively engaged in promising settlement 
negotiations, and were participating in good faith in mediation 
sessions supervised by MDRD staff.

Since filing its informal complaints, AT&T has reached settlement 
agreements with CTC Exchange, Consolidated, Intermedia, Winstar, 
and XIT.  As a result, the parties are in the process of 
completing and/or filing the necessary paperwork relating to 
their agreements.  In addition, AT&T and CTC Telcom are in the 
process of negotiating a settlement agreement, and are hopeful 
that a settlement can be finalized in the near future.  In light 
of the parties' continuing efforts to settle these matters, on 
February 25, 2002, AT&T filed a Consent Motion Requesting An 
Additional Extension of Time In Which To Convert Other Informal 
Complaints To Formal Complaints and Toll Limitations Period.5  
AT&T requests a waiver of section 1.718 of the Commission's rules 
and an additional extension of time until March 15, 2002, to 
convert the informal complaints against the defendants into 
formal complaints, if necessary.  Each of these named defendants 
have consented to AT&T's request.6

We are satisfied that granting AT&T's motion will serve the 
public interest by promoting the private resolution of disputes 
and by postponing the need for further litigation and expenditure 
of further time and resources of the parties and of this 
Commission until such time as may actually be necessary.

Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to sections 4(i), 4(j), and 
208 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 
154(i), 154(j), and 208, and sections 1.3 and 1.718 of the 
Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.3, 1.718, and the authority 
delegated in sections 0.111 and 0.311 of the Commission's rules, 
47 C.F.R. §§ 0.111, 0.311, that the Consent Motion of AT&T Corp. 
to Extend Time in Which to Convert Other Informal Complaints to 
Formal Complaints and Toll Limitations Period IS GRANTED.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, unless otherwise extended by order, 
the deadlines that would otherwise apply under section 1.718 of 
our rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.718, or under our previous orders in 
this proceeding, are hereby waived, and the dates on which AT&T 
must convert the remaining informal complaints against the named 
defendants into formal complaints pursuant to section 1.718 of 
our rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.718, are extended to March 15, 2002.


                         Alexander P. Starr
                         Chief,   Market   Disputes    Resolution 
                         Enforcement Bureau

1  47 C.F.R. § 1.716.

2  47 C.F.R. § 1.717.

3  47 C.F.R. § 1.718.

4  AT&T Corp. v. Advamtel,  LLC d/b/a Plan B Communications,  et 
al., File Nos. EB-01-MDIC-002 - 014, Order, DA 01-2158  (EB-MDRD 
rel. Sept. 14, 2001); AT&T Corp.  v. Advamtel, LLC d/b/a Plan  B 
Communications, et al., File  Nos. EB-01-MDIC-002 - 014,  Order, 
DA 01-2321 (EB-MDRD rel. Oct. 4, 2001); AT&T Corp. v.  Advamtel, 
LLC d/b/a Plan B Communications,  et al., File Nos.  EB-01-MDIC-
002 - 014, Order, DA 01-2428 (EB-MDRD rel. Oct. 18, 2001);  AT&T 
Corp. v. Advamtel, LLC d/b/a Plan B Communications, et al., File 
Nos. EB-01-MDIC-002 - 014, Order, DA 01-2551 (EB-MDRD rel.  Nov. 
2,  2001);   AT&T  Corp.   v.  Advamtel,   LLC  d/b/a   Plan   B 
Communications, et al., File  Nos. EB-01-MDIC-002 - 014,  Order, 
DA 01-2661 (EB-MDRD rel. Nov. 15, 2001), AT&T Corp. v. Advamtel, 
LLC d/b/a Plan B Communications,  et al., File Nos.  EB-01-MDIC-
002 - 014, Order, DA 01-2780 (EB-MDRD rel. Nov. 30, 2001);  AT&T 
Corp. v. Advamtel, LLC d/b/a Plan B Communications, et al., File 
Nos. EB-01-MDIC-002 - 014, Order, DA 01-2920 (EB-MDRD rel.  Dec. 
18,  2001);  AT&T   Corp.  v.   Advamtel,  LLC   d/b/a  Plan   B 
Communications, et al., File  Nos. EB-01-MDIC-002 - 014,  Order, 
DA 02-035 (EB-MDRD rel. Jan.  9, 2002), AT&T Corp. v.  Advamtel, 
LLC d/b/a Plan B Communications,  et al., File Nos.  EB-01-MDIC-
002 - 014, Order, DA 02-210  (EB-MDRD rel. Jan. 29, 2002);  AT&T 
Corp. v. Advamtel, LLC d/b/a Plan B Communications, et al., File 
Nos. EB-01-MDIC-002 - 014, Order,  DA 02-360 (EB-MDRD rel.  Feb. 
15, 2002).

5   Consent  Motion  of  AT&T  Corp.  Requesting  An  Additional 
Extension of Time In Which To Convert Other Informal  Complaints 
To Formal Complaints and Toll Limitations Period, AT&T Corp.  v. 
CT Communications, Inc., et al., File Nos. EB-01-MDIC-0005 -  14 
(filed Feb. 25, 2002), at 6.

6   Id.