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Before the
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554
In the Matter of ) File Number EB-05-
Love's Travel Stops and Country Stores, Inc ) Nal/Acct.
No. 200632500001
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ) FRN 0010-5202-86
Released: February
13, 2006
By the Enforcement Bureau, Dallas Office:
On February 9, 2006, the Commission's Dallas Office
released a Notice of Apparent Liability (``Notice''). This
erratum corrects errors in the released Notice.
1. The erratum amends the Notice, by changing
``DX33MHL'' to ``DX33HML'' in paragraphs 6 and 8
in the document.
2. The erratum amends the Notice by changing ``Anna,
Texas'' to ``Norman, Oklahoma'' in paragraph 8 in
the document.
3. The erratum amends the Notice by changing ``16 FCC
Rcd 1282 (2002)'' to ``16 FCC Rcd 1282 (2001)'' in
footnote 31 in the document.
Federal Communications
James D. Wells
District Director
Dallas Office