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                               Enforcement Bureau

                         Spectrum Enforcement Division

                              1270 Fairfield Road

                      Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 17325-7245


   January 29, 2008

   Todd E. Daugherty

   800 W Main Cross

   Taylorville, IL 62568

   SUBJECT: Amateur Radio license N9OGL; WARNING NOTICE; Case #EB-07-SE-371

   Dear Mr. Daugherty:

   Information before the Commission indicates that you have been operating
   an unlicensed radio station on, among other frequencies, 6.950 and 13.556
   MHz. The information indicates that the signal strengths of these
   transmissions exceed the power limit of Part 15 of the Commission's rules
   for unlicensed transmitters. Your response to the Enforcement Bureau
   received on November 6, 2007 was insufficient and contradictory, and
   indicates a misunderstanding of the Part 15 power limits for unlicensed
   stations. For example, you stated that your power levels were in
   compliance with Part 15 of the Commission's rules, yet in statements made
   in 2006 and 2007 describing your shortwave station "Omega One" you stated
   that you were operating at 5 watts, then 10 watts and later 50 and 100

   Such unlicensed operation would be a violation of Section 301 of the
   Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 18 U.S.C. S: 301, and would
   subject you to a monetary forfeiture (fine) or imprisonment, or both.
   Forfeitures normally range from $7,500 to $10,000. Furthermore, such
   operation would reflect adversely on your qualifications to retain an
   Amateur license.


   W. Riley Hollingsworth

   Special Counsel

   cc: FCC Northeastern Regional Director