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Z'{   y_d'WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`~(#c DA 992322 ă  1 yx dddhy  XN@#57  PT6QNP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  y_'#&I7  PT6Qb;&P#`(# Released: October 26, 1999 ă  y_K '  WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU  #C\  P6QAP##XP\  P6QpXP#  e ' APPROVES WITHDRAWAL OF 42 APPLICATIONS  \   X\(#  "X\During the period from September 19, 1995 through February 7, 1996, MobileMedia  "Paging, Inc. (MobileMedia) filed 42 private carrier paging (PCP) applications  "(MobileMedia Applications) in which it requested a waiver of former section 90.495(a)(3)  "of the Commissions Rules, 47 C.F.R.  90.495(a)(3) (1994) (criteria for nationwide PCP  "service exclusivity). In the alternative, MobileMedia requested waiver of the Commissions Part 90 Rules pertaining to PCP service near the Canadian border.(# X\(#  "X\By letter dated October 25, 1999, Arch Communications Group, Inc. (the successorin "interest to MobileMedia) requested dismissal of the MobileMedia Applications, noting that  " [i]ntervening corporate and industry developments have rendered the Applications moot.  "JThe Policy and Rules Branch of the Commercial Wireless Division has reviewed and  "hereby approves Arch Communications Group, Inc.s request to dismiss the MobileMedia  "Applications filed on: (1) September 19, 1995, files nos. D001488D001490; (2) October  "413, 1995, file nos. D003668D003671, D003673D003682, and D003688; (3) January 26,  "1996, file no. D018592; (4) January 31, 1996, file nos. D019307D019323; (5) February  "6, 1996, file no. D022032; and (6) February 7, 1996, file nos. D022781 & D022782, and D023022D023024. (#  e\4X\ (# X\Action by the Chief, Policy and Rules Branch, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. (# X\(#  "iX\For further information, contact Richard Arsenault at (202) 4180920, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Commercial Wireless Division, Policy and Rules Branch.(#