PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET NW WASHINGTON DC 20554 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- News media information (202) 418-0500. Recorded listing of releases and texts (202) 418-2222. January 11, 1996 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU CLARIFIES FORM 175 FILIN G REQUIREMENTS FOR AUCTION OF DBS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND ANNOUNCES AVAILABILITY OF ELECTRONIC FORM 175 SOFTWARE This Public Notice clarifies certain filing requirements for the upcoming auction of two Direct Broadcast Satellite construction permits scheduled for January 24, 1996 and announces the availability of FCC Form 175 software from the Internet and FCC Bulletin Board System (BBS). In the Public Notice released December 21, 1995 announcing the DBS auction, the Commission stated that applicants should attach as Exhibit A the information, certified as truthful, that is required pursuant to 47 C.F.R.  100.79 (a) (see also 47 C.F.R.  1.2105 (a)(2)(viii)), identifying all parties with whom the applicant has entered into consortium arrangements, joint ventures, partnerships or other agreements or understandings which relate in any way to the competitive bidding process of Auction Number 8. (See 1(h) on page 5 of the December 21, 1995 Public Notice.) This information should instead be provided in Exhibit B1 of the FCC Form 175. Exhibit A should provide applicant identity information as required under 47 C.F.R.  1.2105 (a)(2)(ii) and as discussed in the instructions to Item 12 of FCC Form 175. The Bureau also announces that the FCC Form 175 application software is now available from the Internet or the FCC Bulletin Board System. See the Public Notice issued December 21, 1995 announcing the DBS Auction for detailed instructions to access the Form 175 software from the Internet or BBS (see page 2 of exhibit describing Hardware and Software Requirements and Instructions for Installing Electronic Filing Software.) Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Contacts: Diane Conley at (202) 418-0660 Jay Markley at (202) 418-0600 --- FCC ---