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FCC Public Notice

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DA # 01-1317
June 4, 2001


The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Enforcement Bureau and International Bureau participated in the 25th formal meeting of the Joint (U.S./Mexico) Commission in Pleasanton, California during the week of May 22, 2001. The Joint Commission, also known as Comision Mixta Encargada de Resolver Asuntos de Radiointerferencia (CMERAR), is an international organization charged with resolving harmful radio interference problems relating to licensed radio systems operating along and within the common border areas between the United States and Mexico. During the May meeting, the participants reviewed 86 cases of harmful radio interference and, of these, officially closed 34 cases at the national or Joint Commission level. Five other cases will be referred to the High Level Consultative Commission on Telecommunications. This group is composed of officials from the U.S. State Department, the FCC, and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) along with Mexican officials from the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) and the Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones (COFETEL).

The Joint Commission (formerly known as the Mixed Commission), formed in 1982, is comprised of representatives from the FCC and the SCT and COFETEL of the United Mexican States. This organization historically handles over 100 cases each year involving both interference to U.S. stations from radio facilities operating in Mexico and to Mexican stations from similar operations in the U.S. Quite often, these cases involve interference to public safety radio services on both sides of the border. Many of the cases are handled at the local level (by FCC Enforcement Bureau District office personnel) by conducting meetings in Mexico and the United States which involve the FCC's Mexican counterparts at SCT and COFETEL. Arlan van Doorn, Senior Advisor, FCC Enforcement Bureau, serves as the Co-Chair of the Joint Commission for the United States and Licenciado Roberto Garcia, Coordinador General Ejecutivo, COFETEL, serves as the Co-Chair for the United Mexican States.

The next Joint Commission meeting is scheduled to be conducted in Mexico, during late November 2001.

By the Chief, Enforcement Bureau.