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                           Before the
                Federal Communications Commission
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                )
Prayer Tower Ministry           )            File  No.  EB-03-DT-
Licensee of Radio Station WLWZ-LP            )
Facility ID # 126095            )            NOV No. V20043236001
Cassopolis, MI                  )

                       NOTICE OF VIOLATION

                                             Released:  October 
7, 2003

By the District Director, Detroit Office, Enforcement Bureau:

  1.      This  is  a  Notice  of  Violation  ("Notice")   issued 
     pursuant to  Section 1.89  of  the Commission's  Rules,1  to 
     Prayer Tower Ministry, licensee of radio station WLWZ-LP.

  2.      On April 30,  2003 and  May 1,  2003, an  agent of  the 
     Commission's Detroit Office monitored radio station  WLWZ-LP 
     located at Cassopolis, Michigan, and observed the  following 

  2.a.      47  C.F.R.  § 73.503(d):  ``Each  station  shall 
            furnish a nonprofit and noncommercial  broadcast 
            service.     Noncommercial    educational     FM 
            broadcast   stations   are   subject   to    the 
            provisions of  §73.1212 to the  extent they  are 
            applicable   to  the   broadcast   of   programs 
            produced by, or at the expense of, or  furnished 
            by  others.   No  promotional  announcement   on 
            behalf   of  for   profit  entities   shall   be 
            broadcast  at  any  time  in  exchange  for  the 
            receipt, in whole  or in part, of  consideration 
            to the  licensee, its principals, or  employees.  
            However, acknowledgements  of contributions  can 
            be made.   The scheduling  of any  announcements 
            and acknowledgements  may not interrupt  regular 
            programming.''  WLWZ-LP was observed  furnishing 
            commercial programming. 

  2.b.      47 C.F.R. §  73.879: ``An LPFM licensee may  not 
            retransmit,   either   terrestrially   or    via 
            satellite,  the  signal of  a  full-power  radio 
            broadcast  station.''    WLWZ-LP  was   observed 
            retransmitting a full-power radio station.

  2.c.      47   C.F.R.  §   73.1201(a):  ``When   regularly 
            required.    Broadcast  station   identification 
            announcements  shall   be  made:   (1)  At   the 
            beginning and ending of each time of  operation, 
            and  (2)  Hourly,  as  close  to  the  hour   as 
            feasible,  at   a  natural   break  in   program 
            offerings.   Television and  Class A  television 
            broadcast stations may make these  announcements 
            visually  or   aurally.''   WLWZ-LP  failed   to 
            transmit station identification.

  2.d.      47 C.F.R.  § 73.1620(d):  ``All operation  under 
            program  test  authority  shall  be  in   strict 
            compliance  with the  rules governing  broadcast 
            stations   and   in   strict   accordance   with 
            representations  made  in  the  application  for 
            license  pursuant   to  which  the  tests   were 
            authorized.''      WLWZ-LP     was      observed 
            transmitting  commercial programming  which  was 
            not authorized under program test authority.

  3.      Pursuant to Section 308(b) of the Communications Act of 
     1934, as  amended,2 and  Section  1.89 of  the  Commission's 
     Rules,  Prayer  Tower  Ministry,   must  submit  a   written 
     statement concerning this matter  within 20 days of  release 
     of this  Notice.   The  response  must  fully  explain  each 
     violation,  must  contain  a   statement  of  the   specific 
     action(s) taken  to  correct  each  violation  and  preclude 
     recurrence, and should include a time line for completion of 
     pending corrective action(s).  The response must be complete 
     in itself  and  signed by  a  principal or  officer  of  the 
     licensee with personal knowledge of the matter.  All replies 
     and documentation sent in response to this Notice should  be 
     marked with the File  No. and NOV  No. specified above,  and 
     mailed to the following address:

                 Federal Communications Commission
                 Detroit Office
                 24897 Hathaway Street
                 Farmington Hills, MI 48335

  4.      This Notice  shall be  sent to  Prayer Tower  Ministry, 
     P.O. Box 134, Cassopolis, MI 49031.

  5.      The Privacy Act  of 19743 requires  that we advise  you 
     that  the  Commission   will  use   all  relevant   material 
     information before it,  including any information  disclosed 
     in your reply, to determine what, if any, enforcement action 
     is required to ensure compliance.  Any false statement  made 
     knowingly  and  willfully  in   reply  to  this  Notice   is 
     punishable by fine  or imprisonment  under Title  18 of  the 
     U.S. Code.4

                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS 

                                James A. Bridgewater
                                District Director
                                Detroit Office

1 47 C.F.R. § 1.89.

2 47 U.S.C. § 308(b).
3 P.L. 93-579, 5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(3).
4 18 U.S.C. § 1001 et seq.