NEWS October 22, 1998 STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN WILLIAM KENNARD ON FCC'S FY 1999 BUDGET I am delighted with the $192 million that the Commission received for its FY 1999 budget. I am particularly grateful to Senators Stevens, Gregg and Hollings and Representatives Livingston, Rogers and Mollohan, and their staffs, for their support and hard work. This funding is critical to enable the FCC to fulfill its statutory mandate and respond to the important and dynamic issues before us at this time. Also, I am pleased that Congress passed the Y2K supplemental funding and I look forward to working with OMB on meeting the FCC's needs in this area. With respect to the FCC's planned relocation to the Portals building, we will continue to work with GSA on the unresolved issue of increased rent and associated costs. - FCC -