Text Version
Federal Communications Commission
Before the
United States Telephone Association
"Section 271 Review: The Challenge of Charlie Brown."
Washington, DC
January 22, 1998
Good afternoon. First off, I'd like to thank Mary McDermott and
the folks at USTA for giving me this opportunity to discuss my views
on section 271, and more generally, on implementation of the 1996
Act because I believe it is the industry, rather than regulators or
politicians, that will make the Act a success.
While my remarks today will focus on the challenges posed for
regulation of the Bell Operating Companies, I recognize that what the
FCC and other regulators learn in the context of section 271 may
ultimately affect how we view incumbents telephone companies more
generally. More importantly, I firmly believe that some of the most
innovative moves to spur competition and provide value to
consumers are being made, not by the BOCs, but by some of the
smaller incumbents represented here today. I encourage all of you to
keep my office and the rest of the Commission informed of your
activities and how these activities can provide useful models or
insights for the section 271 process -- we are all in this together.
The timing of these remarks is fortuitous for two reasons. First,
given that it has been a week since I circulated a White Paper
providing specific recommendations on reforming the section 271
process, this lunch allows me to enlist your support for these reforms
personally. For those of you who have met with me, you know that I
have been advocating a more cooperative approach to section 271
since I arrived at the Commission.
Second, the timing of this speech is fortuitous because it comes
on the eve of Super Bowl Sunday, which provides a convenient hook
for my remarks today. (For those of you who picked Pittsburgh or
San Francisco for the Super Bowl, my condolences. I trust that your
inability to predict outcomes in the sports realm is no reflection
whatsoever on your business acumen.)
As you gather with friends this Sunday to root for your favored
team and to marvel at these lucrative and intensely-watched exploits -- I'm referring to the commercials, rather than the game itself -- I ask
you to take a moment to reflect that this is the second Super Bowl
that has taken place since the Act was passed, yet local competition
is still in its infancy and no BOC has gained entry into long distance.
I know that some would see this as an indication that the Act has
failed. I disagree, though I am disappointed. The Act's goal of
opening local telephone markets to competition is a lofty one, and
achievement of that goal is exponentially more difficult than any
previous deregulation effort. We will all need to be patient as we
unravel a regulated system that has been viewed as a legal and
natural monopoly for almost a century. I will focus my remarks today
primarily on one facet of this grand deregulation effort, namely, how
can we improve our game plan for section 271 implementation?
So, how can we improve our game plan for implementing
section 271? The Paper I issued last week was intended to offer
some specific answers to that question. In short it outlined a process
that: (1) would be less adjudicative and more collaborative in nature;
(2) would strengthen consultation and cooperation with States and
the Justice Department; (3) would aim at achieving success by
working to take issues off the table in advance of an application,
thereby clarifying the remaining hurdles to approval; and (4) would be
less resource intensive in the long run. Before I say more about
those proposals, let me address some of the reactions that I have
received to the approach I outlined.
First, I have heard an enormous amount of positive feedback on
the White Paper from the States, from the industry and the Justice
Department. I am pleased that these folks believe we have advanced
the ball down the field a bit, for that was our intention. I also have
fielded a few questions about why I decided to write a Paper, why I
chose to make it public, and how the approach it calls for differs from
efforts already underway. Let me take a minute to shed some light on
these questions.
Why did I write the White Paper? As I stated in the Paper itself,
part of the impetus for putting my thoughts down in writing was to
react to the district court in Texas, which, just as we were starting to
think about how we could move the section 271 ball toward the end
zone more quickly, attempted to swipe the ball and pronounce the
section 271 game over. You may recall that I respectfully question
whether sections 271-275 of the Act comprise an unconstitutional bill
of attainder, as Judge Kendall concluded, and I sincerely hope that
reviewing courts read the statute differently. But regardless of
whether you think the Texas decision was right or simply a bad call
by a referee who needs a new prescription for his constitutional
glasses, I believe we must all take seriously the notion that any
reasonable, objective person could characterize the initial section 271
process as punitive. In light of this disturbing notion, I became more
convinced than ever that the Commission needed to kick off a new
approach to implementing section 271, sooner rather than later.
My interest in spurring discussion about a more cooperative
approach to the section 271 process, however, is based more
fundamentally on my personal experiences, some of which predated
my arrival at the Commission. Specifically, I have been able to
observe the section 271 process since it came into being from two
distinct vantage points: the Justice Department and the Commission.
Having two views of the problem has, I think, focused my vision. Let
me tell you what I have seen.
From my vantage points at the Justice Department and the
Commission, I observed that BOCs were not fully committed to the
section 271 play, out of concern about the execution. That is, from
their perspective, opening up their network to would-be competitors
would require significant expenditures. Such expense was justified if
the promise of lucrative new markets was realized soon after taking
these measures, before its competitors were able to cream-skim its
high volume customers. The timing of the 271 play was critical,
because if a BOC released its blockers from the front line, it had
better find an open receiver quickly or it would be undoubtedly
As aggressive teams are prone to do, I believe the BOCs
considered a number of tricks to make the play less risky: (1) They
could limit their costs by doing as little as possible and seeing if they
would nonetheless obtain long distance authority. (2) They could
adopt a litigation strategy whereby they would submit minimalist
applications and then appeal the rejected applications to court in an
attempt to constrain the regulators' power. Or, (3) they could attempt
to pressure or overwhelm the Commission by repeatedly filing
lengthy applications in an attempt to force the Commission to
approve those applications. The BOCs also could accompany such
tactics with efforts to provide "spin" on the section 271 process in
order to get the political winds to their backs. I think it is fair to say
that we have seen examples of all these strategies in action. What
they did not anticipate is that the referee was carefully scrutinizing
the game and throwing penalty flags at every turn. The 271 play was
not going to be easy.
And yet, I do not think that fact alone would have led to a
breakdown in confidence among BOCs about whether they could
successfully navigate the section 271 process. I believe that this
breakdown was triggered in part by the quasi-judicial style of the
review process. The BOCs saw a review process that, tended to be
focused more on offering justifications for rejection than on offering
comprehensive guidance for obtaining approval. Thus, even as the
Commission began, in successive applications, to provide guidance
on what BOCs need to do to satisfy the competitive checklist, many
BOCs were left to conclude that the process was not simply rigorous,
but rigged -- designed to keep BOCs out of long distance for a long
period of time, regardless of what they might do to open local
markets. These perceptions conspired to rob the section 271 process
of the credibility it needed to produce constructive exchanges
between the government and industry. Consequently, BOCs became
less committed to investing in opening their networks, for they had
even less confidence that they would be timely compensated with
permission to enter new long distance markets.
To carry through the Super Bowl theme, I fear that the BOCs
have viewed the process of obtaining long distance authority from the
Commission less as professional football and more as playground
football of the Charlie Brown and Lucy variety.
You remember Charlie Brown and Lucy, those memorable
Peanuts cartoon characters. Year after year, Lucy would lure Charlie
Brown onto the playlot with the prospect of kicking a football that
Lucy promised to hold for him. Year after year, Charlie Brown would
finally agree to kick the ball, perhaps tempted by the thought of
achieving kindergarten fame and glory, perhaps betrayed by his
desire to impress that Little Red-Haired Girl of which he was so very
fond. And year after year, Charlie Brown would dash across the field
and throw his leg back so he could kick with all his might. But just as
he reached the place where Lucy held the ball, tilted upright under
one of her fingers, Lucy would snatch the ball away, causing Charlie
Brown to fly up into the air, land with a thud on his back, and, of
course, scream AUGHHHH!!! And all Charlie Brown would get for his
troubles was another dose of humiliation, and a comment from Lucy
which seemed far too sardonic for someone in elementary school.
I fear that, in preparing and filing their section 271 applications,
some of the BOCs have felt they were playing the role of Charlie
Brown against the FCC's Lucy. I believe a less judicial and more
collaborative approach would restore trust and confidence that we
will not lift our finger before each kick.
I also observed, from my vantage points at the Justice
Department and the Commission, that the Commission lacked the
resources to provide complete and clear guidance to the BOCs, other
carriers and the States. Two major resource limitations exist in the
context of a section 271 application: time and people. The section
271 process allows the Commission only ninety days in which to
issue a decision on an application. That limitation significantly
constrains the Commission and severely limits our ability to conduct
a full and complete application review -- one that would attempt to
provide guidance on all the checklist items. You must understand
that as a practical matter (with the layers of editorial review and the
inevitable back and forth among Commissioners) the initial draft of
our decision must usually be completed within a week or two of
receiving reply comments, resulting in very little time for extensive
and thoughtful analysis. Further, there are only so many hours in the
day and we have only so many people to work on applications, which
have been as long as 33,000 pages.
What is the result of these resource constraints? The
Commission's analysis, of necessity, has been limited to explaining
just a handful of dispositive deficiencies, rather than providing a
blueprint to the specific company at issue on how it might succeed
next time. For example, I think we did a tremendous job on our
BellSouth application with respect to the items we analyzed, but I bet
BellSouth has no firm idea of whether it would be approved if it
corrected those deficiencies. The Commission and the Bureau
simply cannot sustain the effort required to process applications fully
within the time allowed. And this has been when the Commission is
dealing with one application at a time. I can only imagine how we will
be able to handle things when there are 7, 15 or 30 applications
pending at once from around the country. Thus, I felt that we needed
to make a change urgently.
Lastly, from my vantage points at the Justice Department and
the Commission, I observed that, until recently, there has been
insufficient cooperation among state and federal authorities to
implement section 271. Further, the state-federal cooperation that did
occur did not, in my view, take full account of the unique
perspectives that each governmental entity brought to the collective
goal of opening local markets and increasing the number of choices
in long distance markets.
Now to be fair, during evaluation of an application there are
usually some informal discussions at the staff level among the
Commission, the States and DOJ. Nonetheless, I have observed a
substantial amount of duplicative effort and differing viewpoints on
compliance among these three areas of government, thereby making
it unnecessarily difficult for BOCs to discern what they must do to
comply with section 271. While it is important for each of these three
areas of government to maintain their independence and to have their
conclusions be their own, much more can be done to "front-load" and
improve the level of Commission consultation with the States and
Justice Department. The statute speaks of consulting the States and
DOJ, and I do not think that consultation should focus primarily on
the written comments that the States and DOJ file during the ninety-day application cycle. By working together before an application is
filed, the Commission, the States and DOJ can get the best of each
other's unique thinking, conserve our collective resources, and clarify
the steps BOCs must take to succeed.
In light of these observations of the section 271 process, I
drafted the White Paper. As you may recall, I stated in the Paper that
a revised section 271 process should have several attributes. It
should be:
- Less adjudicative and more collaborative;
- Involve close working relationships between the
Commission, the States and the Justice Department,
and take account of their unique perspectives and
- Emphasize informal dialogue between regulators and
all facts of the industry to clarify the Commission's
expectations and to find workable ways to satisfy the
regulatory checklist and public interest standard;
Based on these attributes, I recommended what I termed a
"multidimensional approach" to interpreting and applying section
271. There would be three dimensions:
- A national assessment conducted by the
Commission, in collaboration with the States
and Justice Department.
- State-tailored and regional solutions to checklist
- Efficient evaluation of the application, once filed.
The goal of taking into account these three dimensions would be to
solve as many of the problems of checklist compliance for a given
state well before an application for that state is filed.
Two things will be critical in making these first two dimensions
of the new section 271 process work effectively. First, because the
Commission will need lead time to work with the States and Justice
Department, both to perform the national-level assessment of best
practices and to develop state-tailored solutions, it is critical that
BOCs give us this lead time -- notifying us well in advance of their
section 271 filings. As I indicated in my White Paper, all of us -- the
Commission, the States, the Justice Department and the industry --
are learning how to interpret section 271 at the same time. Dumping
premature or multiple applications on the Commission is not the
most efficient way to get into the long distance business, for while we
are busy trying to review your lengthy applications, in which you
have guessed what we think the statute requires, we will not be able
to spend the time we need to determine what we think the statute
requires. I understand that all of the BOCs are eager to score in the
section 271 process with respect to each of your states, but I caution
you that you may not improve your chances of success if you all try
to "go for the ball" at the same time.
Second, and just as importantly, I believe the Commission must
not develop this new approach to implementing section 271 in a
vacuum. The last thing the Commission needs at this stage of the
game is to leave out important details because we are too guarded to
obtain important input from outside the Commission. Rather, we
must articulate an open process for working with carriers, the States
and the Justice Department that will structure how all stakeholders
can make their views known and will give carriers some reasonable
expectation that their pre-application efforts will take certain checklist
items off the table, to the extent that doing so would not prejudge the
BOC's application. I strongly encourage all of you to share your
views on how to make this new process a success with the "Eighth
Floor" of the Commission, as well as with the Common Carrier
Bureau. You can perform an invaluable service to the Commission
and to the companies you represent if you make your views known
early and often, and at all levels of the Commission.
In this regard, I ask you to tell us several things about how to
develop this new process to implementing section 271: (1) what do
new entrants and BOCs need to know about each others' proposals
for satisfying the checklist in order to provide constructive criticism
on those proposals?; (2) what information about the market and their
business needs can BOCs and new entrants provide that will
demonstrate why the requirements they propose are neither
unreasonably stringent nor unreasonably lenient?; (3) how should the
Commission think about prioritizing its limited resources in carrying
out this new collaborative approach to implementing section 271?
The Commission cannot answer these and other important "process"
questions without your help.
If the Commission, the States and DOJ engage in these
collaborative pre-application activities -- including the national
assessment of best practices and the development of state-tailored
solutions -- I am very optimistic that we will be a lot closer to
agreeing as to what a particular BOC needs to do to comply with
many, if not all, checklist items prior to the filing of its application,
such that the Commission will hopefully be able to resolve any
remaining issues and, consistent with the statute, approve the
application once it is filed.
Is my proposal anything new? As I acknowledged in the White
Paper itself, the notion of a more cooperative and collaborative
approach is not an original idea. Many people inside and outside of
the Commission have talked about moving in this direction. I have
worked with Montana Commissioner Bob Rowe, Chairman of
NARUC's Communications Committee, who has himself offered a
similar proposal. Moreover, I have acknowledged that the
Commission has begun to take steps in this direction.
What has been lacking, in my opinion, is a comprehensive
articulation of a collaborative approach around which the many
players, including Congress, the industry, the States, the Justice
Department and the Commission, can discuss change and build a
new process. By laying out guiding principles and a general outline
of how the approach would work, and by using my limited bully pulpit
to express the concerns I have expressed more privately for months, I
sought to significantly advance and accelerate our efforts in this area.
I think it has been a constructive effort, and I invite others to carry on
this tradition of offering detailed substantive contributions to the
debate -- focusing on ideas rather than emotion or sound bites.
I should add a few words of caution here: those who wish to
interpret my call for more collaboration as evidence that I am "pro-BOC" or "anti-IXC" will be sorely disappointed. Those of you who
have met with me know that I do not believe there are good carriers or
bad carriers, just profit-maximizing carriers. Moreover, I believe I
would fail in my duty to uphold the statute if I were to advocate
making it any easier to satisfy the competitive checklist than the
statute allows. In addition, while I invite all of you to share your
thoughts with me and with my colleagues on this new approach, I
caution you not to abuse this invitation. The overall goal in
developing this new process should be to allow parties who wish to
participate constructively to do so, while guarding against procedural
"gaming" that would distract us from the difficult task of opening
local markets.
I also should add that the new collaborative approach I have
described was conceived to be implemented seamlessly and
immediately into the Act's current section 271 process. However, the
"wake up call" to implement a revised section 271 approach is
certainly not meant to foreclose other efforts and proposals to
promote BOC entry into the various interexchange markets. For
example, LCI International filed a petition today with the Commission
for an alternative means of BOC entry -- what I would term, a section
271(x) -- whereby a BOC would be guaranteed entry into the long
distance market if they agreed to separate their retail operations from
the wholesale side of their business. I would not attempt to address
the merits of LCI's proposal at this time. Although I firmly believe
that section 271 can still work, I welcome any proposals that would
make the long distance entry process more efficient.
In closing, I would like to point out that, contrary to popular
belief, the Commission has, in fact, made at least modest progress in
moving the ball forward in the effort to open local markets, both
generally and with respect to section 271. The Commission has
provided at least partial guidance on several checklist items,
including OSS, access to unbundled network elements,
interconnection, resale and access to E911 services. Moreover, to
date, the Commission has concluded that BOC applicants have
satisfied at least one element of the checklist (E911). Further, our
Common Carrier Bureau has begun meeting with carriers to discuss
how regulators and interested parties can reach common ground on
what market-opening steps BOCs must take to satisfy the competitive
And so, as you gather with friends this Sunday, please do me a
favor: remind them that this is the second Super Bowl since the
Telecom Act was passed. Moreover, assuming your friends are at all
interested in discussing telecom between plays and beer
commercials, remind them that on the football field of local
competition, we must remember that the BOCs, other incumbents and
new entrants are the true players, not regulators like myself. The
whole point of promoting competition pursuant to the Act is not to
provide new authority for regulators to act as quarterbacks, calling
the plays and determining who will run with the ball or catch the
game-winning pass. Instead, the Act contemplates that regulators
will serve, at most, as referees, enforcing the rules of play that will
give all participants a fair chance to score.
It is my sincere hope that if we regulators collaborate and
remember our role as referees, and obtain your constructive input as
players in the market-opening process, all of us will be able, before
the next Super Bowl, to score a touchdown in the form of both more
local telephone competition and the chance for BOCs to compete in
long distance. If that happens, I, for one, will be dancing in the end
Thank you.