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Re: Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996; Intercarrier Compensation for ISP-Bound Traffic (CC Docket Nos. 96-98, 99-68)

In this Order, we re-affirm our prior conclusion that telecommunications traffic delivered to Internet service providers (ISPs) is subject to our jurisdiction under section 201 of the Act. Thus, we reject arguments that section 251(b)(5) applies to this traffic. I firmly believe that this Order is supported by reasonable interpretations of statutory provisions that read together are ambiguous and, absent a reconciling interpretation, conflicting.

I also support the fact that this Order, for the first time, establishes a transition mechanism that will gradually wean competitive carriers from heavy reliance on the excessive reciprocal compensation charges that incumbents have been forced to pay these competitors for carrying traffic from the incumbent to the ISP. This transition mechanism was carefully crafted to balance the competing interests of incumbent and competitive telephone companies and other parties, so as not to undermine the Act's goal of promoting efficient local telephone competition.

I write separately only to emphasize a few points:

As an initial matter, I respectfully disagree with the objections to our conclusion that section 251(g) "carves out" certain categories of services that, in the absence of that provision, would likely be subject to the requirements of section 251(b)(5). (1) Section 251(b)(5)'s language first appears to be far-reaching, in that it would seem to apply, by its express terms, to all "telecommunications." (2) There is apparently no dispute, however, that at least one category of the LEC-provided telecommunications services enumerated in section 251(g) (namely, "exchange access") is not subject to section 251(b)(5), despite the broad language of this provision. Indeed, the Bell Atlantic Court appears to have endorsed that conclusion. (3) The question then arises whether the other categories of traffic that are enumerated in section 251(g) (including, "information access") should also be exempted from the application of section 251(b)(5). We answer this question in the affirmative, and no justification (compelling or otherwise) has been offered for why only one service - exchange access - should be afforded disparate treatment in the construction of section 251(g). I would note, moreover, that on the only other occasion in which the Commission directly addressed the question whether section 251(g) serves as such a "carve-out," the Commission concluded, as we do here, that it does perform that function. (4)

Nor do I find the position we adopt here irreconcilable with our decision in the Advanced Services Remand Order. (5) In discussing the term "information access" in that Order, we were not addressing the question whether section 251(g) exempts certain categories of traffic provided by LECs to ISPs and interexchange carriers from the other requirements of section 251. Rather, we addressed only the relationship between "information access" and the categories of "exchange access" and "telephone exchange service." Specifically, we "decline[d] to find that information access services are a separate category of services, distinct from, and mutually exclusive with, telephone exchange and exchange access services." (6) But under the reading of section 251(g) put forth in this Order, the question whether information access is distinct from these other services is irrelevant. Because information access is specifically enumerated in section 251(g), it is not subject to the requirements of section 251(b)(5), whether or not that category of service overlaps with, or is distinct from, telephone exchange service or exchange access.

Similarly, I reject the suggestion that section 251(g) only preserves the MFJ requirements. The language of section 251(g) specifically refers to "each local exchange carrier," not just to the Bell Operating Companies. (7) Section 251(g) also expressly refers to any "regulation, order, or policy of the Commission." (8) Such clauses support the reading of section 251(g) that we adopt today. (9)

Finally, I disagree that section 251(g) cannot be construed to exempt certain categories of traffic from the requirements of section 251(b)(5), simply because the former provision does not include the words "exclude" or "reciprocal compensation" or "telecommunications." (10) As I have said, our reading that the categories of LEC-provided services enumerated in subsection (g) are exempted from reciprocal compensation arises from our duty to give effect to both section 251(g) and section 251(b)(5). I also would point out that section 251(g) does include a specific reference to "receipt of compensation," just as the services enumerated in that section (e.g., exchange access, information access) undeniably involve telecommunications. (11)

In closing, I would only reiterate that the statutory provisions at issue here are ambiguous and, absent a reconciling interpretation, conflicting. Thus, the Commission has struggled long and hard in an effort to give as full a meaning as possible to each of the provisions in a manner we conclude is consistent with the statutory purpose. It would not be overstating matters to acknowledge that these issues are highly complex, disputed and elusive, and that what we decide here will have enormous impact on the development of new technologies and the economy more broadly. It is for their relentless efforts to wrestle with (and now resolve) these issues that I am deeply grateful to my colleagues and our able staff.

1   To be more precise, section 251(g) refers to certain categories of service provided by LECs to ISPs and interexchange carriers. 47 U.S.C. § 251(g). In this statement, I use a short-hand reference to the "categories of services" enumerated in section 251(g).

2    47 U.S.C. § 251(b)(5).

3    See cf. Bell Atl. Tel. Cos. v. FCC, 206 F.3d 1, 4 (D.C. Cir. 2000) ("Although [section] 251(b)(5) purports to extend reciprocal compensation to all 'telecommunications,' the Commission has construed the reciprocal compensation requirement as limited to local traffic."). The Court then went on to conclude that the Commission had not provided an adequate explanation of why LECs that carry traffic to ISPs are providing "'exchange access,' rather than 'telephone exchange service.'" Id. at 9. The Court does not appear to have questioned anywhere in its opinion the notion that the scope of the reciprocal compensation requirement does not extend to certain categories of LEC-provided services, including "exchange access."

4     Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996; Interconnection Between Local Exchange Carriers and Commercial Mobile Radio Service Providers, CC Dkt. Nos. 96-98, 95-185, First Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd 15499 (1996), ¶ 1034.

5    Deployment of Wireline Services Offering Advanced Telecommunications Capability, CC Dkt. Nos. 98-147 et al., Order on Remand, 15 FCC Rcd 385 (1999) (Advanced Services Remand Order); see also WorldCom, Inc. v. FCC, No. 00-1002 (D.C. Cir. filed Apr. 20, 2001) (affirming Advanced Services Remand Order on one of the alternative grounds proffered by the Commission).

6    Advanced Services Remand Order, 15 FCC Rcd at 406, ¶ 46.

7    47 U.S.C. § 251(g).

8    Id.

9    Had the language of section 251(g) been limited to the Bell Companies or to court orders and consent decrees, for example, perhaps one could construct an argument that Congress meant to limit the scope of section 251(g) to the MFJ requirements.

10     Section 251(b)(5) states that all LECs must "establish reciprocal compensation arrangements for the transport and termination of telecommunications." 47 U.S.C. § 251(g) (emphasis added).

11     As the Order suggests, Section 251(g) enumerates "exchange access," "information access" and "exchange services for such access." 47 U.S.C. § 251(g). For purposes of subsection (g), all of these services are provided by LECs to "interexchange carriers and information service providers." These three categories undeniably involve telecommunications. "Information access" was defined in the MFJ as "the provision of specialized exchange telecommunications services" to information service providers. United States v. AT&T, 552 F. Supp. 131, 196, 229 (D.D.C. 1982). The term "exchange service" as used in section 251(g) is not defined in the Act or in the MFJ. Rather, the term "exchange service" is used in the MFJ as part of the definition of the term "exchange access," which the MFJ defines as "the provision of exchange services for the purposes of originating or terminating interexchange telecommunications." United States v. AT&T, F. Supp. at 228. Thus, the term "exchange service" appears to mean, in context, the provision of services in connection with interexchange communications. Consistent with that, in section 251(g), the term is used as part of the longer phrase "exchange services for such [exchange] access to interexchange carriers and information service providers." All of this indicates that the term "exchange service" is closely related to the provision of exchange access and information access, and that all three involve telecommunications.