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Federal Communications Commission
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This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).

April 3, 2000
Michael Balmoris (202) 418-0253
Email: mbalmori@fcc.gov

Statement of FCC Chairman William E. Kennard on SBC 271 Filing

Washington, D.C. - In an ex parte filed on Friday, March 31, SBC indicated that it intends to supplement its pending application for long distance service in Texas, and asked that the 90-day clock for Commission review be restarted. The Commission's primary objective in evaluating long distance applications is to ensure that the local markets are open to competition. I am therefore hopeful that this submission will respond to my concerns and those of the United States Department of Justice.

Specifically, I believe the company needs to address the following issues that have been raised in this record:

- - the coordination, timing, and quality of providing unbundled loops to competitors, referred to as the "hot cut" process;

-- the non-discriminatory provisioning of loops used by competitors to provide advanced services; and

-- the integration of operations support systems used by competitors to obtain unbundled elements.

If the clock is restarted, I want to underscore that all parties to this proceeding will have a full opportunity to comment on any additional materials submitted in support of the application. In restarting the clock, we would follow the same comment periods as we followed in the original application.

Throughout this process, the Texas Public Utility Commission has done an extraordinary service by steadfastly insisting on an open market in Texas. I personally appreciate the commitment of Chairman Wood and Commissioners Walsh and Perlman, and look forward to working with them in ensuring that Texas consumers receive the benefits of full and open competition in the State of Texas.

-- FCC --

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