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   January 14, 2013

   Mr. Jimmy J. Isom

   (Address withheld)

   (Address withheld)


   Amateur Radio License KJ9T


   Dear Mr. Isom:

   By letter dated October 22, 2012, the Commission notified you that it had
   received a complaint regarding the operation of your amateur station. The
   complaint alleged that you had been deliberately interfering with the
   operation of AM operators in an effort to run them off of the air in
   violation of Section 97.101(d) of the Commission's rules.

   You responded to the Commission's letter on November 1, 2012. In that
   letter, you indicated that you had gotten involved in an "ongoing battle"
   with a group of east coast AMers. You acknowledged that you did inform the
   members of your "group" that if they deliberately caused interference to
   the AMers, that maybe the AMers "would move and leave us alone." You
   further concede that you did indeed engage in the prohibited behavior of
   causing deliberate interference to the group of AM operators. Finally, you
   state that you recognize that "two wrongs do not make a right," you
   apologize for your behavior and assert that this behavior will never
   happen again.

   Your operation as described above is contrary to the basis and purpose of
   the amateur radio service as set out in Section 97.1 of the Commission's
   rules and is a violation of Section 97.101(d) of the Commission's rules.^
   Please be advised that the Commission expects you to abide by its rules.
   This letter serves as notice that, if operation of this type reoccurs
   after receipt of this letter, you could be subject to severe penalties,
   including license revocation, monetary forfeiture (fines),^ or a

   proceeding to restrict the frequencies upon which you may operate.


   Laura L. Smith, Esq.

   Special Counsel

   Enforcement Bureau

   Cc: Chicago Field Office

   Northeast Regional Director

   ^ See 47 C.F.R. SS 97.1 and 97.101(d).

   ^ Fines normally range from $7,500 to $10,000.