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COMMISSIONER TRISTANI AWARDED NCLR'S RUBEN SALAZAR HONOR FCC Commissioner Gloria Tristani today received the Ruben Salazar Award for Communications from the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) at the organization's 2001 annual conference. The Ruben Salazar Award is given each year to an individual who has dedicated his or her life to promoting a positive portrayal of Latino historical, political, economic, and cultural contributions to U.S. society. It is named in honor of the journalist killed in 1970 by a policeman's tear gas projectile while covering a Chicano march in East Los Angeles. "We are pleased to present the Ruben Salazar Award to FCC Commissioner Gloria Tristani," NCLR President Raul Yzaguirre said. "She is a leader on Latino issues in communications, and Hispanics across America have benefited from her unswerving commitment." "I accept this award with deep gratitude and a sense of responsibility for my work at the FCC," Tristani said. "Television and radio uniquely shape our perceptions of who we are and where we are going. Television in particular is the most powerful communications medium that affects how our children perceive their value and their potential." "To this day, Hispanic images are still virtually non-existent on prime time television. And when they are, our children more often than not see their heritage and culture reflected in a negative light or as a crude stereotype," Commissioner Tristani said. Speaking about minority ownership of TV and radio licenses, low power FM radio, and the importance of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policies, she added, "If we had more minority owners of TV and radio licenses, and more minorities working in front and behind the camera, I believe we would begin to see images that reflect the true and rich diversity that is America." The National Council of La Raza is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt organization established in 1968 to reduce poverty and discrimination, and improve life opportunities, for Hispanic Americans. Tristani was awarded the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO) Edward R. Roybal Award for Outstanding Public Service in 2000, and in 1998 and 1996 was named one of the nation's 100 most influential Hispanics by Hispanic Business magazine.
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