NEWS September 20, 1995 STATEMENT OF FCC CHAIRMAN REED E. HUNDT Westinghouse's assurance that it will deliver three hours of children's educational TV on CBS underscores the tremendous importance of teaching our kids, instead of harming them, with broadcast TV. But the American public ought to look this gift horse in the mouth. As Ronald Reagan said about promises, "trust but verify." The only way for the American people to verify that every TV station in every market will educate our kids is for the FCC to pass a fair rule requiring all broadcasters -- not just CBS -- to help teach our kids. Broadcasters should look up from their battles for advertising dollars and ask for such a rule from the FCC. If this doesn't happen, as President Clinton said in his letter to the FCC yesterday, American children will lose "countless opportunities to learn" from quality educational TV delivered by commercial networks for free to every home in the country. - FCC -