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Re: In re: Applications for Authority to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals and Land Earth Stations via Inmarsat Satellites to Provide Domestic and International Mobile Satellite Service, File No. ITC-97-222, Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization (October 9, 2001)

Today's decision represents another significant step in the International Bureau's effort to reduce its backlog. Indeed, with this single Order, the Bureau has granted more than 60 pending applications. Since taking office, I have stressed the need for the Commission to focus on quality and timely service, and the need to reduce any remaining backlogs. Although I am pleased with the Bureau's diligence and dedication in this effort, we must remain vigilant to ensure that the backlog dragon is slayed, buried, and never rises to plague our licensees again. I look forward to working with the Bureau staff, my fellow commissioners and the Chairman to ensure that the public receives the quality service it deserves.