August 1, 1996
Re: The Nomination of Regina Keeney to the FCC
I am delighted that President Clinton has decided to nominate Regina Keeney, intrepid Chief of our Common Carrier Bureau, to serve as a member of the Federal Communications Commission. I congratulate Gina on being selected for this appointment -- and President Clinton for his wise choice.
Gina has served with distinction as Chief of two Bureaus, wired and wireless. Her leadership capabilities were put to the test by the challenge of running the Commission's auctions of radio spectrum -- a challenge she met with flying colors, administering auctions that were as fair and efficient as they were lucrative. Her greatest achievement is also her most recent: orchestrating the Herculean effort to develop rules for competition in local telephone markets.
Gina's wealth of legislative experience as counsel to the Republican members of the Senate Commerce Committee will be invaluable as the Commission continues its implementation of the most important communications legislation enacted in the past 60 years.
It has been a great pleasure to work closely with Gina during the past two years. I look forward to working even more closely with her in her new capacity.