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                         Before the
                   Washington, D.C.  20554

APCC Services, Inc.,                    )
Data Net Systems, LLC              )
Davel Communications, Inc.              )
Jaroth, Inc. dba Pacific Telemanagement )
Services, and                      )
Intera Communications Corp.,       )
Complainants,                      )
     v.                       )    File No. EB-02-MD-008
Bee Line Long Distance, Inc.,           )
Defendant.                         )


     Adopted:  October  2, 2002              Released:  
October 3, 2002

By the Deputy Chief, Market Disputes Resolution Division, 
Enforcement Bureau:

        1.     On April 19, 2002, APCC Services, Inc., et 
          al. (``APCC'' or ``Complainants''), filed with 
          this Commission a formal complaint against Bee 
          Line Long Distance, Inc. (``Bee Line'') pursuant 
          to section 208 of the Communications Act of 1934, 
          as amended (the ``Act'').1  The complaint alleges 
          that Bee Line failed to pay dial-around 
          compensation to Complainants for certain 
          categories of completed coinless calls originating 
          from payphones, in violation of Commission rules 
          and orders.2  Due to a series of extensions, the 
          Defendant was required to file an answer in this 
          proceeding no later than August 30, 2002.3

        2.      In a letter to Commission staff dated August 
          30, 2002, the parties indicated that they had 
          reached a settlement in this matter, and were 
          ``currently circulating a settlement agreement for 
          execution by all of the parties.''4  The parties 
          further indicated that they anticipated that the 
          settlement would be finalized by September 13, 
          2000.  Accordingly, to avoid running afoul of the 
          Commission's formal complaint procedures, the 
          parties jointly requested a short additional 
          extension of time for the Defendant to file an 
          answer to the complaint, with the understanding 
          that an answer would not be required if the 
          settlement is completed prior to the revised due 
          date.  In a Letter Ruling from Commission staff 
          dated September 3, 2002, the Defendant was granted 
          the requested extension of time to file its 
          answer, to September 13, 2002, the date suggested 
          by the parties.5

        3.     On September 17, 2002, Complainants filed a 
          motion requesting that we dismiss the formal 
          complaint in this proceeding with prejudice.6  
          Specifically, Complainants assert that ``the 
          parties have reached a settlement in this 
          matter,'' as was anticipated.

        4.     We grant Complainant's motion to dismiss the 
          complaint, with prejudice.  We find that dismissal 
          at this stage is appropriate, and will serve the 
          public interest by eliminating the expenditure of 
          further time and resources of the Commission. 

        5.     Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to 
          sections 1, 4(i), 4(j), 208 and 276 of the 
          Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 
          §§ 151, 154(i), 154(j), 208, and 276, sections 
          64.1300-64.1320 of the Commission's rules, 47 
          C.F.R. §§ 64.1300-64.1320, and authority delegated 
          by sections 0.111, 0.311, and 1.720-1.736 of the 
          Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.111, 0.311, 
          1.720-1.736, that the above-captioned complaint IS 
          DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE in its entirety.

                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS 

                              Radhika V. Karmarkar
                              Deputy Chief, Market Disputes 
Resolution Division
                              Enforcement Bureau

1         47 U.S.C. § 208.
2         See 47 C.F.R. §§ 64.1300-64.1320.  These rules 
were promulgated to implement section 276 of the Act, 47 
U.S.C. § 276.  
     3    See APCC Services, Inc., et al., v. Bee Line Long 
Distance, Letter from Warren Firschein, Attorney, Market 
Disputes Resolution Division, Enforcement Bureau, FCC, File 
No. EB-02-MD-008 (August 13, 2002).
4         See APCC Services, Inc., et al., v. Bee Line Long 
Distance, Letter from Alan Hubbard, Attorney for 
Complainants, and Stanley K. Stoll, Attorney for Bee Line, 
to Warren Firschein, Attorney, Market Disputes Resolution 
Division, Enforcement Bureau, FCC, File No. EB-02-MD-008 
(August 30, 2002)
5         See APCC Services, Inc., et al., v. Bee Line Long 
Distance, Letter from Warren Firschein, Attorney, Market 
Disputes Resolution Division, Enforcement Bureau, FCC, File 
No. EB-02-MD-008 (September 3, 2002).
6         APCC Services, Inc., et al., v. Bee Line Long 
Distance, Notice of Settlement and Motion to Dismiss Formal 
Complaint With Prejudice, FCC, File No. EB-02-MD-008 (filed 
September 17, 2002).