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                                   Before the

                       Federal Communications Commission

                             Washington, D.C. 20554

   In the Matter of )

   ) File No.: EB-08-LA-030

   King Taco Restaurants, Inc. )

   ) Citation No.: C200832900009

   Los Angeles, CA 90022 )


                                                  Released: February 29, 2008

   By the Acting Interim District Director, Los Angeles District Office,
   Western Region, Enforcement Bureau:

    1. This is an Official Citation issued pursuant to Section 503(b)(5) of
       the Communications Act of 1934, as amended ("Act"), to King Taco
       Restaurants, Inc., for violation of Sections 15.5(b) and 15.205(a) of
       the Commission's Rules ("Rules").

    2. On February 14, 2008, the Enforcement Bureau's Los Angeles Office
       received a complaint that a signal was causing interference to station
       KB97260, operating on frequencies from 2458 to 2492 MHz. On February
       19, 2008, an agent from the Los Angeles Office investigated the
       interference report and located the interfering signals emanating from
       a cluster of eight wireless cameras monitoring the overflow parking
       lot associated with the King Taco Restaurant at 4504 E. Third St., Los
       Angeles, 90022. Monitoring revealed that three of the wireless
       cameras, with fundamental center frequencies of 2450 MHz, 2470 MHz and
       2490 MHz, were causing the interference. The other five cameras were
       monitored with center frequencies of 2370 MHz, 2410 MHz, 2430 MHz,
       2510 MHz and 2525 MHz

    3. The Commission's rules authorize certain unlicensed operations of
       intentional radiators in the frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz.
       However, Section 15.5(b) of the Rules states that "[o]peration of an
       intentional, unintentional, or incidental radiator is subject to the
       conditions that no harmful interference is caused..." In addition,
       except for spurious emissions, Section 15.205(a) prohibits the
       operation of unlicensed intentional radiators in the frequency bands
       2310 - 2390 MHz and 2483.5 - 2500 MHz. King Taco's operation of these
       wireless cameras violates both of these sections.

    4. Pursuant to Sections 4(i), 4(j), and 403 of the Act, King Taco
       Restaurants, Inc., is directed to provide information specified
       herein, within 14 days from the date of this Citation:

     a. For all wireless cameras operated at the 4504 E. Third St., Los
        Angeles, 90022 location, a photograph of the devices, clearly showing
        the FCC identification number, which identifies these devices as
        being "Certified" and thereby authorized for unlicensed operations,
        pursuant to Section 15.201(b) of the Rules.

     b. For the wireless cameras operating on 2370 MHz and 2490 MHz, proof of
        your license or authority to operate granted by the Commission.

    5. Violations of the Act or the Commission's Rules may subject the
       violator to substantial monetary forfeitures, seizure of equipment
       through in rem forfeiture action, and criminal sanctions, including

    6. King Taco Restaurants, Inc., may request an interview at the closest
       FCC Office, which is Federal Communications Commission, 18000
       Studebaker Rd., Suite 660, Cerritos, CA. King Taco Restaurants, Inc.,
       may contact this office by telephone, (XXX) XXXX-XXXX to schedule this
       interview, which must take place within 14 days of this Citation. King
       Taco Restaurants, Inc., must submit a written statement to the above
       address within 14 days of the date of this Citation. Any written
       statements should specify what actions have been taken to correct the
       violation outlined above. Please reference file number EB-08-LA-30
       when corresponding with the Commission.

    7. Any statement or information provided by you may be used by the
       Commission to determine if further enforcement action is required. Any
       knowingly or willfully false statement made in reply to this Citation
       is punishable by fine or imprisonment.

    8. IT IS ORDERED that copies of this Citation shall be sent by First
       Class U.S. Mail and Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested to King
       Taco Restaurants, Inc., at its address of record.


   Leo Cirbo

   Acting Interim District Director

   Los Angeles District Office

   Western Region

   Enforcement Bureau

   47 U.S.C. S: 503(b)(5).

   47 C.F.R. S:S: 15.5(b), 15.205(a).

   47 C.F.R. S: 15.5(b).

   47 C.F.R. S: 15.205(a).

   47 U.S.C. S:S: 154(i), 154(j), 403.

   47 C.F.R. S: 15.201(b).

   47 C.F.R. S: 1.80(b)(3).

   47 U.S.C. S:S: 401, 501, 503, 510.

   47 U.S.C. S: 503(b)(5).

   See Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. S: 552a(e)(3).

   See 18 U.S.C. S: 1001 et seq.

                       Federal Communications Commission


                       Federal Communications Commission