FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 3, 2000 STATEMENT OF FCC CHAIRMAN WILLIAM E. KENNARD ON REPORT ON DEPLOYMENT OF ADVANCED TELECOMMUNICATIONS CAPABILITY TO ALL AMERICANS One of my top priorities as Chairman has been to ensure that all Americans have access to the technologies of tomorrow. This report marks the first time we are able to assess the availability of advanced services using data from our recent Data Gathering Order. We see some encouraging trends. Investment is strong, subscribership is increasing, and facilities deployment grows at a rapid pace as competitors race to meet demand. Yet, while this report provides us a baseline for the future, it also shows the need for further, more sophisticated data, to give us a clearer view of deployment. I share the concerns expressed by my colleague, Commissioner Tristani, and acknowledged in the report, that our zip code data are so general that they may overstate the level of deployment. Of equal concern, the data in the report show, even at the aggregate level, that rural areas and low-income areas are much less likely to have access to advanced services. It is incumbent on us not to let these particularly vulnerable areas be left behind in connecting all Americans to high speed services. Thus, our report identifies these areas as in need of special focus. I would also be remiss if I did not take a moment to recognize the efforts of the Federal-State Joint Conference on Advanced Services. The Joint Conference held field hearings across the country on broadband deployment, which further informed our understanding of the deployment of advanced telecommunications to all Americans. In particular, I commend Bob Rowe, President of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, and Nan Thompson, Chairman of the Regulatory Commission of Alaska, for their instrumental leadership on this project. - FCC -