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In this manner, the adoption of consumer absolution may act to discourage the authorized carrier from policing these practices because frequently there will be no payments by the consumer to the slamming carrier available for them to collect. xI agree with Commissioner Powell that we should be and indeed the statute envisioned doing more to compensate the authorized carriers. These carriers are also harmed by slamming, as they lose the compensation that would have been due to them had one of their customers not been taken away in an unauthorized manner. Indeed, the authorized carrier may suffer a greater harm. The subscriber was still able to make telephone calls using the service of the slamming carrier. The authorized carrier, however, will be":&y0*0*0*%" unable to recoup the payments that should have been made by their customer. xIn addition, at least in one regard, the Commission's rules directly conflict with the statute. Section 258 states that the authorized carrier should be entitled to "an amount equal  X-to all charges paid by such subscriber after such violation." D X<ԍ#Xj\  P6G; ynXP#` ` 47 USCA Section 258.# x6X@`7X@#ѓ The Order, however, requires that authorized carriers, once obtaining monies paid by the subscriber to the slammer, must refund any excess of what the subscriber would normally have paid. Such a requirement is not what the statute requires and is especially troubling in concert with the consumer absolution provisions. xAt bottom, the statute seemed to ensure that the authorized carrier would be made at least whole, maximizing their incentive to collect from slammers. By absolving consumer liability for the first 30 days and requiring the authorized carriers to refund any excess that they do collect from a slamming carrier, the Commission is eviscerating the incentives that Congress provided to the authorized carries. xFinally, I fear that the consumer absolution mechanism adopted today may add further complications by encouraging false claims of slamming. While I appreciate the expedited industrydriven process for evaluating slamming claims, informing customers that they may have 30 days of free service with the mere allegation of a slam will only encourage fraudulent claims of slamming. Moreover, it will necessitate increased costs to be borne by all consumers for either adjudicating those claims or providing free service to those claiming to be slammed. I cannot endorse such an outcome. xThere are countless markets in the United States that work well for both consumers and businesses alike. The vast majority of these markets work on a commonlaw basis, without the striking level of government intervention found in this item. The Commission's decision today presents the extraordinary situation in which consumers recognize that a service has a price, willingly purchase that service, are satisfied with the service itself, and yet the federal government interferes to instruct the consumer not to pay for that service. Indeed, I can think of no other industry in which a federal agency has decreed such an outcome by rule. xThis form of supposedly free service is not costless. These costs are borne by legitimate carriers in the telephone industry. The long distance industry is extremely competitive and, according to one of the basic principles of economics, additional costs in a competitive industry are always reflected in higher prices. And these higher prices will be paid by all telephone consumers. That is an outcome that I see in conflict with the Telecommunications Act of 1996.  Yh$-# Xw PE37|XP#