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                                   Before the

                       Federal Communications Commission

                             Washington, D.C. 20554

   In the Matter of )


   Box Broadcasting Corporation ) File No. EB-08-DL-0179

   Licensee of Radio Station KBEL )

   Facility ID: 14759 ) NOV No. V200832500013

   Idabel, Oklahoma )


                              NOTICE OF VIOLATION

   Released:  September 8, 2008

   By the District Director, Dallas Office, South Central Region, Enforcement

    1. This is a Notice of Violation ("Notice") issued pursuant to Section
       1.89 of the Commission's Rules to Box Broadcasting Corporation,
       licensee of radio station KBEL in Idabel, Oklahoma.

    2. On May 7, 2008, an agent of the Commission's Dallas Office of the
       Enforcement Bureau inspected radio station KBEL located at Idabel,
       Oklahoma, and observed the following violation(s):

     a. 47 C.F.R. S: 11.35(a): "Additionally, broadcast stations and cable
        systems and wireless cable systems must determine the cause of any
        failure to receive the required [Emergency Alert System "EAS"] tests
        or activations specified in S: 11.61(a)(1) and (a)(2). Appropriate
        entries must be made in the broadcast station log, ... indicating why
        any tests were not received." At the time of inspection, the EAS
        equipment installed at KBEL was operational. However, the entire EAS
        log consisted of 7 entries beginning on April 18, 2008. The EAS log
        entries were for the reception of 5 thunderstorm warnings and 2
        weekly tests. The station did not maintain a station log, and there
        were no entries regarding the cause for missing EAS entries in any
        other logs.

     b. 47 C.F.R. S: 11.61: "Tests of EAS procedures. (a) EAS Participants
        shall conduct tests at regular intervals, as specified in paragraphs
        (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section. Additional tests may be performed
        anytime. EAS activations and special tests may be performed in lieu
        of required tests as specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section.
        All tests will conform with the procedures in the EAS Operating
        Handbook. (1) Required Monthly Tests of the EAS header codes,
        Attention Signal, Test Script and EOM code. (i) Tests in odd numbered
        months shall occur between 8:30 a.m. and local sunset. Tests in even
        numbered months shall occur between local sunset and 8:30 a.m. They
        will originate from Local or State Primary sources. The time and
        script content will be developed by State Emergency Communications
        Committees in cooperation with affected EAS Participants. Script
        content may be in the primary language of the EAS Participant. These
        monthly tests must be transmitted within 60 minutes of receipt by EAS
        Participants in an EAS Local Area or State. ... (2) Required Weekly
        Tests: (i) EAS Header Codes and EOM Codes: (A) Analog and digital AM,
        FM, and TV broadcast stations must conduct tests of the EAS header
        and EOM codes at least once a week at random days and times. ... (b)
        Entries shall be made in EAS Participant records, as specified in
        S:S:11.35(a) and 11.54(b)(13)." The station had no records of an EAS
        test reception or activation prior to April 18, 2008.

     c. 47 C.F.R. S: 11.15: "A copy of the EAS Handbook must be located at
        normal duty positions or EAS equipment locations when an operator is
        required to be on duty and be immediately available to staff
        responsible for authenticating messages and initiating actions." A
        copy of the EAS Handbook was not available at any point at the

     d. 47 C.F.R. S: 73.1800(a): "The licensee of each station must maintain
        a station log as required by S: 73.1820." The required station log
        was not available for inspection.

     e. 47 C.F.R. S:S: 73.1870(a)(1) & (3): "The licensee of each AM, FM, TV
        or Class A TV station must designate a person to serve as the
        station's chief operator. The designation must be in writing and
        posted with the station's license." The agent found no written
        designation of a chief operator for the station.

     f. 47 C.F.R. S: 73.1230(a): "The station license and any other
        instrument of station authorization shall be posted in a conspicuous
        place and in such a manner that all terms are visible at the place
        the licensee considers to be the principal control point of the
        transmitter." The station authorization was not posted as required.
        Additionally, the station authorization was not otherwise available
        for inspection

    3. Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as
       amended, and Section 1.89 of the Commission's Rules, Box Broadcasting
       Corporation must submit a written statement concerning this matter
       within twenty (20) days of release of this Notice. The response must
       fully explain each violation, must contain a statement of the specific
       action(s) taken to correct each violation and preclude recurrence, and
       should include a time line for completion of pending corrective
       action(s). The response must be complete in itself and signed by a
       principal or officer of the licensee. All replies and documentation
       sent in response to this Notice should be marked with the File No. and
       NOV No. specified above, and mailed to the following address:

   Federal Communications Commission

   Dallas Office

   9330 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1170

   Dallas, TX 75243

    4. This Notice shall be sent to Box Broadcasting Corporation  at its
       address of record.

    5. The Privacy Act of 1974 requires that we advise you that the
       Commission will use all relevant material information before it,
       including any information disclosed in your reply, to determine what,
       if any, enforcement action is required to ensure compliance. Any false
       statement made knowingly and willfully in reply to this Notice is
       punishable by fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the U.S. Code.


   James D. Wells

   District Director

   Dallas District Office

   South Central Region

   Enforcement Bureau

   47 C.F.R. S: 1.89.

   47 U.S.C. S: 308(b).

   P.L. 93-579, 5 U.S.C. S: 552a(e)(3).

   18 U.S.C. S: 1001 et seq.

                       Federal Communications Commission


                       Federal Communications Commission