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                                   Before the

                       Federal Communications Commission

                             Washington, D.C. 20554

   In the Matter of )


   Donald F. Melcher ) File No. EB-11-SF-0116

   Licensee of Radio Station W6CZ )

   Mariposa, California ) NOV No. V201132960013





                              NOTICE OF VIOLATION

   Released: September 29, 2011

   By the District Director, San Francisco Office, Western Region,
   Enforcement Bureau:

    1. This is a Notice of Violation ("Notice") issued pursuant to Section
       1.89 of the Commission's Rules, to Donald F. Melcher, licensee of
       Amateur Radio Service station W6CZ near Mariposa, California

    2. On July 19, 2011, agents of the Enforcement Bureau's San Francisco
       Office, in response to a complaint, used mobile direction finding
       techniques to locate W6CZ near Mariposa, California. Inspection of
       W6CZ revealed that an inappropriately stored telegraph speed key was
       causing the station to continuously radiate a signal, and observed the
       following violations:

     a. 47 C.F.R. S: 97.119(a): "Each amateur station, except a space station
        or telecommand station, must transmit its assigned call sign on its
        transmitting channel at the end of each communication, and at least
        every 10 minutes during the communications, for the purpose of
        clearly making the source of the transmissions from the station known
        to those receiving the transmissions. No station may transmit
        unidentified communications or signals, or transmit as the station
        call sign, any call sign not authorized to the station." On July 19,
        2011 between approximately 1:00 p.m. and 2:54 p.m., agents determined
        that W6CZ failed to transmit its call sign.

     b. 47 C.F.R. S: 97.103(a): "The station licensee is responsible for the
        proper operation of the station in accordance with the FCC Rules." At
        the time of inspection, agents determined that an inappropriately
        stored telegraph speed key was causing W6CZ to transmit a continuous
        "dotter" (A1A) signal that interfered with amateur radio stations
        attempting to operate on 18.0856 MHz.

    3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as
       amended, and Section 1.89 of the Commission's Rules, Donald F.
       Melcher, must submit a written statement concerning this matter within
       20 days of release of this Notice. The response must fully explain
       each violation, must contain a statement of the specific action(s)
       taken to correct each violation and preclude recurrence, and should
       include a time line for completion of pending corrective action(s).
       The response must be complete in itself and signed by Donald F.
       Melcher. All replies and documentation sent in response to this Notice
       should be marked with the File No. and NOV No. specified above, and
       mailed to the following address:

   Federal Communications Commission

   San Francisco Office

   5653 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 105

   Pleasanton, CA 94588-8543

    4. This Notice shall be sent to Donald F. Melcher at his address of

    5. The Privacy Act of 1974 requires that we advise you that the
       Commission will use all relevant material information before it,
       including any information disclosed in your reply, to determine what,
       if any, enforcement action is required to ensure compliance. Any false
       statement made knowingly and willfully in reply to this Notice is
       punishable by fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the U.S. Code.


   Thomas N. Van Stavern

   District Director

   San Francisco District Office

   Western Region

   Enforcement Bureau

   47 C.F.R. S: 1.89.

   47 U.S.C. S: 308(b).

   P.L. 93-579, 5 U.S.C. S: 552a(e)(3).

   18 U.S.C. S: 1001 et seq.

   Federal Communications Commission


                       Federal Communications Commission