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Federal Communications Commission
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This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).

November 19, 1998


This Notice highlights once again the important role this agency plays in spectrum management. In this case, we are addressing some extremely complicated and novel spectrum sharing scenarios in multiple bands involving a variety of satellite and terrestrial services. Because the ITU study group process is evaluating these same sharing scenarios in preparation for the year 2000 World Radiocommunication Conference, it is important that we develop in this proceeding a thorough and accurate record. The actions we take today are vital to our domestic rulemaking processes, and will also help the United States delegation to make the right decisions regarding these issues at WRC-2000.

There is tremendous, global interest in providing NGSO services in the Ku-band. At the same time, billions of dollars have been invested in incumbent services, such as DBS, to give just one example, in the United States. These incumbent services must be protected from interference from the new services. They are too important to the American public to risk harmful interference. Therefore, I strongly encourage the various parties to participate vigorously in this proceeding. Our final decision will rely heavily upon the technical studies and comments that are filed with us, and the ITU study group process. We need all interested parties' help in determining whether new NGSO operators in the Ku-band will be good spectrum neighbors with incumbent services. WRC-2000 is fast approaching. If all interested parties do not vigorously participate in this proceeding, we will not be effective at promoting U.S. interests at that important conference.