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                           Before the
                Federal Communications Commission
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                )
                                )       File No. EB-01-DT-523
Thomas A. Brothers              )       NAL/Acct. No. 

Berkley, Michigan               )       
                                )       FRN # 0006-1077-26


                                             Released: January 
          28, 2002

By the District Director, Detroit Office, Enforcement Bureau:

     1. In  this Erratum, we make a  correction to the Notice  of 
Apparent Liability for  Forfeiture1  (``NAL'') in  the amount  of 
eleven thousand dollars ($11,000)  issued to Thomas A.  Brothers.  
Specifically, we  correct the  reference to  the base  forfeiture 
amount in paragraph 5 of the NAL. 

     2. The  corrected second  sentence of paragraph  5 reads  as 
follows:  ``The  Commission's  Forfeiture  Policy  Statement  and 
Amendment of  Section  1.80  of  the  Rules  to  Incorporate  the 
Forfeiture Guidelines,  12 FCC  Rcd 17087,  17113 (1997),  recon. 
denied, 15 FCC Rcd  303(1999) (``Forfeiture Policy  Statement''), 
sets the base forfeiture  amount at $10,000  for operation of  an 
unlicensed transmitter.'' 

     3. IT IS  ORDERED that a copy of this Erratum shall be  sent 
by  certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested,  to  Thomas  A. 
Brothers, 3845 Ellwood, Berkley, Michigan 48072-3123. 

                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                              James A. Bridgewater
                              District Director
                              Detroit Office

1 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, NAL/Acct. No. 
200232360004, FRN# 0006-1077-26 (Enf. Bur., Detroit Office, rel. 
January 14, 2002).