Diversity Resource Directory
This Diversity Resource Directory is intended to be a one-stop resource for industry executives, human resources personnel, and/or employees to go to for assistance in recruitment efforts, or in development of a program that will enhance development of a company's human capital. The Directory will contain detailed information on the diversity efforts implemented at various organizations, diversity studies performed, employment research, trade association and foundation programs, etc. This information will be a valuable resource that companies can use to implement their EEO programs and other regulatory requirements pertaining to employment diversity, as well as career advancement for all personnel. Disclaimer of Endorsement
AWRT. The American Women in Radio and Television, Inc. is a voice and resource for women in the electronic media industry. Its goal is to advance the impact of women by educating, advocating and acting as a resource to members of this industry. Its magazine, Making Waves, is published quarterly and, every year, has one issue devoted exclusively to diversity best practices.
Emma Bowen Foundation. This foundation creates career opportunities in the media industry for minority youth through a unique five-year work/study program focusing on scholastic achievement, direct work experience, and professional development. Students enter the program as high school seniors and work each summer until graduation from college.
Kaitz Foundation. Founded in 1983, the Walter Kaitz Foundation is a nonprofit organization that seeks to encourage, enhance and expand diversity in the cable and telecommunications industry.
MMTC. The Minority Media and Telecommunications Council, based in Washington D.C., is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation committed to promoting and preserving equal opportunity and civil rights in the mass media and telecommunications industries. MMTC is an association of volunteer lawyers, engineers, broadcasters, cablecasters, telecommunicators, and scholars providing pro bono services to the civil rights community on communications policy issues. MMTC represents 50 organizations before the FCC in various proceedings, including the National Council of La Raza, the Congressional Black Caucus, the National Urban League and the Office of Communication of the United Church of Christ.
NABEF. The National Association of Broadcasters Educational Foundation develops and supports educational programs and outreach initiatives designed to provide information on topical issues, increase diversity, highlight community service, and promote philanthropy.
NAMIC. The National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications is a 501(c)(6) trade association founded in 1980. Through its 17 nationwide chapters, NAMIC educates, advocates and empowers for multiethnic diversity in the telecom industry. Members include cable operators, programmers, and hardware suppliers. Every two years, NAMIC updates its report on the status of minority and employment in the telecom industry.
WICT. Women in Cable & Telecommunications has 22 local chapters and satellites serving over 4,800 members across the country. Its website features research on women in the cable industry. Its PAR Initiative, for example, measures and supports the advancement of industry women against standards such as pay equity and advancement opportunities. The website also offers online registration for all WICT events, scholarships and awards; discussion boards; and information on a variety of topics related to women in the industry.
FCC's EEO Rules. The FCC's Equal Employment Opportunity Rules prohibit discrimination and require outreach for job openings. To ensure compliance with these rules, staff members in the Policy Division of the Media Bureau oversee the broadcast and multi-channel video programming distributors (MVPD), including cable.
FCC's OCBO. The FCC's Office of Communications Business Opportunities ("OCBO") serves as the principal advisor to the Chairman and the Commissioners on issues, rulemakings, and policies affecting small, women, and minority-owned communications businesses. OCBO also implements the statutory requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act and coordinates various matters for the agency with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Best of the Best Practices. At its December 10, 2004, meeting at Florida Memorial College, a historically Black college ("HBC") in Miami, Florida, the Diversity Committee adopted a report prepared by the Career Advancement Subcommittee on the best-of-the-best practices to foster workplace diversity. The report makes several findings: 1) CEOs have a significant role in championing diversity efforts by actively participating with managers and boards of directors on company initiatives; 2) communicating within the company the business case for inclusion and diversity is vital to the success of those efforts; 3) assessment and evaluation are key factors in meeting organizational targets and goals; 4) incorporating diversity goals into performance appraisals encourages managers to make diversity a priority; and 5) training managers and staff on how to achieve diversity goals helps to disseminate guidance throughout the organization.
Best Practices Report. At its June 14, 2004, meeting the Diversity Committee adopted a report prepared by the Career Advancement Subcommittee on best practices that most effectively promote workforce diversity. The Report, entitled "Workplace Diversity: A Global Necessity and an Ongoing Commitment," surveyed leading companies engaged in diversity initiatives in an effort to examine the range of efforts being used by companies to keep pace with changing worker and consumer demographics in the 21st Century.
The Career Advancement Subcommittee sponsors and maintains this directory. The subcommittee has three objectives: (a) assess current executive training programs and other career development programs that target minorities and women in the telecom industries; (b) identify recommendations and “best practices” that would facilitate opportunities in upper level management and ownership; and (c) focus both on industry-specific measures, as well as recommendations extending across the telecommunications sectors.
How You Can Participate
There is no fee for submitting, posting, or linking to information, programs or other materials. Submissions are subject to review, approval, and edits by the Career Advancement Subcommittee. The FCC has final approval for all information and material posted on its website. Submissions must be made to the Subcommittee no later than the 15th of each month to be considered for posting in the subsequent month. The Diversity Resource Directory will list the following material:
Various industry trade association and foundation/non-profit organization websites related to the various communications fields, listed by industry segment and, subject to consent, providing hyperlinks to the respective organization’s website.
Industry-related career advancement or entry-level communications training or mentorship programs including program criteria and contact information -- with hyperlinks to each program or its sponsor.
Research studies, survey results, white papers, and reports, including the Career Advancement Subcommittee’s “Best Practices Report” and “Best of the Best” practices report -- with hyperlinks to each item or its source.
Pertinent news articles, features, and other diversity-focused resources -- with hyperlinks to each item or source.
Disclaimer of Endorsement: This Internet site contains hypertext links to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links are provided for your convenience. The Federal Communications Commission does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of this outside information. Further, the inclusion of links to particular items in hypertext are not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed or products or service offered on these outside sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.