FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 26, 2000 STATEMENT OF FCC COMMISSIONER GLORIA TRISTANI ON the impact of Entertainment violence on children American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and American Association of Children and Adolescent Psychology conclude that TV violence can lead to aggressive behavior in children. Cite over 1000 studies, including reports issued by the federal government, which point to a causal connection between viewing media violence and aggressive behavior. Four major health organizations reminded us again that television violence has a harmful and noxious impact on our children. Entertainment violence is polluting the minds of our children. We don't need 50 years of studies - like we had on smoking - to know that entertainment violence has a toxic effect. Today I call on the entertainment industry, and particularly the broadcasting industry, to stop violating the minds of our children. I will also be asking the FCC Chairman to hold a Commission hearing on television violence and the public interest obligations of broadcasters. - FCC -