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                           Before the
                Federal Communications Commission
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                )
Banjo Communications Group, Inc.)            File  No.  EB-03-BF-
Licensee of AM Radio Station WCHN            )
Facility ID # 13826             )            NOV              No.  
Norwich, New York               )
Attention: Mr. James V. Johnson/President    )

                       NOTICE OF VIOLATION

                                             Released:  February 
18, 2004

By the Resident Agent, Buffalo Office, Enforcement Bureau:

  1.      This  is  a  Notice  of  Violation  ("Notice")   issued 
     pursuant to  Section 1.89  of  the Commission's  Rules,1  to 
     Banjo Communications Group, Inc., licensee of radio  station 

  2.      On November 5 and 6, 2003, an agent of the Commission's 
     Buffalo Office  inspected  radio  station  WCHN  located  in 
     Norwich, New York, and observed the following violation(s):

  2.a.      47  C.F.R.  § 73.49:   ``Antenna  towers  having 
            radio frequency  potential at  the base  (series 
            fed,   folded  unipole,   and   insulated   base 
            antennas)  must  be  enclosed  within  effective 
            locked fences or other enclosures.''  The  fence 
            enclosing  antenna tower  #31036444,  WCHN,  has 
            heaved  and/or  the soil  under  the  fence  has 
            eroded over  time, leaving a  space between  the 
            bottom  of the  fence  and the  ground  allowing 
            unimpeded access to the live tower.

  2.b.      47   C.F.R.  §73.1560   (a)(1).    ``Except   as 
            provided for in  paragraph (d) of this  section, 
            the  antenna input  power of  an AM  station  as 
            determined  by  the procedures  specified  in  § 
            73.51 must be maintained as near as  practicable 
            to the  authorized antenna input  power and  may 
            not be less than  90% nor more than 105% of  the 
            authorized  power.''   The  agent  observed  the 
            following power measurements for WCHN:

            Date              Authorized     Measured  % 

            November 5, 2003 (10:25 pm)     34 watts        
            535 watts         1574%

            November 6, 2003 (9:21 am)  1000 watts          
            535 watts             53%

  2.c.      47   C.F.R.  §73.1560(a)(2).    ``Whenever   the 
            transmitter of  an AM station  cannot be  placed 
            into  the specific  operating mode  at the  time 
            required, transmissions  of the station must  be 
            immediately terminated.''  On November 5,  2003, 
            10:25pm,  station  WCHN  was  operating  at  534 
            watts,  (1574%) of  the authorized  power of  34 
            watts, and was  operating at 534 watts,  (53.4%) 
            of  authorized   power  of   1000  watts,   when 
            measured on  November 6, 2003  at 9:21am.   WCHN 
            did   not   terminate   operation   during   the 
            nighttime  hours  and continued  to  operate  at 
            1574% of the authorized nighttime power.

  3.      Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of 
     1934, as  amended,2 and  Section  1.89 of  the  Commission's 
     Rules,  Banjo  Communications  Group  Inc.,  must  submit  a 
     written statement concerning this  matter within 20 days  of 
     release of  this Notice.   The response  must fully  explain 
     each violation,  must contain  a statement  of the  specific 
     action(s) taken  to  correct  each  violation  and  preclude 
     recurrence, and should include a time line for completion of 
     pending corrective action(s).  The response must be complete 
     in itself  and  signed by  a  principal or  officer  of  the 
     licensee with personal knowledge of the matter.  All replies 
     and documentation sent in response to this Notice should  be 
     marked with the File  No. and NOV  No. specified above,  and 
     mailed to the following address:

                 Federal Communications Commission
                 Room 1307 Federal Building
                 111 W. Huron Street
                 Buffalo, New York 14202

  4.      This Notice  shall  be  sent  to  Banjo  Communications 
     Group, Inc; 36 Chestnut Street; Oneonta, New York 13820.

  5.      The Privacy Act  of 19743 requires  that we advise  you 
     that  the  Commission   will  use   all  relevant   material 
     information before it,  including any information  disclosed 
     in your reply, to determine what, if any, enforcement action 
     is required to ensure compliance.  Any false statement  made 
     knowingly  and  willfully  in   reply  to  this  Notice   is 
     punishable by fine  or imprisonment  under Title  18 of  the 
     U.S. Code.4

                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS 

                                Gene J. Stanbro
                                Resident Agent
                                Buffalo Office


1 47 C.F.R. § 1.89.

2 47 U.S.C. § 308(b).

3 P.L. 93-579, 5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(3).

4 18 U.S.C. § 1001 et seq.