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                           Before the
                Federal Communications Commission
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                )
AAT Communications Corporation  )            File  No.  EB-04-PO-
ASR# 1201911                    )
Emmett, Idaho                   )            NOV              No.  


                       NOTICE OF VIOLATION

                                             Released: April 20, 

By the Resident Agent, Portland Office, Enforcement Bureau:

  1.      This  is  a  Notice  of  Violation  ("Notice")   issued 
     pursuant to Section 1.89 of the Commission's Rules,1 to  AAT 
     Communications Corporation.

  2.      On April  11, 2004,   the FCC  Portland Resident  Agent 
     Office received a  copy of  a Notice  to Airmen  (``NOTAM'') 
     referred from the Federal Aviation Administration  (``FAA'') 
     in  Boise,  Idaho.   The  investigation  from  this   Office 
     revealed that since February 13,  2004, the FAA  has  issued 
     five consecutive NOTAMs (BOI D  02/060, BOI D 02/123, BOI  D 
     03/046, BOI  D 03/094,  and BOI  D 04/047)  to a  registered 
     antenna structure located in  Emmett, Idaho due to  problems 
     with the antenna structure's lighting equipment. FCC records 
     show that the referenced antenna structure was registered to 
     AAT  Communications  Corporation,  under  Antenna  Structure 
     Registration Number 1201911.  The geographic coordinates for 
     this  antenna  site  are   43º51'42''  north  latitude   and 
     116º31'48'' west longitude.

  2.a.      47 C.F.R.  § 17.56(a): ``Replacing or  repairing 
            of  lights, automatic  indicators  or  automatic 
            control alarm  systems shall be accomplished  as 
            soon as practicable.''  

            Because of hazards to air navigation due to  the 
            proximity  of  the  antenna  structure  to   the 
            Emmett    Municipal     Airport,    which     is 
            approximately    4,400     feet    away,     AAT 
            Communications   Corporation   must   diligently 
            investigate the ongoing problem and resolve  the 
            light failure.

  3.      Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of 
     1934, as  amended,2 and  Section  1.89 of  the  Commission's 
     Rules, AAT Communications Corporation, must submit a written 
     statement concerning this matter  within 20 days of  release 
     of  this  Notice.   The  response  must  fully  explain  the 
     violation, must contain a  statement of the specific  action 
     taken to correct the violation and preclude recurrence,  and 
     should  include  a  time  line  for  completion  of  pending 
     corrective action.  The response must be complete in  itself 
     and signed by a principal  or officer of the licensee.   All 
     replies and documentation  sent in response  to this  Notice 
     should be marked  with the  File No. and  NOV No.  specified 
     above, and mailed to the following address:

                 Federal Communications Commission
                 Portland Resident Agent Office
                     P.O. Box 61469
                     Vancouver, WA 98666-1469

  4.      This  Notice  shall  be  sent  to  AAT   Communications 
     Corporation, 517  Route One  South, Suite  5000, Iselin,  NJ 

  5.      The Privacy Act  of 19743 requires  that we advise  you 
     that  the  Commission   will  use   all  relevant   material 
     information before it,  including any information  disclosed 
     in your reply, to determine what, if any, enforcement action 
     is required to ensure compliance.  Any false statement  made 
     knowingly  and  willfully  in   reply  to  this  Notice   is 
     punishable by fine  or imprisonment  under Title  18 of  the 
     U.S. Code.4

                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS 

                                Binh Nguyen
                                Resident Agent
                                Portland Office

Cc: Larry F. Schutz, Vice President-Engineering
      AAT Communications Corporation
      12444 Powerscourt Drive, Suite 140
      St. Louis, MO 63131


1 47 C.F.R. § 1.89.

2 47 U.S.C. § 308(b).
3 P.L. 93-579, 5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(3).

4 18 U.S.C. § 1001 et seq.