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                           Before the
                Federal Communications Commission
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                 )
United Corporation of Southern   )
California,                      )
    and                         )
James A. Kay, Jr.,               )
    Complainants,               )
                                )    File No. WB/ENF-F-99-0006
         v.                     )
Jim Doering d/b/a J. Doering     )
Communications,                  )
    and                         )
Harold Pick d/b/a                )
Communications Consultants       )
Systems,                         )


                         ORDER ON REVIEW

   Adopted:  May 22, 2001               Released:  May 24, 2001

By the  Commission:   Commissioner  Tristani  concurring  in  the 

                        I.  INTRODUCTION

In this Order, we deny an  Application for Review filed by  James 
A.  Kay,  Jr.  (``Kay''),1  pursuant  to  section  1.115  of  the 
Commission's rules.2  Kay requests review of an October 21, 1999, 
letter order by  the Wireless  Telecommunications Bureau,3  which 
dismissed a  complaint filed  by him  and United  Corporation  of 
Southern   California   against   Jim   Doering   d/b/a   Doering 
Communications and Harold  Pick d/b/a Communications  Consultants 
Systems (collectively, ``Respondents'')  pursuant to section  208 
of the Communications  Act of  1934, as  amended (``the  Act'').4  
The Bureau determined in the Letter Order that the complaint  did 
not allege  that  any  specific  provisions of  the  Act  or  the 
Commission's rules  had been  violated by  the Respondents.   The 
Bureau also concluded  that the matters  raised in the  complaint 
did not  warrant  exercise  of  the  Commission's  discretion  to 
initiate enforcement actions against the Respondents.

Upon careful review of the Application for Review and the  entire 
record herein, we  conclude that  Kay has  failed to  demonstrate 
that the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau erred.  The  Wireless 
Telecommunications Bureau  properly  decided the  matters  raised 
below, and we uphold its decision  for the reasons stated in  its 
Letter Order.

     3.Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to section 4(i), 
4(j), 208, and 503 of the Act, 47 U.S.C. §§ 154(i), 154(j), 208, 
503, and section 1.115(g) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 
1.115(g), that the Application for Review by United Corporation 
of Southern California and James A. Kay, Jr. IS DENIED and this 

                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION       

                              Magalie Roman Salas


1    Application for  Review, File  No. WB/ENF-F-99-0006  (filed 
Nov. 22, 1999).

2    47 C.F.R. §1.115.

3    United Corporation of  Southern California  v. Jim  Doering 
d/b/a Doering  Communications,  Letter  Order,  WTB/ENF-F-99-006 
(Wireless Tel. Bur. Oct 21, 1999) (``Letter Order'').

4    47 U.S.C. §208.