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                         Before the
              Federal Communications Commission
                   Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                )  EB Docket No. 03-85
BUSINESS OPTIONS, INC.           ) File No. EB-02-TC-151
Order to Show Cause and          ) NAL/Acct. No. 
Notice of Opportunity for Hearing  )    
                                 ) FRN: 0007179054
                       CONSENT DECREE

     1.   The  Enforcement Bureau  (the  ``Bureau'') of  the 
Federal     Communications     Commission    (``FCC''     or 
``Commission'') and Business  Options, Inc. (``BOI'') hereby 
enter  into   this  Consent   Decree  for  the   purpose  of 
terminating    the   above    captioned   proceeding    (the 
``Proceeding'')  initiated by  an  Order to  Show Cause  and 
Notice of Opportunity for  Hearing (``Order to Show Cause'') 
issued by the Commission on April 7, 2003.1  
     2.   For purposes of this Consent Decree, the following 
definitions shall apply.

     (a)  ``Affiliates'' means any entity owned, directed or 
          controlled  by either  Kurtis  J. Kintzel,  and/or 
          Keanan  Kintzel, which  provides  or markets  long 
          distance telephone service.

     (b)  ``AVATAR''  means  Avatar Enterprises,  Inc.,  all 
          d/b/a entities, and any  entity owned, directed or 
          controlled by AVATAR or  its principals, Kurtis J. 
          and  Keanan Kintzel,  including all  subsidiaries, 
          commonly-owned affiliates, successors, and assigns 
          that  provide or  market  long distance  telephone 

     (c)  ``BOI''  means Business  Options, Inc.,  all d/b/a 
          and related  entities that  provide or  market the 
          sale of long distance telephone service, including 
          U.S. Bell,  Inc., Link Technologies,  Buzz Telecom 
          Corporation,  and any  entity  owned, directed  or 
          controlled  by  the  company  or  its  principals, 
          Kurtis  J. Kintzel  and Keanan  Kintzel, including 
          all   subsidiaries,   commonly-owned   affiliates, 
          successors, and  assigns that  are engaged  in the 
          business of  providing or marketing  long distance 
          telephone service.

     (d)  ``Bureau''  means the  Enforcement  Bureau of  the 
          Federal Communications Commission.

     (e)  ``BUZZ'' means Buzz Telecom Corporation, all d/b/a 
          entities,  and  any   entity  owned,  directed  or 
          controlled by  BUZZ or  its principals,  Kurtis J. 
          Kintzel   and   Keanan  Kintzel,   including   all 
          subsidiaries,      commonly-owned      affiliates, 
          successors, and  assigns that  are engaged  in the 
          business of  providing or marketing  long distance 
          telephone service.

     (f)  The ``Companies'' means BOI, U.S. Bell/LINK, BUZZ, 
          and AVATAR.

     (g)  ``Customer"  means a  consumer (a  natural person, 
          individual,   governmental   agency   or   entity, 
          partnership,   corporation,    limited   liability 
          company    or    corporation,    trust,    estate, 
          incorporated  or  unincorporated association,  and 
          any  other  legal  or  commercial  entity  however 
          organized)   offered,  receiving,   or  previously 
          receiving   inter-exchange   services   from   the 

     (h)  ``Discontinuance    Application''     means    the 
          application  that  must  be filed  by  a  domestic 
          carrier before it discontinues, reduces or impairs 
          service as prescribed in 47 C.F.R. § 63.71 (2002).  

     (i)  ``Effective  Date'' means  the date  on which  the 
          Order becomes a Final Order.

     (j)   ``FCC''  or the ``Commission'' means  the Federal 
          Communications Commission  and all of  its bureaus 
          and offices.

     (k)  ``Final Order''  means an order that  is no longer 
          subject    to     administrative    or    judicial 
          reconsideration, review, appeal, or stay.

     (l)  ``Independent  Third  Party Verifier''  means,  in 
          addition  to the  qualifications set  forth in  47 
          C.F.R.  §  64.1120(c)(3),   an  entity  (i)  whose 
          employees are not paid  directly by the Companies, 
          (ii)  whose   owners  are  not  employed   by  the 
          Companies in  any way,  and (iii)  whose employees 
          and/or owners are not related by blood or marriage 
          to Kurtis or Keanan Kintzel.

     (m)  ``Misleading''    means    a    misrepresentation, 
          omission, or  other practice  that is  intended or 
          could reasonably  be expected to  deceive, confuse 
          or   misinform   a  reasonable   consumer   acting 
          reasonably under the circumstances.

     (n)  ``Order'' means the order of the presiding officer 
          adopting the terms of  this Consent Decree without 
          change, addition, or modification.

     (o)  ``Order to  Show Cause''  means the Order  to Show 
          Cause and  Notice of  Opportunity for  Hearing, 18 
          FCC Rcd 6881 (2003).

     (p)  The  ``Parties''  means   the  Companies  and  the 

     (q)  The ``Proceeding''  means the  evidentiary hearing 
          initiated by the Order to Show Cause.

     (r)  ``Registration''   means   the   filing   of   the 
          information  set  forth  in 47  C.F.R.  §  64.1195 

     (s)  ``Re-provisioning'' means the practice of changing 
          a  former   customer's  long   distance  telephone 
          service  back to  the Companies  without obtaining 
          authorization or verification of any authorization 
          from that customer for the change.

     (t)  ``Sales Call'' means  a telephone solicitation for 
          the  purpose   of  obtaining  or   re-obtaining  a 
          customer   for   the  Companies'   long   distance 
          telephone service.

     (u)  ``Sales  Representative'' means  a person  working 
          for  or  on behalf  of  the  Companies, whose  job 
          involves  soliciting potential  customers for  the 
          Companies' long distance telephone service.

     (v)  ``Slamming''  means the  changing  of a  telephone 
          owner's  long distance  carrier without  following 
          the procedures  set forth  in 47 C.F.R.  § 64.1120 

     (w)  ``U.S. Bell/LINK''  means U.S. Bell, Inc.  and its 
          successor,   Link   Technologies,  including   all 
          subsidiaries,      commonly-owned      affiliates, 
          successors, and assigns.


     3.   On  April 7,  2003,  the  Commission released  the 
Order to  Show Cause,  initiating an evidentiary  hearing to 
determine  whether BOI  had (1)  made misrepresentations  or 
engaged in lack of  candor, (2) changed consumers' preferred 
carrier without  their authorization in willful  or repeated 
violation of section  258 of the Act2  and sections 64.1100-
1190 of the Commission's rules,3 (3) failed to file FCC Form 
499-A in willful or repeated violation of section 64.1195 of 
the  Commission's  rules,4   and  (4)  discontinued  service 
without  Commission  authorization  in willful  or  repeated 
violation of section 214 of  the Act5 and sections 63.71 and 
63.505 of  the Commission's rules.6  The  Commission ordered 
BOI  to  show  cause  why BOI's  operating  authority  under 
section 214 of the Act7 should  not be revoked and why BOI's 
principals should  not be ordered  to cease and  desist from 
the  provision of  any  interstate  common carrier  services 
without the prior  consent of the Commission.   The Order to 
Show Cause put BOI on notice that the Commission could order 
a forfeiture  of as  much as  $80,000 for  each unauthorized 
conversion  of named  complainants'  long distance  service, 
$3,000  for  the  failure  to  file  a  sworn  statement  or 
Registration  Statement, and  $120,000 for  the unauthorized 
discontinuance of service.   The Bureau was made  a party to 
the Proceeding.

     4.   On August  20, 2003, the presiding  officer issued  
a  Memorandum Opinion  and Order8  expanding the  hearing to 
determine whether:  1) BOI,  BUZZ and/or U.S.  Bell/LINK had 
failed to  make required contributions to  federal universal 
service support  programs in violation of  section 254(d) of 
the Act9 and section 54.706  of the Commission's rules;10 2) 
BOI, BUZZ and/or U.S. Bell/LINK  had failed to make required 
contributions  to  the   Telecommunications  Relay  Services 
(``TRS'') Fund, in violation of section 64.604(c)(5)(iii)(A) 
of  the  Commission's  rules;11   and  3)  BOI,  BUZZ,  U.S. 
Bell/LINK  had failed  to file  Telecommunications Reporting 
Worksheets  in  violation  of sections  54.711,  54.713  and 
64.604(c)(iii)(B)   of   the  Commission's   rules.12    The 
presiding officer  also put BOI, BUZZ  and/or U.S. Bell/LINK 
on notice that  the Commission could order  a forfeiture for 
the failure to make required universal service contributions 
and a forfeiture  of as much as $10,000 for  each failure to 
file required TRS contributions and for each failure to file 
Telecommunications Reporting Worksheets.13   

     5.   On December 9, 2003, the presiding officer granted 
the  Bureau's first  motion  for  partial summary  decision, 
finding  that  BOI  had  changed  consumers'  long  distance 
telephone  service on  sixteen  occasions without  following 
Commission verification  procedures in violation  of section 
258 of the Act14 and  section 64.1120(c) of the Commission's 
rules,15 had willfully failed to  file its FCC Form 499-A in 
violation of  section 64.1195  of the  Commission's rules,16 
and had discontinued service to customers in Vermont without 
Commission authorization in violation  of section 214 of the 
Act17 and section 63.71 of the Commission's rules.18    

     6.   On  December  24,   2003,  the  presiding  officer 
granted  the  Bureau's  second motion  for  partial  summary 
decision,  finding that  BOI  had  willfully and  repeatedly 
failed to  make required contributions to  federal universal 
service support  programs in violation of  section 254(d) of 
the Act19  and section  54.706 of the  Commission's rules,20 
had  willfully  and  repeatedly  failed  to  make  TRS  Fund 
contributions in  violation of  section 64.604(c)(5)(iii)(A) 
of  the   Commission's  rules,21   and  had   willfully  and 
repeatedly  failed  to   file  Telecommunications  Reporting 
Worksheets  in  a timely  manner  in  violation of  sections 
54.711 of the Commission's rules.22  

     7.   On January  28, 2004, pursuant to  section 1.94(a) 
of  the  Commission's  Rules,23   the  Bureau  informed  the 
presiding officer of the initiation of the negotiations that 
lead to this Consent Decree.  Pursuant to section 1.93(b) of 
the Commission's rules,24 the Bureau negotiated this Consent 
Decree to  secure future compliance with  sections 214, 254, 
and  258  of  the  Act25 and  related  Commission  rules  in 
exchange for prompt disposition of  the issues raised in the 
Order  to   Show  Cause,  other  than   the  issues  already 
adjudicated by the presiding officer.


     8.   The  Parties  agree   and  acknowledge  that  this 
Consent Decree  shall constitute a final  settlement between 
the Parties of  the Proceeding and the Order  to Show Cause.  
In consideration  for the termination of  this Proceeding in 
accordance  with  the  terms  of this  Consent  Decree,  the 
Parties  agree  to  the terms,  conditions,  and  procedures 
contained herein.

     9.   The Companies admit that they operate as resellers 
of interstate  telecommunications services and that  the FCC 
has jurisdiction  over them and  the subject matter  of this 
Proceeding  for the  purposes of  this Consent  Decree.  The 
Companies represent  and warrant that they  are the properly 
named parties  to this  Consent Decree  and are  solvent and 
have sufficient funds available  to meet fully all financial 
and  other  obligations  set forth  herein.   The  Companies 
further  represent and  warrant that  they have  caused this 
Consent   Decree  to   be  executed   by  their   authorized 
representative, Kurtis J.  Kintzel, as a true  act and deed, 
as  of  the  date  affixed  next  to  said  representative's 
signature.  Kurtis J. Kintzel and the Companies respectively 
affirm and  warrant that  he is acting  in his  capacity and 
within  his   authority  as  a  corporate   officer  of  the 
Companies, and on  behalf of the Companies, and  that by his 
signature Kurtis J. Kintzel is  binding the Companies to the 
terms and conditions of  this Consent Decree.  The Companies 
and their principals, Kurtis  J. Kintzel and Keanan Kintzel, 
also represent that they have been represented by counsel of 
their choice in connection with  this Consent Decree and are 
fully satisfied with the representation of counsel.

     10.  The Parties waive their right  to a hearing on the 
issues not  already adjudicated which are  designated in the 
Show Cause Order, including all  of the usual procedures for 
preparation and review of  an initial decision.  The Parties 
waive  their  right  to  judicial  reconsideration,  review, 
appeal or  stay, or  to otherwise  challenge or  contest the 
validity of this Consent Decree  and the Order, provided the 
presiding officer issues the Order without change, addition, 
or modification of this  Consent Decree.  The Companies also 
waive whatever rights they may  have to contest the validity 
of the  presiding officer's  summary decisions  discussed in 
paragraphs 5 and 6, above.

     11.  The Parties agree that the Show Cause Order may be 
used in construing this Consent Decree.

     12.  The Parties agree that  this Consent Decree is for 
settlement  purposes   only  and   that  signing   does  not 
constitute  an   admission  by   the  Companies,   or  their 
principals,  of  any  violation  of  law,  rules  or  policy 
associated with or arising from  its actions or omissions as 
described in the Order to Show Cause.

     13.  The Bureau agrees that, in the absence of material 
new evidence  relating to issues  described in the  Order to 
Show Cause that the Bureau  did not obtain through discovery 
in  this Proceeding  or is  not otherwise  currently in  the 
Commission's possession, the Bureau  and the Commission will 
not  use the  facts  developed in  this  Proceeding, or  the 
existence of this  Consent Decree, to institute,  on its own 
motion, any new proceedings, formal  or informal, or to make 
any  actions on  its own  motion against  the Companies,  or 
their  principals,  concerning  the matters  that  were  the 
subject of  the Order  to Show  Cause.  Consistent  with the 
foregoing,  nothing in  this  Consent  Decree limits,  inter 
alia, the Commission's authority  to consider and adjudicate 
any formal complaint  that may be filed  pursuant to section 
208 of the  Communications Act, as amended, and  to take any 
action in response to such formal complaint.

     14.  For  purposes of  settling the  matters set  forth 
herein, the Companies and their Affiliates agree to take the 
actions described below.

     (a)  Beginning   on  the   Effective  Date,   no  Sales 
     Representative will make a    Sales   Call    that   is 
     Misleading in any material respect or that represents, 
     suggests or implies that:

          (i)  the Sales Call is a courtesy call;

          (ii) the Companies, or any one of them, are taking 
          or have taken over  for   another    entity   that 
          provides long distance telephone service     
          including, but  not limited to, AT&T,  Sprint, MCI 
          or any former  Bell  operating   company  such  as 
          Verizon, SBC, or Qwest, unless     such         is 
          actually the case;

          (iii)     the only service being sold is state-to-
               state unless such is actually the case; or

          (iv)      the Companies have a tariff on file with 
               the FCC.

     (b)  Beginning  on the  Effective  Date, the  Companies 
     will verify any and all  new  and/or  former  customers 
     only by using the procedures authorized by   the 
     Commission  and/or  applicable   state  public  utility 
     commissions,   including those  currently set  forth in 
     47 C.F.R. § 64.1120(c).  Any  Independent  Third  Party 
     Verifier used by the Companies shall not be  located in 
     the same building as any of the Companies.   

     (c)  Beginning   on  the   Effective   Date,  for   any 
     telecommunications carrier that    is providing or will 
     provide interstate telecommunications service and that 
     is owned,  managed or  controlled by Kurtis  J. Kintzel 
     and/or Keanan  Kintzel, such telecommunications carrier 
     shall comply with any    Commission        registration 
     requirements, including those currently set forth      
     in 47 C.F.R. § 64.1195.   

     (d)  Beginning  on  the  Effective Date,  none  of  the 
     Companies will discontinue    long  distance  telephone 
     service to customers in any State unless it first      
     receives  authorization  from   the  Commission  and/or 
     applicable state public  utility commissions, including 
     such authorization that is currently required     by 
     the FCC in accordance with 47 C.F.R. §  63.71.   

     (e)  Beginning  on the  Effective  Date, the  Companies 
     will file their     quarterly         and        annual 
     Telecommunications Reporting Worksheets by the    due 
     dates specified thereon.    

     (f)  Beginning  on the  Effective  Date, the  Companies 
     will make their current  federal    universal   service 
     contributions by the due date specified on each   
     invoice  sent   to  them   by  the   Universal  Service 
     Administrative Company   (``USAC'').  

     (g)  Beginning  on the  Effective  Date, the  Companies 
     will make their TRS      contributions by  the due date 
     specified on each invoice sent to them by    the 
     National Exchange Carrier Association (``NECA'').

     (h)  Beginning  on the  Effective  Date, the  Companies 
     will pay (if they have not    already  done  so)  their 
     past due TRS contributions as billed by the National   
     Exchange Carrier Association (``NECA''). 

     (i)  The Companies  will pay  their remaining  past due 
     federal universal service     obligations            of 
     $772,659.56 in 24 monthly  payments of $35,298.75 each, 
     in   accordance  with  the   documents  signed  by  the 
     Companies and their      representatives   on  February 
     [to be filled in], 2004.

     (j)  Prior  to any  sale, dissolution,  reorganization, 
     assignment, merger,      acquisition  or  other  action 
     that would result in a successor or assign for    
     provision of  the Companies'  interstate communications 
     services, the  Companies  will furnish  a copy  of this 
     Consent Decree to such prospective      successors   or 
     assigns and advise same of their duties and obligations 
     under     this Order.

     (k)  The Companies  will be responsible for  making the 
     substantive    requirements and procedures set forth in 
     this Consent Decree known to  their          respective 
     directors and officers, and to managers, employees,    
     agents, and  persons associated with the  Companies who 
     are responsible     for  implementing  the  obligations 
     set forth in this Consent Decree.  The  Companies will, 
     within thirty (30) days  of the Effective Date, deliver 
     to   each of their current  directors and officers, and 
     to all Sales   Representatives, written instructions as 
     to their respective responsibilities    in   connection 
     with  the Companies'  compliance and  obligations under 
     this      Consent    Decree.    The    Companies   will 
     distribute said instructions to all of  their    future 
     directors  and officers  wherever located,  and to  all 
     future Sales   Representatives,   on   the  date   such 
     individuals are appointed or hired to   such positions.

     (l)  The    Companies    will   establish    a    Sales 
     Representative Code of Conduct (the     "Code"),  which 
     will conform to this Consent Decree and be reviewed and 
     signed by  all current Sales Representatives.   As part 
     of their initial    training,     each    new     Sales 
     Representative will also sign the Code.  All Sales     
     Representatives will reaffirm semi-annually, in writing 
     that they have      recently   reviewed,    and   fully 
     understand, the Code.  The Code will    establish     a 
     strict   quality   standard,   to   which   all   Sales 
     Representatives will     be  required  to adhere.   The 
     Code will establish, inter alia, that all Sales   
     Representatives  will  make representations  consistent 
     with the restrictions    specified  in paragraph  14(a) 

     (m)  Beginning  on the  Effective  Date, the  Companies 
     will inform all Sales    Representatives that violation 
     of the provisions of paragraph 14(a) will    result  in 
     mandatory  penalties and  increasingly severe  measures 
     for repeat     offenders,   including    employee   re-
     training, compensation reduction,  suspension      from 
     work, and termination.  

     (n)  Beginning  on the  Effective  Date, the  Companies 
     will promptly and in     good faith address and resolve 
     all complaints in a reasonable manner   consistent with 
     this Consent Decree.  In all cases where the Companies 
     conclude  that Misleading  statements  were  made by  a 
     Sales     Representative,  the  Companies will  contact 
     the Customer and provide      appropriate remedies.

     (o)  Within  60  days  from  the  Effective  Date,  the 
     Companies will provide a      formal   report  to   the 
     Bureau.  The Companies will provide additional    
     reports  every twelve  (12) months  thereafter, with  a 
     final report due fifty   (50) months from the Effective 
     Date.  Each report will include the     following:  (a) 
     evidence  of   payment  of  the  Companies'   past  due 
     universal      service obligations,  the last  of which 
     is expected to occur no later than      March  1, 2006; 
     (b) evidence of payment of the Companies' most recent  
     invoice  from  the   Universal  Service  Administrative 
     Company; (c) evidence    of  payment of  the Companies' 
     most recent invoice from NECA      concerning  TRS; (d) 
     a copy of the Companies' Telecommunications  Reporting 
     Worksheets  filed since  the previous  report; (e)  the 
     name(s) and    address(es)  of  all  Independent  Third 
     Party Verifiers used by the   Companies    since    the 
     previous report; and (f) information since the last    
     report  relating to  all customer  complaints based  on 
     alleged Misleading  statements        from        Sales 
     Representatives, including, the name and address of    
     the customer,  the name of the  Sales Representative, a 
     brief summary of the     alleged  Misleading statement, 
     the disciplinary action taken, if any, against    the 
     Sales  Representative,   and  the  resolution   of  the 
     complaint.  If, by the   date   of   the  report,   the 
     Companies are still investigating one or more such     
     complaints  and/or  have  not  yet acted  on  any  such 
     complaint(s), the report      should so state.

     15.  The Companies  will make a  voluntary contribution 
(not  a fine  or a  penalty) in  the amount  of $510,000  in 
installments over a forty-eight  (48) month period, with the 
first payment due May 15,  2004, and each successive payment 
due  on the  15th day  of  the following  month.  The  first 
forty-seven payments shall be in  the amount of $10,700; the 
forty-eighth  and last  payment shall  be in  the amount  of 
$7,100.   The  Companies may  prepay  this  amount, and  are 
encouraged to  do so,  without penalty.  The  Companies must 
make these payments  by check, wire transfer  or money order 
drawn to the order of the Federal Communications Commission, 
and the  check, or money order  must refer to NAL  Acct. No. 
200332170002  and  FRN  No.  0007179054.  See  47  C.F.R.  § 
1.80(h).  The Companies  must mail the check  or money order 
to: Forfeiture  Collection Section, Finance  Branch, Federal 
Communications Commission, P.O. Box 73482, Chicago, Illinois 

     16.  In   express  reliance   on   the  covenants   and 
representations  contained  herein,  the  Bureau  agrees  to 
terminate this Proceeding and resolve the Show Cause Order.

     17.  The  Companies  represent  and warrant  that  they 
shall not, for the purpose of circumventing any part of this 
Consent Decree,  effect any  change in  their form  of doing 
business  or their  organizational  identity or  participate 
directly or  indirectly in any  activity to form  a separate 
entity or  corporation which  engages in acts  prohibited in 
this Consent  Decree or  for any  other purpose  which would 
otherwise circumvent any part of  this Consent Decree or the 
obligations  of   this  Consent  Decree.   Nothing   in  the 
foregoing  sentence  shall  be  construed  to  prohibit  the 
Companies from effecting  any change in their  form of doing 
business or their  organizational identity, or participating 
directly or  indirectly in any  activity to form  a separate 
entity or corporation,  where such change does  not have the 
effect of circumventing any part of this Consent Decree.

     18.  The Companies' and the  Bureau's decision to enter 
into this  Consent Decree  is expressly contingent  upon the 
signing of the Order by  the presiding officer and the Order 
becoming a  Final Order without revision,  change, addition, 
or modification  of this Consent Decree.   The Parties agree 
that either  the Bureau or  the Companies may  withdraw from 
this Consent  Decree if  any revision, change,  addition, or 
modification is made to its terms.

     19.  The Parties  agree that this Consent  Decree shall 
become part  of the  record of this  Proceeding only  on its 
Effective Date. 

     20   If the Commission, or  the United States on behalf 
of the Commission,  brings a judicial action  to enforce the 
terms of this  Consent Decree, the Parties  will not contest 
the validity  of the Consent  Decree, and the  Companies and 
their Affiliates will  waive any statutory right  to a trial 
de novo.   The Companies and  their Affiliates do  not waive 
any statutory right to a  trial de novo to determine whether 
they violated this Consent Decree.  

     21.  The  Companies  and  their  principals  waive  any 
rights they  may otherwise  have under  the Equal  Access to 
Justice Act, 5 U.S.C. § 504 and 47 C.F.R. § 1.1501 et seq.

     22.  In the event that  this Consent Decree is rendered 
invalid  by any  court of  competent jurisdiction,  it shall 
become null  and void and may  not be used in  any manner in 
any legal proceeding.

     23.  Any  material  violation  of the  Consent  Decree, 
including  the non-payment  of any  part of  the forfeiture, 
will constitute a separate  violation of a Commission order, 
entitling the Commission to exercise any rights and remedies 
attendant  to the  enforcement of  a Commission  order.  The 
Commission agrees that before it  takes any formal action in 
connection with  any alleged or suspected  violation of this 
Consent Decree,  the Companies  or their Affiliates  will be 
notified of the alleged or  suspected violation and be given 
a reasonable opportunity to respond.

     24.  The  Parties agree  that if  any provision  of the 
Consent Decree  conflicts with any subsequent  rule or order 
adopted  by  the  Commission,   where  compliance  with  the 
provision  would result  in  a violation,  (except an  order 
specifically intended  to revise  the terms of  this Consent 
Decree to  which the Companies  and their principals  do not 
consent)  that   provision  will   be  superseded   by  such 
Commission rule or order.

     25.  By this Consent Decree, the Companies do not waive 
or  alter their  right to  assert and  seek protection  from 
disclosure of  any privileged or otherwise  confidential and 
protected documents and information,  or to seek appropriate 
safeguards   of   confidentiality  for   any   competitively 
sensitive  or   proprietary  information.   The   status  of 
materials prepared for, reviews made and discussions held in 
the  preparation for  and implementation  of the  Companies' 
compliance efforts  under this  Consent Decree,  which would 
otherwise be privileged or  confidential, are not altered by 
the execution or  implementation of the terms  of this Order 
and no  waiver of  such privileges is  made by  this Consent 

     26   The Parties  agree that, within five  (5) business 
days after the  date of this Consent Decree,  they will file 
with the  presiding officer a  joint motion and  draft order 
requesting that the presiding  officer sign the draft order, 
accept Consent  Decree, and  close the record.   The Parties 
will  take  such  other  actions  as  may  be  necessary  to 
effectuate the objectives of this Consent Decree.

     27.  This Consent Decree may be signed in counterparts.

For the Enforcement Bureau,             For Business 
Options, Inc.
Federal Communications Commission  U.S. Bell, Inc./Link 
                              Buzz Telecom Corporation 
                              Avatar Enterprises, Inc.

David H. Solomon                   Kurtis J. Kintzel
Chief                              Chief Executive Officer
Date                          Date

1  See Order to Show Cause and Notice of Opportunity for 
Hearing, 18 FCC Rcd 6881 (2003).
2 47 U.S.C. § 258.
3 47 C.F.R. §§ 64.1100-1190 (2002).
4 47 C.F.R. § 64.1195 (2002).
5 47 U.S.C. § 214.
6 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.71 and 63.505 (2002).  
7 47 U.S.C. § 214.
8 Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 03M-33 (Aug. 20, 2003).
9 47 U.S.C. § 254(d).
10 47 C.F.R. § 54.706 (2002).
11 47 C.F.R. § 64.604(c)(5)(iii)(A) (2002).
12 47 C.F.R. §§ 54.711, 54.713 and 64.604(c)(iii)(B) (2002).
13 Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 03M-33 (Aug. 20, 2003).
14 47 U.S.C. § 258.
15 47 C.F.R. § 64.1120(c) (2002).  BOI's violations included 
failures to elicit required information, failures to obtain 
authorization of any kind, failures to use independent third 
party verifiers and failures to obtain verification for each 
service switched.  Of the sixteen violations, nine occurred 
within one year of the release date of the Order to Show 
Cause, and only those nine would be considered in 
determining a forfeiture penalty.  See Memorandum Opinion 
and Order, FCC 03M-54 at 8, n. 12 (Dec. 9, 2003).   
16 47 C.F.R. § 64.1195 (2002).
17 47 U.S.C. § 214.
18 47 C.F.R. § 63.71 (2002).  Memorandum Opinion and Order, 
FCC 03M-54 (Dec. 9, 2003).

19 47 U.S.C. § 254(d).
20 47 C.F.R. § 54.706 (2002).
21 47 C.F.R. § 64.604(c)(5)(iii)(A) (2002).
22 47 C.F.R. § 54.711 (2002).  Memorandum Opinion and Order, 
FCC 03M-58 (Dec. 24, 2003).

23 47 C.F.R. § 1.94(a).
24 47 C.F.R. § 1.93(b).
25 47 U.S.C. §§ 214, 254 and 258.